Dedicated servers need to stop


Devs, this is really getting annoying. The game has become unplayable ever since the servers went live. And I live somewhere with ######### WiFi so I was lucky enough for it to even work for me, but now the dedicated servers have made it near impossible to play, let alone start a goddamn killer match. The annoying lag, the infinite searching for match, the DC at the start of the match that renders all the waiting to be useless, it all has to stop. Stop the damn dedicated servers. Just stop them. P2P worked way better. I have half a mind to ask for a refund, because what's the use of a product you bought if you can't even ######### use it. Seriously this is annoying. Either remove the goddamn servers or give me a refund. I'm tired of this crap and I can't take it any longer.


  • Ebisek
    Ebisek Member Posts: 106

    One thing...

    On P2P, you have choice to leave lobby if you see that ping runs over 150ms.

    Now you still see 40ms and killer is teleporting like with 300ms ping after match starts. You have to leave the MATCH.

  • laplace
    laplace Member Posts: 36

    I know right? The lag is really annoying and it just ruins the game for everyone. I have been forcefully disconnected too from matches and depipped because of it. I have taken 10 whole seconds just to finish the damn hooking animation. This is so insane it's not even funny. Devs, you better take action. I am tired of this. Someone contact Mathieu Cote and tell him to stop messing around with the dedicated servers. If he really wants to use them just put them on the PTB. I've never seen a more disconnected developer from his community.