Doctor stuck in animation
On Hawkins. While changing the blast explosion (L1 on ps4). I remain stuck on the floor in a door.
Audio huntress bug
Non lullaby. I conti know if the guy was cheating, but he has literally zero lullaby all the match. Aldo non chase music I suppose, only heartbeat (I conti know if there is this chase music with also other killers, I play on ps4).
Matchmaking Locked!?!
not new to the game but it keeps crashing multiple times when I play on PS4 and on PS5 no other games do this I don't know what to do I got a 6hr ban and it'll happen the next time it crashes anyways so I may aswell go myself right?
Authoheven bus broken
Like title. The killer jumps when enter the bus, broke your camera and collision. I was deathslinger. Please fix.
No puedo entrar a partida, mi pantalla se queda congelada en la carga.
Al intentar entrar a partida, la carga desaparece y solo se ve el icono de dbd y se queda congelado.
Not able to log in, also ps4 goes like an airplane
Hey guys, i’ve been playing the game for legit about almost 4 years.. i’ve never had major issues. But around a week ago, i tried to log in... and it keeps giving me the error ‘you need a network connection to play this’ while i have perfectly fine internet, i also play Overwatch and other online games and those work…
When you turn the right green joystick to the right, the camera makes small movements to the left
When you turn the vision (right joystick) the screen freezes and shifts to the left, it's really annoying.
No puedo conectar con otros jugadores[Ps5]
Buenos días. Tengo un problema con la versión de Ps5 de Dbd. El caso es que le da error cuando me invitan y también error cuando invito yo a jugar. He borrado el juego y lo he vuelto a instalar pero no se soluciona. Pensaba que se arreglaría con algún parche, pero veo que no. Por si sirve de algo, empezó cuando estaba…
Survivor impossibile to pick up at shack.
Like title. Downed at auto heaven second floor of shack at the bottom of the locker near the door.
Pallet Bugs
Hello all, I'm sure this has been a widely discussed topic but pallet drops in this game are less than sub par. I can't tell you how many times I pre drop a pallet (when the killer hasn't lunged) and they still hit me through the other side) or when you're dropping a pallet on the killer and it both stuns them and knocks…
error de archivos en ps4
cada vez que juego 2 partidas me echa con un error desconocido ya reinstale 4 veces el dbd y no funciona y sinceramente agota la paciencia y no todos nos podemos permitir un pc para pasarnos como es mi caso y me gustaria solucion a este problema
Unbreakable walls
Like title. In the central opened zone of Midwich. Can brake the wall only from one side. This also happens sometimes with downed pallets.
PS4 No nos deja jugar de a cuatro
Hola, mi problema es que a mi y a unos amigos no nos deja unirnos a una sala los cuatro, entramos 3 y al cuarto le sale que el grupo esta lleno Intentamos de todo pero no deja ya hace mucho tiempo hay problemas en las salas de ps4 pero se podia jugar despues de reiniciar muchas veses y ahora no Tengo entendido que hay…
Dpip on DBD
Does anyone face this problem! Every time I close the game and open it I loose 1 or 2 pips I was rank 1 killer and went back to rank 2
Hola equipo de dead by daylight, soy de ps4. les queria reportar un bug muy grave que me a pasado ya dos veces y es muy molesto e imposible de jugar, las pruebas de habilidad no me aparecen en toda la partida ya sea para reparar ni curar a mis compañeros, Y lo mas grave que da una especie de speedhack que los killers no…
I can't play survivor
I just wanna play but this doesnt let me, playing killer has no issues but this does
Buried Underground Challenge
I dont know if it only me, but I cant progress in this challenge at all. I've hooked survivors in the basement, I've sacrificed survivor in the basement, heck, I even did all in one match, but nothing. Idk if its a ps4 problem or what, but i just can't.
¿El sistema de pepitas está roto nuevamente?
Hoy tuve tres partidas en las que me han quitado pepitas. En dos de estas, hice pepitas, pero no me las contaron y me dejó con 0. Tengo una captura de pantalla de uno de esos en los que realmente me da una pepita, pero luego me muevo por las páginas para ver los puntos y se ve que estos desaparecieron. Mis otros 2…
Seriously, the amount of lag on Killers side is game breaking. Fixing this has to be top of the list
For days, playing killer has been unenjoyable because of serious bad lagging. Walking into walls, walking one way and then ending up in another, survivors teleporting from one place to another. Survivor side works fine, but playing killer is lagging and buffering, i can barely activate a killer ability because of how long…
Cant pick up a survivor budget in a point
Swamp. Playing clown ps4. Survivor budget between basement stairs and wall.
Hooked survivor sound bug
So this happened a few times, always on the cold wind farm map and a dead hooked survivor continue to groans after been sacrificed and “consumed” by the entity.
Sem poder pegar o sobrevivente derrubado
Não consegui pegar o sobrevivente no chão quando ele caiu no canto da parede ... Eu fiz um vídeo e tbm to colocando aqui, mas não sei se vai enviar... Então tirei print do vídeo pra qualquer desconfiança !
Just played vs a Plague, cleansed myself while sick and didn't get healed
The title says it all. Cleansed myself while sick and didn't get healed. Killer was using no addons and only 1 perk, corrupt intervention.
Bubbas masks
I have sacrificed about 35 Jake's and 20+ Dwight's and have not gotten either masks
Map Offerings
I was playing as a killer and used a Map Offering to autoheaven and it was the only one. Survivors used 2Lucky offerings and the new lunar offerings(2 as well), well as I said used autoheaven offering and was sent to Yamaoka… this happened to you to guys
Cellules d'ora non reçues
Bonjour,je vous contacte car j'ai acheté des cellules d'ora mais je ne les ai pas reçues,en conséquent j'aimerais être remboursé. Je vous remercie
Depip despite getting over the black marker
Recently I’ve noticed I still depip even when my meter falls between the black pip and the first pip.
Error al aceptar invitaciones
Buenas tarde quisiera ayuda o saber xq cuando un amigo me invita no me. Deja unirme y si yo le invito tampoco le deja siempre sale error quisiera ayuda en eso ya q lleva días así
Le hitbox dopo l'aggiornamento sono peggiorate moltissimo. Il killer quando prova a colpire riesce a colpire da una distanza elevata usando l'arma principale.
No me deja jugar con mi amigo y los dos somos de ps4
Mi problema es que cuando mi amigo me invita o yo lo invito a el no nos deja unir nos dice ya te uniste y al rato bota un error de juego y no podemos jugar
Immortal totem
On farm mappa, under the machine. Cant destroy it.
Play with friends bug
I‘ve been having some trouble lately. I used to play with my friend all the time and then after a match once, it just randomly disconnected us. Now we cant join each other. We‘ve tried everything including deleting and re downloading the game with no luck. Is someone able to help me and my friend out? Or will this bug be…
Saloon frontal entrance stairs
Bugged in the corner of the stairs while carring a survivor to the hook as trapper.
Reinicio Bug
Hola buenas hoy han sido los reinicios pero a muchos nos sigue apareciendo el rango que ya teniamos tanto de survivor como de killer he reiniciado el juego y de survivor me han quitado solo un nivel .
Missão de enganchar 4 pessoas no porão não progride
Já enganchei e matei os 4 no porão e mesmo assim o desafio não pontua nada. Foram vários Killers e mapas diferentes.
Bug en los puntos de sangre.
Recién compré a Kate y le subí de nivel a 23 usando 500,000 puntos de sangre. Pero cuando volví a iniciar sesión ya era nivel 1 y solo tenia la mitad de puntos de sangre, ¿Sabes que puedo hacer en estos casos?
Error puntos de sangre
No me aparece los objetos y las ofrendas compradas con los puntos de sangre me he gastado 300.000 puntos y no me han aparececido dejo mi id de ps4 davidlinense-_- Porfavor arreglen lo que compre o devuelvanme los puntos que gaste gracias.
Skill check delay bug (possible ps4 only bug)
I play on Playstation 4, so this could possibly only be a bug for this console. I have always had really good internet when it comes to video games, and I know my controller is not the problem as it works fine for every other game, especially with L1, anytime when I click a skillcheck, it delays greatly and most of the…
cold wind farm rancid abattoir totem bug
Totem isnt accessible. I along with other survivors all attempted to break it but no prompt came up for us. We tried moving all around but it still couldn't be reached.
Desconexiones injustificadas
Desde el 25 de octubre se me desconecta del servidor a la de buscar partida y cuando estoy jugando se me desconecta de la partida y me penalizan injustamente además para jugar tengo que reiniciar el juego para buscar y no me de ese fallo
Moved: I bought aura cells and didn't receive
This discussion has been moved.
Error de inicialización??
Desde la última actualización me da error de inicialización y no me deja entrar al juego. También me salen estos errores los cuales no entiendo ya que conexión a internet me sobra de hecho en otros juegos me va perfectamente. Alguien sabe como arreglarlo? Gracias.
Não consigo entrar na sala do meu amigo.
Quando meu amigo aceita o convite, ele entra na sala mas n aparece no looby, e quando eu do pronto não vai nunca pra partida, alguém sabe oq é isso ? Jogo no ps4.
Error al Guardar
Hola, me podían apoyar a corregir este problema? ya llevo un tiempo sufriendo con este error y ya llego a un punto que es itolerante e irritante ya que no me deja jugar porque saca de la partida o del juego siempre, me sale ya sea cua do estoy en el menu, buscando una partida, al finalizar una partida o en medio de una…
Desde la nueva actualización el juego es imposible de jugar, va lageado todo el tiempo, he desinstalado y vuelto a descargar el juego y sigue igual!!!
Fallo en el trofeo de Bruja experto
Cuando completas las especificaciones del trofeo, las cuales son hacer una victoria despiadada con la bruja utilizando unicamente sus 3 perks ( ruina, tercer sello y devorador de esperanza) no te dan el trofeo, lo he completado 2 veces y no se puede obtener el trofeo, por favor arreglen este fallo.
Aim Assist
The aim assist is all buggy, when a survival makes a 360, the camera does not follow and simply crashes making you miss the hit, I would like you to come back with the option to turn aim assist off!
Killer slowed movement exploits
ive been playing DBD for some time now and ive noticed with certain players there is something that causes your killer to move slower. those players act really cocky I mean abnormally cocky and they end up having other abilities too. For instance my match i just played against these players caused me to become slowed. Not…
Just bought my Chains Of Hate DLC and lost it
So i got scammed basically today i bought the dlc and lost it the worst part is i lost leatherface and ashley too that i bought 2 months ago. If i could get my stuff back that i used my money on it would be appreciated My nickname on ps4 is: Valistic_
Why all my game mode is locked
I pay ps plus and is still locked