Suggestion for Saboteur Perk

I think the current stats are fine. I want to suggest an added ability for when the Survivor using the Saboteur perk has any green or purple toolbox they can Sabotage the Generator to not regress after being kicked for a potential total of 180 seconds, progress will remain at the last amount of progress until the time expires.
Toolboxes must be at 100%.
Excludes Brown and Yellow toolboxes and also the Green toolbox that only repairs (I forget the name).
The perk would display two skill checks like Brand New Part. Each successful skill check will gain 90 seconds to stack toward 180 seconds max. The same Generator cannot be sabotaged more than once.
Sabotuer does not need a buff. And this buff is OP.
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Need little buff for you can see hook aura sabotage in 10/15/20m
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I realize that 180 seconds Max is too much now. Was using the figure used for Hook sabotage time and it is way too much. Being that there are many Hooks and only 5 Gens. Maybe 10/10 for a total of 20 seconds. Regression starts after being kicked 10 or 20 seconds later.
Still hardly anyone ever uses the Saboteur perk. It does need something.
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That cuz most people don't attempt to sabo hooks/traps, they just play the objective.
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I'd personally like to see it where the first hook sabotaged would not regenerate. It'd make it a lot easier to make plays with it. And even if all 4 survivors run it that's only 4 hooks that can't regenerate.
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Or... They could just make saboteur permanently sabotage a hook, but to a limited degree. Example?
Saboteur change: tier 1 only disables a hook for 3 minutes ( the base number)
Tier 2: Sabotage 1 hook ( Must be completed using the perk, and cannot be started using a toolbox. )
Tier 3: Sabotage 2 hook(s) ( Must be completed using the perk, and cannot be started using a toolbox. )
Everytime you disable/sabotage a hook, your aura is revealed to the killer for a duration of 10/8/6 seconds. Saboteur has a cooldown in-between hook damage [Though honestly this bit could be removed at your guys discretion.]
Anyway, what do think?
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Sabo is bad because you can bring a sabo toolbox instead and do the work faster if you wanted to go for a sabotage build. The only reason to bring Saboteur is the extra 30 seconds of hook time, not the actual intended use of the perk. I think at the very least Saboteur should work at 100% speed.
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Those ideas are better than mine. Honestly one hook missing all match would be worth it. They would have to limit it to the one hook permanently gone per match otherwise SWF groups would abuse it. Can you imagine 4 hooks missing all match. One is challenging enough cause you could then strategically Sabo around that one the remainder of the match.
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Nah it just the most useless perk in game
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it's literally for sabotaging. if you don't sabo then don't use it.
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A brown toolbox is better than a rare perk
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It might be better to give the perk the same sabo abilities as a Brown Toolbox but the perk has a Cool Down.