We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.



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  • thats why i brought the question here to ask you guys what you think... so how do you feel about noed?
  • that being said though, what do you think about the perk, should it be changed or is it fine?
  • he moves faster, has probably already seen the hatch, and doesn't have to move the map in fear.. he doesnt lose power in the situation. if the survivor is found he is already dead, thats legit game over. these changes are to give him a win state barring hes able to avoid that game over
  • you dont though 25% makes no sense if the game is balanced around 2 living 2 dying, and you saying stealth , you cant stealth whispers, if there are using it right they won't leave that door for 15 secs there is no skill in watch both doors from a hill, these are skill or stealth this is basically win or lose is based on…
  • I know that Hatch Standoffs were common, what i mean by that is the collapse itself wasnt just a hatch standoff fix, the hatch closing you guys had ready a year ago, My point there was the other things the end game collapse did like forcing players out, instead of letting them run around and troll a Killer those were the…
  • the idea of making it better as time goes on would be to incentivze, the killer into searching for him, and not just waiting at the doors, right now 15 seconds is way to long and if you are in chase its impossible it means just wait to die
  • i disagree wheater or not you live or die in a 1v1 is completely luck, if the doors spawn on one side you are screwd no ifs and or buts... also what if the killer has whispers youll never get a door open
  • Thats sounds rough but that 100% what i have been seeing from being rank 6 this season and watching all my friends in red ranks that actually solo que, every other game is something like that, and unless you are a 4 man its just not fun to play against
  • plenty of people smurf in Leauge, Overwatch, CSgo name it, the only reason they dont derank is because REWARDS! they dont want to lose their prize for getting high rank. but even w/o the rewards people can still compete and grow, and carry personal titles among themselves colleges and friends
  • you aren't wrong in how things were, but there has very much been a shift in culture for d/cs form what i've seen in the last month or so, ever since the rank patch that made green purple and red ranks harder to get into ive havent seen or heard of many ppl deranking, a big part of this was they all said they had trouble…
  • i honestly don't hate the flagging idea either, as something lighter than just straight banning, but i still think rewards would stop way more d/cs then any banning would
  • there are some success cases but there are also a lot of games that do this that have failed im sure not solely for that feature but it sure it hasn't helped, and barring all the bugs and things being fixed i still feel that ppl who paid for a game are entitled to enjoy playing it, not being trapped in a game they feel has…
  • i disagree with this "DBD isnt competitive" stance i hear everywhere.. its like thrown around alot to try to discredit people achievement in a game, same was said about fortnite H1Z1 and pubG and all of those have huge Pro scenes now.. hell theres competitive speed walking and chess but everyone seems to think that DBD…
  • you arent wrong but kicking ppl out of playing when they are leaving games they dont like is just going to make people stop playing the game.. and they dont have the player numbers to really justify that
  • can't be mad at people for trying to have fun with the game they played for, its not the best but its also not just their fault they feel the way that they do.
  • i hear what you are saying but there is a major difference in both those games. one the amount of people playing them, 2 the rewards you get for playing. without having both those things i don't think dbd should really be banning for D/Cs that harshly not to mention Game Balance is a major focus in those games as well