Well, thanks Devs and Mods i guess



  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    I hope they do realize, it'll be very bad for the killer sided community, the ques will be So long after a spirit nerf, nobody would wanna play killer anymore due to it.. We don't want what happened to last time this sorta stuff happened

  • Leobolics
    Leobolics Member Posts: 28

    I prefer that nobody play as killer instead of having no fun and frustration playing against unbalanced killers, the pallets against her is a joke, she has no vault animation, her phase mode is super easy to learn and track survivors even with iron will because she has an add-on that let you see the blood of the survivors and another one that she can't see the scratch marks but goes super fast, is not fair that's it, it's not the comunity fault that there is always a toxic SWF team

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507
    edited November 2019

    Godforbid you play a killer that is actually viable and not easy to be bullied.

    How dare you play a good killer!

    its so unfortunate that any killer that happens to be viable in any way, they will get nerfed because survivors will continue to cry. It disgusts me and many others that the devs cave in so easily to survivor tears.

    The power role is dedicated to the survivors. Simple as that.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    In 2 years of DbD I never had to DC because I was held hostage by the killer / survivor. Instead I see at least 5 DCs in my 5-6 games per day, often even more.

    I agree with you, the issue is not the option, but the abuse - still, remove the option and the abuse may as well diminish, for example in those DCs a few seconds before being hooked.

    As you know: l'occasione fa l'uomo ladro :).

  • CantDrownIfASiren
    CantDrownIfASiren Member Posts: 46

    that logic is flawed bud. overpowered is not a challenge, its just broken. Spirit can still be challenging to go up against she just needs some tweaking so all the lazy players stop using only her for free wins.

  • jzinsky
    jzinsky Member Posts: 112

    If the devs don't want it to happen then why keep the option?

  • Leobolics
    Leobolics Member Posts: 28

    What do you mean with viable? Viable means that the only defense that a survivor has is jukes, pallets and mind game the spirit don't even care about it? At least against the nurse pre patch you could mind game her but against the spirit that doesn't exist, I main both killer and survivor and been player for a year straight and the spirit is completely unbalanced and deserves a nerf asap, you all who main the spirit just want a pay-to-win in this game that's it.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507
    edited November 2019

    What ever you say, Rank 21. She is definitely unbalanced.....right :)

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    On the topic of Spirit, Outside of a few changes like Prayer beads and maybe some add ons needing a rework, her needing a vault animation, no collision to survivors when phasing and collision added to objects like grass and corn. I think Spirit is just fine.

    I'm sorry but as long as SWF is in the game there needs to be killers that can put up a fight. The same things said against a Good Spirit can be said against a Good SWF. Both are incredibly hard to counter and are unfun to face against.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    No killers no matches. So if you prefer as no one playing as killer............. what matches are you going to play at all?

    and after the spirit nerf who is next? Billy? then huntress, Freddy and down the line we go until everyone is nerfed into the ground and we are playing ring around the rosey.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    They're God complex, tbagging survivors until they face a level playing field. Listen, I don't like to face Spirit, I loathe Myers, and am tired of seeing Ghost Face. But what do I do? Suck it up, be a man, and decide not to DC.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    While someone is claiming there is punishment for DC I can confirm with the team I play with nightly there is ZERO punishment for DC. I've reported my own team quitting 9 games out of 10 a night because it's ruin, hillbilly, sprit etc... It is so irritating but I don't quit playing with my team because solo survive is worse than playing with quitters.

    Tldr dead by daylight cannot punish DC on Xbox because it is an option they built in and on first punishment game pass would revoke them for breaking Microsoft tos! Point blank, until DC is removed from the menu, pressing start and pressing Y to quit were built in therefor encouraged. Other games to DC one must fully quit the game or unplug their internet..

    Unfortunately DC also happens because a killer is lagging everyone out 1 in 6 matches on Xbox sometimes higher.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293
    edited November 2019

    I went against a prayer beads spirit earlier while I was doing a daily for David no one dc'd also spine chill is really good against her

  • Kalel
    Kalel Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2019

    Well with all the whining done by survivors nowadays it's just a matter of time before they nerf her, throw in the fact all new maps are huge and you have a couple of killers that can apply map pressure, most killers are olso outdated and in need of reworks. Also totems are useless for a killer because after a few matches on every map survivors know where totems are, not to mention maps show up in chests more frequently than before which only aids in discovering everything. It's a survivor world we just gotta deal with it!

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    We hit the point where only Freddy is capable of stopping 4 minutes gen rush games and force it into 10 minutes, cause Dev doing nothing about the biggest issue in the game for killers, not cause they whine but because 2 gens are done before killer even reaches the furthest gen, that, that's is easy, I mained killer for long, struggled to the top, but made it, thought it must be actually hard as survivor and I'm moaning over just good players in general, nope, first game, easy win, second game, easy win, third game, that wasn't too bad spirit was fun to go against, won though, going through survivor ranks was super easy, rank 1 in a day, #########? All my games were 4-6 minutes long and only Freddy was the closest to winning cause it dragged to 10-15 minutes (1 day was exaggerated, but it did take 2 days) survivors aren't at a killers mercy as it should be, killers are at the survivors mercy, surviving should be hard, not 4 minutes, I was so bored for those 2 days I went into a game and said to myself "another win" and 90% I was right, I lost many times as a killer, but I see why, I don't suck, surviving is too easy, we need fromsoft to have a play with this, make survivors struggle as it should be, not to an impossible level, but enough that a good survivor is a great survivor and not some guy that knows a killer would be spending too long to look around the area a survivor is cause they can go to where a killer searched and back again then he leaves cause a gen popped, then survivors has the audacity to DC cause the killer used noed? (Not myself very often, in certain builds that makes the game actually as it should be, with a feeling of dread) and after the spirit nerf when it happens, literally Freddy is all that'll remain, then survivors will cry cause, muh gen rush slow, we need killers powers buffed, make the bad survivors go to the rank 20 where they belong and the good survivors actually feel like they played an actual game and not point gain simulator, for real, survivor easily 35k with minimal effort, killer not so much, you got to work for it, thus as much as it probably won't affect the game, I will be pausing from the game, cause right now, it's dull, to win you just play survivor and not be stupid, and get loads of points for basically half the effort the killer had to use, also saying to put pressure on gens don't work when you're too slow to even get to them, 3 gen strats are all a killer can do and that's not exactly good, the other 4 basically shouldn't even exist at this point, all I ask in a future update is that gens can't be don't within 10 seconds (timed on 4 man gen with top repair stuff, 10 sec flat, how a killer meant to get there?)

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Well Hexy said lots of stuff that made sense on his stream.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited November 2019

    DCs are not tolerated in any way, and soon, when the developers do something called the "Ban Wave", you'll some threads where people are upset because they been banned for DCing. Community members who been apart of the community for a while know what I'm talking about. Therefore, BHVR does care about your experience and they don't tolerate DCing.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • TheTrueLynX
    TheTrueLynX Member Posts: 17

    DCing should force you to wear a DC symbol as a charm for 48 hours and you lose 10% of your bloodpoints each time you do it. As well as a L charm and a I DCd charm. Each charm giving you 10% less xp.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    I like this. It's both embarassing and a good deterrent.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    The current system is based on how many % games you DC in. Having the system automatic will allow players to predict when they will be banned and thus, know where the DC threshold is at.

    For example, here's a list of players who got banned according to their DC ratio:

    Player A: 5 DCs in 25 games

    Player B: 10 DCs in 50 games

    Player C: 2 DCs in 10 games

    Player D: 20 DCs in 100 games

    If every player were to gather their results, they got banned right when their DCs % reached 20%. Therefore, those players will now know to DC as much as they want as long as they don't hit 20% or more.

    That's why the developers don't have the system automatic. ?

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    what if i have to buy bread everytime i get into a match against a spirit

  • Tangero
    Tangero Member Posts: 119

    If thats true do the thing the overwatch does and let it tell you that the guy you reported got banned

  • Tangero
    Tangero Member Posts: 119

    The fact that they allowed dcing at twitch rivals is the most stupidest thing ive ever heard

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Can't die to spirit if you DC, 4head


  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    That was Tyde which is weird that he would encourage DC'ing because he's said he enjoys playing killer more than survivors but yet you see him on twitch rivals justifying a DC vs nurse.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    But its Tyde. He is about as credible as a wet rag.

  • ChilledOcean
    ChilledOcean Member Posts: 31
    edited November 2019

    The only problem with a system that punishes you for DC is kinda messed up when the game sometimes kicks people out for no reason. Like the player didn't DC but the game views it as that because of some connection issue. I get it. Sucks that they DC but also ranks don't matter because it's dbd and u can be in green ranks and get straight reds.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Akira27
    Akira27 Member Posts: 1

    Nowadays if a killer is viable survivors demand a nerf, it sucks.. A lot

  • raulblideran
    raulblideran Member Posts: 225

    My bad, forgot to mention that after you don't dc for a while the timer increments down by 1 stage. The way it is in cs:go

  • Krystress
    Krystress Member Posts: 52

    I feel like after Spirit, there will be another killer who people will not want to go against. Will it ever end?