The rift is too grindy

The tomes give you approximately 90 rift fragments assuming you play both survivor and killer so that is 360 fragments. The rift needs 690 fragments for tier 70 to be unlocked so that leaves us with 330 fragment to be farmed by game experience.

1 rift fragment equals 800 exp

10 rift fragments needed for a tier to be unlocked

So to farm one tier you need to play around 14 games assuming you last in a game for about 10 mins (1sec of game time = 1exp, 10mins = 600exp the cap for one game, 14 x 600 = 8400, you wont always get 600 exp out of a game)

In order to unlock the entire rift you need around 460 games which is absurd. The rift lasts for 70 days that means you need to play 6-7 games EVERY DAY. You can shave off a game every day by getting your first game of the day bonus but still that's a lot of games. Keep in mind the queue times for killer and sometimes survivor are long.

I don't know if the devs intended for the rift to this grindy, if they did it saddens me deeply and I regret buying it.

Possible solutions:

Raise the number of rift fragments earned per levelup to two cutting the games needed in half, or put more challenges for possibly more fragments.

