Survivor Exhaustion


Running Sprint burst, Balanced Landing or Lithe has currently no trade-off which makes it an easy choice for most.
To nerf the survivors a bit without changing those perks and giving killers an extra edge I think the Exhaustion effect should cause the survivor to breathe more violently and louder, like exhaustion would, for the full duration (But it could diminish over time).
This would in turn make perks like Vigil, and for killer Stridor, even more attractive.

Expanding on this idea regular sprinting could also cause exhaustion (heavy breathing) so the longer you run from a killer the harder it's gonna get to hide and lose the killer.

Let's make playing survivor hard again! :)


  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604
    edited May 2018


    I think Sprinting should make survivors breath more heavily for a few seconds, but Exaustion shouldn't. If anything it would buff Pig's Slow Release Toxin and Huntress' Venomous Concoction addons from "a good pick a lot of the time" to "literally mandatory."

  • fuzzyhobo
    fuzzyhobo Member Posts: 48

    It would buff those addons, but making them mandatory I don't agree with.
    If it would show that some addons would become too powerful then maybe they should retune them instead.
    90 seconds of Exhaustion is a bit extreme any way.