Waiting in lobby options

I am new to the game (about 3weeks now). As i was searching the web about the matchmaking and the delay i read a post about the change they will make around January 2020.
I was thinking, why there is no timer that show you how long you have been waiting or maybe show the amount of players online both survivor and killers also maybe the ratio right under it.
Do you think its something players would like to see? Would it make you decide to change to killer if you see ratio of 12 to 1 Survivor/killers (or vice versa)?
I guess it's more complicated than a simple killer to survivor ratio since the game is trying to match you with players of your rank but it's increasing the range as time passes.
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Actualy the system is looking for player around your rank and also your geolocalisation. if it does not find a lobby after a certain amount of time then the search is expand and so on. having a waiting time might help to ease some playing wondering whats going on and how long they been waiting. I had some friend thinking that its super long when it was only 2-3min.
This is one part of the problem and they will fix it with the update in january. The other part they where talking about in the post was the game is asymetric, Its not like RB6 where all players are the same, you just find 10 players of same rank and put them all in the game no matter which side you play. its a Ratio of 4 to 1 killer. Ultimately if you have more killer in ratio than survivor, killers will wait longer then usual, same for survivor. if there is a ratio of 12 to 1 you will wait longer to get into a game that for sure. Thats why showing us the ratio will personaly make me switch to killer. to help and also make me play and not wait for long time before playing.
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The queue times are different at different ranks though. Where would you draw the line when displaying the killer to survivor ratio? A number based on all players online doesn't seem very helpful. A killer might wait seconds for a lobby at rank 1 and over 20 mins at rank 20.
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I think this would be useful information to have. It would be a nice QOL improvement to be able to see how many people are in queue and connected to the same server, as well as a timer. The only concern would be that it might foster resentment towards the game and the developers, along the lines of "Why have I been in the queue for X minutes when there's Y amount of players in the queue?" At the very least, though, it would be nice to get more information about what's going on with the matchmaking, just little notifications like "expanding search to include players within X ranks", "expanding to players within X distance", etc. as the process progresses, just so you know what's going on and why it might be taking a long time.
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I agree and i like the idea of describing whats going on, i think RL does that, and i love it.
As for why you waiting for long will be solve with the new system of matchmaking which after a certain amount of time you wait a bunch of waiting player will be took away from the searching and put in a bucket, where a new selecting is done and will try to match in that bucket only, For example, there is 40 survivor and 10 killers waiting for 1min30 to 3min, they put all the 50 in a bucket and create 10 game using rank and geolocalisation at best for all or them. That mean you will start playing for sure. but it might be a weird matching if you are the only one at your rank or geoloc. At least theses players will play now instead of just waiting.
But with your idea of describing it would help youknow if you still waiting or being move to the bucket. i like that.
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Yes, I was thinking of Rocket League in particular when I made the suggestion. When people are waiting, giving them more information as to why they're waiting and any available updates is almost always helpful.