Buffs for Trapper, Wraith and Doctor


I have some ideas for changes that would help those three Killers.

Trapper: I think it´s nessesary to remove some of the randomness from him. Make it so that it takes a set amount of time to escape a trap, for example 30s. This would make it much easier to estimate if it´s worth going to a traped survivor instead of hoping they don´t get out. Another thing is making it so that he can step over his trap. The Trapper is the only trapkiller that is activly hindered by his own traps. If he could step over his own traps he could shortcut over his traps at loops making him a lot stronger.

Wraith: I think the wraith needs two changes to be more viable. For one i thing lightburn should just unloak the wraith instead of stuning him. I think we can agree that a killer that is on the weaker side should not be stunable with just a flashlight. I also like to borrow a mechanic from his lore. I would like you to make him only visable when standing still not interacting with anything. this would raise his stealth power over the other stealthkillers, which i would say it should be as he is the only purly stealthkiller.

Doctor: I sugest removing the treatmentmodus and being able to use the shock at anytime. This would mean he wouldn´t have the staticfeld which is an unfun mechanic for survivors. instead i would make it so he would only slowdown to 110% or 105% when charing his shock and making it so that the shockeffekt applies imiadiatly on impaced with a survivor. this would make him much stronger at loops while sacrefising his staticfeld.

I think this cahnges would make these killers more viable and fun. But that is just my opinion and there a surly other ways to buff these killers.


  • [Deleted User]

    I hate playing against trapper as is, most unfun killer in the game. Thankfully he is not played much because he is a fairly weak killer; but I hate playing against him.

    If they buff him they better add something to help make traps less obnoxious. I don't mind him getting improved on, but right now just having someone whose primarily ability is more about luck is aggravating.