We have seen the future of this game, please stop DC'ing.


I know that the new Rift Pass is shaking everyone to their core. There are new challenges and some of them are going to be really, REALLY hard. I can see that a lot of them are well intended and were put there by the Devs to encourage trying new characters/unique builds which could be a really good thing for this game. I like it, I really do!

I just have a big ask for the players. Please don't make these challenges your constant priority! And for the love of God please stop DC'ing because you aren't going to complete a challenge that match. Please try to continue the match while focusing on the goals you would have before the archives existed.

Let's face it. The archives are the new normal. It looks like each rift will go for 10 weeks and I'm assuming a new one will start at that point. I really don't want this game to get destroyed because people start viewing these challenges as things that must be completed at any cost. Rampant DC'ing will only make this game more unbalanced and frustrating. Please just stay in the match and get whatever bloodpoints you can and don't ruin the experience for everyone else. I beg you!!!