Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Face camping killers

First of all, I love this game. I play it every day and have for over a year. But let's be honest: these killers who face camp need to be stopped. It's annoying, pathetic, rude and uncalled for. I play survivor and killer. I never camp. Period. Nothing makes me more angry in this game than that. There has to be a severe punishment for this. Doesn't matter what ranks, most do it. Low level or high. Makes me never want to play again. And if you tell me "just don't get caught" go eat a pallet. I don't give a crap if you catch me. Give me a chance to get away. Play with dignity.

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  • Member Posts: 106
    edited November 2019

    Removing "grab from unhooking" may change this situation and also no points for farming still one survival.

    But devs don't care about solutions. Only if you pay for it, new perks will be introduced. :)

  • Member Posts: 7,383

    How would you "stop" it?

  • Member Posts: 106

    Dynamic entity progress? No progression if the killer is within 10 meters range? Slow progression 10-15, ... medium and normal?

    Remove grab option.

    Build-in borrowed time?

    Killers have lot of opportunities and ways how to slow down the game. Stupid hex ruin grant me lot of 4K games yesterday. Lets hook survivor and walk to check the gens. oooh, scratch marks around gen lets hunt someone else. Two others are off the gen rushing (hooked and saver). Only one is working on totem/gen.

    Look, there is no reason to walk in 15m circles around the hook. Only if you want to feel the pain of bullying someone with tunneling. Then so.

  • Member Posts: 7,383

    Oh something that was already tested? And was abused by survivors?

    Why remove a grab option? That would be pretty inconsistent with other grabs.

    And no, Borrowed Time is a strong tool when it's a perk.

    And you're right. It's the most time efficient thing to not camp, but not in all situations.

  • Member Posts: 106

    1) Abused - What kind of abusing do you mean? Killer abusing when he facecamp and wait for moment when you touch the hooked? Killing survivor shoud be about hunting (and footprints tracking), not glitching the situations like a basement camping.

    2) Borrowed time should not be a perk. We need perks to keep this game fair dude? - thats terrible. Borrowed time providing one hit (no GOD mode) protection for few seconds after unhooking. If you think that borrowed time is strong, something is wrong with your gameplay. As a killer, how many times I ve hit someone with borrowed time? Maybe once when I ve followed someone which running to the hook location and I was not sure who is who when they running across to me.

    This is same situation like Decisive Strike. I remember one streamer which cryed that he get 4 DS. This doesn't mean - DS is overpowered or we are "toxic swf". This is about fact that something is wrong with his gameplay when he still walking around hook and then tunneling hooked survivor to get DS 4 TIMES.

    In good games there are mechanics like god mode for a few seconds after respawn to avoid sniping the spawn point. From this perpective, DBD is not good game.

  • Member Posts: 7,383

    1) Abused, but by survivors. Making the killer stand near the survivor while the other 1/2 surv do gens.

    2) It should. And i actually play BT and you know how survivors who aren't getting tunneled use it? To block a hit for their rescuee. Making someone basically invurnable for a couple of seconds is strong, it's like current DS

    3) DS - Depending on situation, was he destroying the team thus DS making it basically imposible to do anything? Was he actually tunneling? Those little things make a diffrence in arguements.

    "Spawn Points". Yeah, in those games you die and respawn. After you die in dbd you go back to your respawn point - the campfire which kinda gives you a god mode till a new trial.

  • Member Posts: 4

    My suggestion to fix it: 50% less points for doing it. Or if you do it anyway, ban the killer for an hour every time they face camp. For every person they do it to. Do it 1x a match, automatic 1 hour ban. 2x, 2 hour ban. And so forth. That would stop the stupidity. But the devs don't seem to care about the survivors, just placating the killers. No punishments for them. But take all the items away from survivors, like Insta heals. Really frustrating. And yeah, stun with a pallet but give the killers a perk to where it's pretty much useless. That is really fair.....

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    Put it this way, if you ban people for face camping then your lobby times are going to get hit even harder. It's a legit strategy, maybe one you don't like but hey, i don't like SWF but I still have to put up with it. What rank are we talking out of interest?

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    Judging by how they say DS is anti-tunnel only, and BT isnt even a strong perk, I would say nothing higher than green ranks.

  • Member Posts: 4

    I have been a rank 1. Right now, I am a 5. It doesn't matter the rank. Pretty much everyone does this, rank 20- 1. Out of like 30 matches, 2 might not camp or tunnel. Usually do both. He'll, I'll wait an hour for a match if the killer plays respectfully. If there is no punishment, they will continue to do so.

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    I'm not a high rank at all and borrowed time is one of my favourite survivor perks. Hell i had a doctor do nothing for the entire game but shock people. My guess he was going for the end game collapse kills. Anywho, fifth gen pops and noed kicks in. He downs someone and face camps, luckily one of the other survivors noticed i was hiding close by and managed to distract while i went in with borrowed time. He downed the distraction and hooked. The dude that i just saved with borrowed took the free hit to distract again, i went in with another save. We all escaped. One of the best perks in the game and i'm a yellow rank solo survivor (Killer main but playing survivor for the challenges). Survivors kinda fun when you get the hang of it!

  • Member Posts: 106

    Remove "grab" option for killer and move borrowed time to the base mechanics. EZ.

    And stop crying that BT is toooo OP. One hit protection for few second after unhook should be matter of course and if the killer play fair, never be needed. Hook someone and go to track another one.

  • Member Posts: 472

    It's already incredibly time-inefficient to facecamp, and yet some killers still do it. No matter how many incentives there are not to facecamp, there will always be facecampers.

    There's also the fact that facecamping is not bannable, nor should it ever be bannable - securing a kill is a strategy that some killers follow, despite it being inefficient.

  • Member Posts: 106

    How the one survivor near hook can force killer to stay here also? No, you are just that kind of killer which still walking around the hook and waiting for oportunity to hit freshly saved survivor again. And made the BT in game kit will destroy your gameplay.

    Thats a reason why I am ignoring you. No cares about killer abusing, but survivors mmmm, they can abuse everything.

  • Member Posts: 875
    edited November 2019

    It’s a video game dude. Just move on to the next match. If you’re rank 8-20, you’re going to get face campers. You might face them above, and depending on the situation, it’s a valid strat.

    too often, survivors complain about camping in these situations:

    1) you down 2 players. You hook them in close proximity. You have zero incentive now to leave. Blame falls on the 2 who went down

    2) you down someone, and 2 or more survivors are seen while you hook. Now they’re hiding, but you know they are close. One or both then show themselves a bit. They have just screwed the guy on hook, because as killer, you know only 1 person can be working on gens

    3) Hooked in the middle of a 3 gen strat - say goodbye

    4) have been playing fair but need someone dead, so you force struggle on a survivor before rotating

    yes, rank 20 face camping is annoying to face in rank 1. At the same time, 3 gens should be popping while you have at least 30 seconds on struggle.

  • Member Posts: 7,383

    You know.... by just being near the hooked survivor. Should killers just give a free unhook if they literally can see the other survivor?

    And no. Ofc i will go back if i see someone LITERALLY RUNNING TO THEM IN MY POINTS OF VIEW. And i play survivors mostly and even then i use my BT to tank a hit for someone else even if they weren't tunneling. Cause that's optimal.

    Oh yeah, because when Legion abused moonwalking that was fine right?

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