Some new Possibilities [GEN REMAKE]

Garcia Member Posts: 41
edited November 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello, let's get to the point:


If the killer damage the generator 3 times in a row [survivor is repairing, killers comes, survivors hides, killer damage and get away, survivor repair, killer comes ... killer breaks (3x)] the generator will get on fire, damaging it by a 30% progress, the next time will need 2x times not 3 anymore, so Survivor is repairing a gen (that was on fire) Killer comes Survivor hides, Killer breaks, survivor gets to the gen, will have a HARD skillcheck, if fail, the generator will get on fire. It will burn for 1 minute, before explode, the only way to fix is to find a fire extinguisher (that you could pop out from the wall or find on a chest).

  1. If there are 3 or more survivors on a gen, everytime will pop out a secondary small skillcheck, if the survivor fails this skillcheck it will NOT warn the killer (he won't know), but as long as it starts to fail the chance for the generator to get on fire increases 4%.
  2. Gens on fire will be highlighted by the killer, making it harder for the survivors to get the fire extinguished.
  3. If the survivor tries to repair a gen on fire, he will get his hands burned and will decrease his speed to repair the generator by 3 %.
  4. If the killer tries to break the generator on fire or get close the fire will disoriented him for 5 seconds, randomly walking, his vision will be blurred but he will be able to basic attack.
  5. Hex totem will disable the possibility to get the gen on fire, since the black magic would not allow the gen to overlock.

The gen on fire, for the first time, will automatically stop the fire after 1 minute, the second time it happens, the survivor will have 1 minute to bring a fire extinguisher and fix it, otherwise this gen will be lost for all the match.

Pop goes to wiesel increases the chance to get the gen on fire by 7%


  • Heal yourself must be allowed (without perk) by the 90% of the health, that means the medkit would be useful or could be more used than what we see now a days. MEDKIT IS USELESS. (except if you have huge rare addons)
  • Adrenaline should have a + 40 seconds of no sounds (if you are already hurt), because that's logical, you are on adrenaline you stop whining about pain.
  • Killer should not start with a weapon, he must go to a locker to get it. This saves some time to the survivors to get the first "hi" from his team mates


  • MJ_Out
    MJ_Out Member Posts: 184

    Gen on fire: No, because the 3-Gen-Strategy is already really strong and with "Gen on fire" it would be nearly impossible for survs.

    Heal yourself: No, to be dependent on other teammates if u are injured is a important gameplay element. With this change medkits would be to strong because don't need other team mates anymore most of the time.

    Adrenaline: Logic isn't a valid element for a good gameplay mechanic.

    The last one: Is this bait or somthing?

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    if every generator was out by a fire than the survivors couldn't escape

  • Garcia
    Garcia Member Posts: 41
    edited November 2019

    What is this 3 gen strategy? (excuse my ignorance) . I understand this could make it harder, but isn't strange that all survivors are engineers with PHD?

    Heal yourself: You don't use morel perk's? (Self-care) I use it always, and everybody who doesn't use it, i consider (he/she) as a newbie. That doesn't at all make the game less group team, in fact the gen thing would require a better communication with the other survivors. I prefer to heal myself solo because of two reasons: 1. Is not always that i can find a survivor near me. (I have to use bond because i didn't care about the self-care perk) 2. I do not make mistakes with skillcheck 3. I don't want to my team mate waste time on me.

    3. Logic isn't good for the game? this game is completely irrational? I suppose the developers think hard and invest in a good math to create the mechanics. Adrenaline fix would be an obviously pack.

    4.I would suggest something else, but me As a Player i don't want the game more polluted with things on the map. But no this is not a click bait. (considering that i want a fire extinguisher near by each gen)


    Yes, but whose fault is that? Gen on fire won't be a common thing, is not that hard to get a skill check, plus the fire extinguishers should be placed near each gen. What do you suggest? If this option would be, officially, proposed by the DBD team? A limit by how many gens can get fired? Like, the only explanation i can think of is... " In every map, 2 of the 7* gens would have a malfunction design (by fabric)" That would explain why only 2 can get on fire. Maybe this gen "new" thing should be only allowed after reach rank 13

    My idea is to get the game more fun + more challenge (inside the game), since i play this game for a long time, i'm too used to things, i would be happy with that possibility. Also i'm worried about the balance, making things too easy for the killer and too complex for the survivors = Too boring for the killer => too hard for the survivors.

    I hope more people can help me develop this idea (like real feedback)

  • Garcia
    Garcia Member Posts: 41

    What about, 2 of the 7 gens would start with a "malfunction design" that could start a fire?

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    I’d suggest maybe, when a generator is kicked random parts are spread around the map and the survivors have to find one before being able to repair it again and it could only happen once.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129
  • RainbowPatooie
    RainbowPatooie Member Posts: 322

    "The gen on fire, for the first time, will automatically stop the fire after 1 minute, the second time it happens, the survivor will have 1 minute to bring a fire extinguisher and fix it, otherwise this gen will be lost for all the match."

    Imagine having the last 3 gens stuck on fire.

  • Garcia
    Garcia Member Posts: 41

    Well imagine that, what a caos. Also, i did not mention it to not make it too confusing but you could as well use the fire extinguisher to stop the first fire, but if you don't it won't explode. Unless it's not the first time the gen was on fire