To All Who Think Spirit is OK in her Current State:
(This was originally a reply to someone else but I believe it deserves its own post)
Imagine that the roles are reversed, when a survivor activates their power every 15 seconds they can go invisible, leave no way of tracking but know exactly where you (the killer) is because of sound, grass, corn etc. Now imagine if this happened at every loop, for every survivor. You wouldn’t want to play. Now imagine this happened more often in red ranks, every few games, or multiple consecutive games in a row. You wouldn’t like GUESSING where the survs go every chase, would you? Now that you have read this, please tell me how, as killer, you would counter the survivors?
Now switch the roles back.
Because I will be attacked and questioned because I have an opionion, I would like to state now that I am a killer main, because the ‘salty survivor main’ rep that survivor mains have right now was mostly a thing in the past when Nurse mains would do anything to keep their op addons and 5 blinks.
Being a ‘survivor main’ is now used to stereotype you to shrug off your VALID opinions because being a survivor main immediately makes you a whiny, crying baby in the eyes of quite a lot of killer mains. The irony is that survivors have had more taken away from them over the years (understandably so), because of killers crying about imbalance and unfairness. Now that Nurse is more fair, killers are latching on to their next big offendor (Spirit) and are doing anything to keep her the way she is, when all survivors are asking for is for a way to counter her, not nerf her into the ground.
If you are reading this and feel triggered, then you are indeed a Spirit main.
I say she is ok from a survivor perspective so swapping the roles wouldn’t mean much for me.
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"I would like to state now that I am a killer main"
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This is aimed at those who deny that survivors aren’t having fun. I know you like playing against her, but majority don’t, I’m trying to teach the Spirit mains that deny her power is unfun for most survivors some empathy.
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Freddy main (killer) and Nea + Steve mains (survivors). Red ranks in both roles, xbox, I play 6/10 games as killer
When I'm spirit I do get to play against good survivors (I DO NOT dodge lobbies) in purple and red ranks and get from 2 - 4 kills per game.
When I'm a survivor and go against a red rank spirit (unless it's the school girl skin with glowing head who is a god tier gamer on Xbox) I survive 1/2 games.
For me, in purple and red ranks, spirit is fine. The only thing I'd change is Prayer Beads, that addon is actually pretty buffed (not OP)
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And here you are, confirming my point exactly. I am a killer main, all p3 bar Nurse and Myers. Don’t want to believe that Spirit is unfun? Then you are the problem.
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As a survivor - I like how she is and I think maybe instead of showing up scratches you just made survivor noises +100% louder could be fun. but no personally I do like how she is
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This is not a post about balance. I survive against Spirit, too, but I dont have fun.
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Ok, then I guess I'm one of the few players who actually have fun against and as spirit
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I dislike playing against hillbilly more - I think his map control is by far the most broken thing in the game.
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That’s great, glad you have fun against her :) as long as you understand that most survivor mains do not like going against her because of lack of counterplay.
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Considering survivors get ahead by seeing us around corners I dont have to imagine any of what you just said because its pretty much killer reality..spirit is a mind game killer throughout and fighting her adds a lovely bit of spice to the chase as it breaks the monotony of running in circles..and while we are on the subject..if fun is a talking point for balance than why did this unfunny nurse change go through? Why do exaustion perks get to activate so often ? Why do people treat fun as a balance tool only when its survivor players standing to a supposed killer player this should disgust you as much as it does others
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to quote someone else "survivor mains don't want spirit to be nerfed into the ground they just want some way to counter her" Your correct though there isn't hardly any counter play and it is super unfun to play against.
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Billy is an ok killer in my opinion. I have fun against him because he has chase potential :)
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I also like to play against her. Prayer is a little over the top imo ~▪~
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Em...i would agree completely, if this game would be a 1v1. But it's a 1v4. The two roles are not comparable that easy. The killer is supposed to be strong and scary.
And about nurse. Play her on red ranks and tell me her base power is "balanced" again.
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Fun is subjective and you shouldn't base an argument about it, if you think spirit has no counter play then why do chases last different times? If there truly was nothing survivors could do to delay her ever how are there different amounts of times she chases people?
And the whole "sHEs JuSt BAd" argument is the same as saying a survivor makes one mistake and gets hit therefore the survivor is awful, dont question if the killer did something to mindgame the survivor it's just the survivor is bad.
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This isn’t about balance or wanting Spirit nerfed, the point of this post is to show you why most survivors dislike Spirit. Would you like not being able to see or track a survivor? It’s not real, its a hypothetical to figure out if you would find that fun to play against. Don’t take it literally, as of course this is not the same in a 4v1, its showing how Spirit is not fun to many.
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Her recent shadow nerf has balanced her a lot imo. You can now hear the phasing sound over the TR music and chase music.
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Guessing is not counterplay. Its guessing. Thats why some chases are longer, because a survivor guessed correctly.
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"... leave no way of tracking ... grass, corn etc."
You do know that you can see these things move while she is invisible right?
Also I can't believe that people are still complaining about Killer's that are good at their job. She at least has to follow collision rules unlike The Nurse.
Also also its just really funny seeing all this when, like, 8 months ago people were still arguing that she was bottom tier.
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Guessing isnt a counter completely but baiting is,let's say you run to a window and fast vault, then immediately fast vault back in then run or slow vault back out, in that situation you forced spirit to guess and therefore had the opportunity to escape if you did either or.
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No, as a survivor you cannot see grass and corn move when she is Phasing over it.
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But would you find that fun as the survivor? Having to play like that just for her power to come back straight away and do it over and over. It’s not interactive.
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Sorry @Jaguar3500 - but any argument that consist of "most survivors dislike.. X " without proof means nothing and the rest of your argument falls down. You have to provide evidence, maybe run some polls or something? As you can see already survivors on this post do not share your initial dislike of this killer.
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Imaging if a survivor could lay traps to slow you down or chainsaw sprint across maps or blink through walls. My God it would be horrifying.
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Look up Scott Jund’s poll of you want evidence, I believe it was 86% of players who voted deemed her unfun to play against.
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You forget that the spirit has to guess where the survivors are because she can't see them in phase. there's ways to counter this. ie. leave the loop when shes phasing or be unpredictable. don't wait at pallets - she will get a hit if you stand there and wait to throw it or wait to see if she is mindgaming.
switching the roles around means nothing because it doesn't work that way. i know it is to make people think but it is a bad analogy.
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No, it isn’t in my opinion.
Spirit doesnt need to guess, she has sounds, collision and scratch marks. If you are guessing as Spirit, then you arent using her effectively.
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Link pls
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Care to explain how to see the results? All I see is a text written by him, why not make the results public?
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These's topics are. Learn, it's not that hard know the surroundings were your at and out mind game her. Use your thinking cap.
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I've been playing killer for the last few days without glasses and without audio, meaning I'm half blind and completely deaf. I'm constantly unable to see where survivors go and having to guess their locations. Every chase is a guessing game.
-shrugs- I don't really care. It's fine.
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You're a killer main? Always thought you were a 50/50 player. You're on XB1 right?
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I believe he said he would show in a video, but stated the most important result first. Scott is a killer main and a well respected player. Do you believe he would lie about something so controversial? It’s possible, yes, but extremely unlikely. I would like to see the published results but as of right now, I have no reason to believe he would lie.
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Yep, play more killer but have a swf group i play with sometimes :)
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WAKEMEUPINSIDE? You two are actually a badass team not gonna lie. ❤️
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But that is completely irrelevant because you are personally crippling yourself. Nice challenge to try, though :)
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Whatever happened to Billy? He used to be the second best killer in the game behind Nurse, and now I don’t even remember what a chainsaw sounds like :(
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I'm a killer sided player with 2000 hours,I play every killer(besides huntress because controller) at rank 1 as I have for awhile now. I'm on Xb1 as well, spirit needs an addon rework, nothing less and nothing more.
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I like playing against Billy because he’s pretty balanced and its fun for both sides.
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Yeahhhhhh lol, awe tysm ❤️
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everything op has said is accurate. i cant wait to watch the silly larper and all the killer mains who need to ignore mechanics to win cry like children when shes balanced. shes not balanced and theres no counterplay. all the “small things about her power” have been proven inconsistent and unreliable
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found the delusional spirit main
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even with the absence of the whoosing sound due to an addon and the pretend to go afk tactic (which is not a good tactic since it wastes time) there are far too many in game quest (visual / audible) to make you aware of what she is up far as the unfun statistic..from my experience more often than not the survivors aren't happy, aren't having fun regardless of win/lose or who they are playing against. I doubt this has anything to do with the spirit at all even though it seems that way and more to do with their general attitudes. also, no offense, i really am not going to care at the end of the match whether the opposing team enjoyed playing against me. it's not part of the killer's job to fixate on making sure the people they are playing against enjoy the game. If that was the case, then they might as well remove all the hooks, have all the generators start instantly repaired and just have this game be a race to the exit gate..which is already open and their are open hatches ever 5 feet and ever time you press a you unlock an achievement and get a free costume..
what a great game that would be.
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She has counter play and obeys game mechanics.
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on opposite day
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On every day.
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Are we talking about the same killer here?
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I'm more scared of Billy tbh.