Dead Hard on Dedicated Servers?
So uh, I feel like DH is kinda weird right now. Almost every time when I want to use it in the last moment while killer is swinging it just gives me an exhaustion and BANG, am down. It's probably Dedicated Servers' ping, but I would like to know if it bothers someone else?
Best Answer
Because of how Dedicated Servers work, you no longer can just use Dead Hard at the last second to gain I-Frames and avoid every hit... you have to use it more tactically and more so to extend a loop, rather than using it to just avoid anything.
It's kind of a good thing this has happened, but this has been happening... probably because DH doesn't work off of the Killers connection anymore to dictate the I-Frames.
That, or it was an intentional change... either way it's a fair nerf.
yup you have to predict to use it, or just use it to reach a pallet. you can't use it in the last moment anymore to dodge an hit.