Game health and the problem of players not enjoying the game.
Following the "survivor quitting - epidemic"- video, I found this take, which I honestly agree with. The content creator talks about multiple aspects and offers constructive criticism. Their suggestions honestly seem very reasonable and got me thinking about a possible solution to not just quitting, but to tunneling, this…
Please someone explain.
Over the years Ive seen a lot of weird stuff, but please someone explain this to me:
D&D charms
I dont like the secrecy going around with these obscure charms, so I created this post to gather information and to not let anyone in the dark. Nobody likes to miss out on something they could have gotten. Charms are mostly a one and gone thing so we should share all the information we have to make sure that everyone had a…
Pig is missing her beartrap in the lobby
I think I have said this somewhere before, but Pig is still missing her beartrap in the lobby. She has her hand like she is holding it but it just isnt there. This has now been this way for months and I really hope that it gets fixed soon. I know with all the stuff breaking right now, this might seem like a small problem,…
Setting priorities for killer changes.
This post is supposed to serve as a community - > community manager - > developers to convey how we feel about the prioritization of killer changes. I made this tier list on the fly. This means with my crappy old phone, resulting in the placement in the rows meaning nothing. Most killers could be placed above or below each…
The skull merchant situation.
There has been a lot of mixed feelings about the recently published patch notes for the upcoming ptb. The loudest feedback came from the Skull merchant changes, which are undeniably nerfs. A lot of people rejoiced about the changes due to the killer still being majorly unfavoured by the community. (Which might be linked to…
Where is it???
Trap has been missing for months. Hand is balled in anger. Can someone help Mandy find her trap?
About the Castlevania twitch drops...
Watched the whole 6 hours to be greeted by this screen and this message: Am I doing something wrong? Does anybody know what to do?
DBD content on twitch and youtube
Recently a content creator made a video about the dbd comp scene. You might have heard about it because it included some well known names. Now this video, whether people agree with the points made in it or not, has obvisouly made some people turn their heads. What did this video call out? The behaviour some content…
Why not go all out?
As many of you, Ive been playing a lot of the chaos modifier that has been out for a few days now. As someone, who already endulges in different perk builds almost every game, I had really high hopes that the rest of the playerbase would finally see the benefits of that. Sadly, I see a fatal flaw in the design of the…
Support this legendary artist!
@Xernoton and me recently ordered our favourite DBD characters from a small artist that offers to create custom plushies from all kinds of videogame characters. These being: The Milkman The most beautiful looking Ace and of course: Good ol Amanda. Here are the amazing results: The Pigs mask is detachable and Billy got a…
Can we buy charms now?
On the Ptb I saw the option to buy the old trap charm in a bundle. Is this live? (Sorry, I'm not able to check but am really interested)
Map offerings - the definitive post.
A hot topic for almost all of dbd history. Map offerings have always been a topic of discussion in this community. Some deem them unfair, others put the shame on unbalanced maps in general. Recently I seen a lot of people rooting for a removal of map offerings. I personally am for a removal as well, because they give a…
The state of shift w in Dead by Daylight
Hi guys, i played a lot less DBD in the past months because i felt really burned out and way too invested. Mostly because of all the changes happening to my two favourite killers. I felt like the game isnt being fun anymore, which is why i distanced myself. However, during this event, i thought: lets finish the rift and…
Can we post games here?
I'm recording my Sadako matches to have hard evidence of why she needs to change. Can I show / share these matches somehow? I want to help somehow...
What's the point of PTB feedback.
... If it gets ignored. Are the changes already set in stone before the Ptb goes live? All I can say is that I'm extremely disappointed. I thought that all of us dedicated players had finally achieved a breakthrough with out favourite little ghost. What happened here is beyond understandable and not defendable anymore. Not…
Merged: WE DID IT!!!
This discussion has been merged.
Underated or bad perk you just cant keep yourself from using.
All you pain res enthusiasts can leave. This is about the weird and quirky perks. What perks do you guys like. Not only because they are strong or useful in every situation. Perks that have niche but fun effects. Perks, you use despite others telling you: "wow, really? THAT perk?". Ive seen a lot of people using rapid…
Pallet and Gen - RNG creating extremely strong pallets
Yesterday i played a game on Hawkins with (who would have guessed) Piggy. I found this gen-pallet combination. This is a "god" - pallet created by gen rng. There is no way to play aruond this pallet. Is this spawn intended? Have you guys found similar spawns? I found this to be very interesting.
Badges here, Banners there
As we all know and aggre on, the new player profile option started rather underwhelming. So, I thought that we could collect ideas for possible badges and banners. With all the stats, the game already tracks in the background, I'm certain, that we can come up with a ton of interesting ideas. My ideas : Prestige 15 grants a…
#bringbackSadako IS REAL!!!!!!!
We finally won guyssssss!!!!!!
Is there a way to reaccess ptb feedback?
I'd like to find my ptb feedback to not have to repeat myself in recent discussions. Is there a possibility to reaccess these posts and what i wrote in any way?
Animations are still bugged.
Pig is bugged in the main home screen and lost her bear trap in the selection screen. Trapper is missing his traps Doctor and Myers look straight to the right. Billy and Bubba have the default Trapper animations in the lobby screen. These problems also occurred on the Ptb.
Let it snow!!!
Just got this wonderful piece of artwork from etsy-shopping. Not only do i post this to get you all into the winter mood, it also got me thinking. What do you guys expect this winter event to be? Snowmen? Maybe a snow-void? A KILLER VS SURVIVOR SNOWBALL FIGHT??? (Sorry for the poor quality of the picture)
Is this now a bug or a feature?
Pinhead. I just had a survivor trying to convince me that jumping into a locker with the box is a feature of pinhead to stop chain hunt. Last time i heard about that, it was a bug. To clarify, she jumped into the locker, box in hand, I pulled her out of the locker, box dissappeared and chain hunt got reset to zero. Just…
Pig and Trickster. I feel kinda insulted.
Soooo.... We have all read about the changes coming in the Ptb. We (all) rejoiced about mft nerfs and maps shrinking. The changes to trickster seem to be rather controversial from what I've seen so far. Most of this is about his movement speed and the changes to main event. However, one "small" line made me honestly kinda…
Ultimate weapon is too strong. Especially on Freddy.
It activated one time in the match. Please fgeel free to post your memes. Ill start: DARN
Return of the Boop mask
Nothing big, I just wanted to say thank you BHVR for making it possible to claim this mask again. I missed out on it last time, which is a shame as a huge Boop enthusiast 🐽 Claim it now if you missed out on it too!!!
Tile fairness for m1 killers
As some of you know, i main pig. I played this killer for a very long time. What can i say. I love m1 killer mindgames and the typical survivor vs killer gameplay. Pig gives me enough time to play that. But thats just one of the reasons i love this killer so much. Now to the topic at hand. Now that we have made for this in…
The end of a fun, engaging and unique killer. Im dissapointed BHVR!!!
Im sad to see this happening. I have done my best do avert it. My friend told me over and over: "It wont come to live this way -- they had enough feedback" . I gave my feedback on the Sadako - changes in almost every situation possible and tried to make a change possible. I was positive and constructive. Im dissapointed…
Please let us reason
Now that the dust has settled we have the problem clear as day. Sadakos rework is horrible for soloq. Countering her is pretty hard and required a lot of communication. On the other hand, condemning people is very simple now, so what players like myself and others did prior to the rework is now super easy and accessible to…