Don't nerf the Spirit.

Survivors can't be upset when playing against an "overpowered killer". They already control the game and there's no point in playing survivor if it's too easy and no point in playing killer if it's too hard. So stop nerfing the only viable killers in the game and start reworking The Cannibal or The Wraith. Stop listening to baby survivors and choose what you think is right. Not what people that don't know how to play think.


  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    Spirit need this changes!

  • BenjCano
    BenjCano Member Posts: 24

    I have to agree with the original poster. Whenever the survivors complain long enough and hard enough, the response seems to be to make killers less powerful; we just got off the Nurse nerf and now Spirit seems next on the chopping block. As a killer main this is incredibly frustrating to see so much responsiveness to survivor complaints whereas complaints about unfair and overpowered things on the survivors side go unaddressed for years, or are changed to be almost worse than before.

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603

    Spirit need a nerf but gen rush also

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    I like the new prayer beads better mainly because map pressure they think you are coming for them when you may not be. I saved up prayer beads for when I get discordance, but this new change will let me use these now

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603
    edited November 2019

    Perks or hex totem not solve the gen rush, repair is too easy, not require skill.

    If u want devs take your opinion seriously, you must be willing to discussing about the gen rush.

    the most users only try to nerf the opposite side, they just want to win

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846
    edited November 2019
  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603

    Your opinion is only a main survivor player, in the last patches devs they nerf some killers and now if i talk about nerf gen rush u start to complain, ur opinion is not valid because u only want to win

  • CJsDBD
    CJsDBD Member Posts: 85

    The collision fix and the window vaulting fix I believe are necessary and are barely even a nerf. It just makes more sense. Even as a survivor main I honestly don't care about the other changes to add-ons and the phasing sound and wouldn't mind if those didn't happen. I just use spine chine anyway

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    And you main killer crying.This tiny changes are need.

  • BenjCano
    BenjCano Member Posts: 24

    Ruin is a random numbers game, Thanataphobia is terrible, Dyling Light is terrible, Pop is good, Discordance and Surveilance do not directly contribute to gen slowdown and Thrilling Tremors is not primarily a stall perk. Corrupt is good for what it does.

    So yes, we need more or an objectives redesign. Because not running Ruin or running Ruin and having it destroyed in less than 30 seconds stacks the game massively against the killer.

  • TerrorTrooper
    TerrorTrooper Member Posts: 94

    So spirit getting a nerf but survive with friends group using voice chat is not touched?

  • Hedraun
    Hedraun Member Posts: 16
    edited November 2019

    When some top DBD Streamers give valid criticisms on the Spirit addressing the very one sided abilities that the players they go against, I think its time to solve the issue.

    Every year there are major changes that makes the game harder and harder for Survivors. But a Killer Main might not know that. Sure buff Bubba and other killers that are lacking. It makes sense. But If you think Spirit is the only viable killer it tells more about your view of balance and more about you expecting to kill all 4 survivors every single game.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    The quantity of stalling perks after the 4th has no impact on the effectiveness of the meta since you can't take more than 4 of them.

    Only the quality of the best 4 matter.

    This is for the same reason as all of the different exhaustion perks effectively being a single perk in terms of checking how many chase helper perks Survivor have since they are mutually exclusive.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Dying Light is still bad perk even after the rework. Pop, Ruin, Thana, are band-aid fixes for a long standing problem. Discordance and Surveillance don't slow anything down it just makes you more aware of gen status in specific conditions. Thrilling Tremors doesn't stop gen rush if survivors just do the smart thing stay on their gens. It only blocks gens that aren't being worked on. Surge sucks because it doesn't combo with any other gen slowing perks.

    I've been saying this for long time now. The game has not evolved in regards to its core gameplay. It should take more dynamic interactions both sides to win. We're three years in and that hasn't happened yet. They will find time to take collision of phasing and doing a light addon pass, but can at the very least increase the timer for gens to 95secs base?

  • Yucchi
    Yucchi Member Posts: 250

    As a person who only played survivor until Spirit came out:

    • vault/ collision changes are great - collision was/is bullshit and she could bodyblock you
    • yakuyoke amulet - now it's not even worth using - I can get both speed and duration in 2 add-ons with better outcome than using the new "fixed" version with a speed buff. Just another trashy add-on
    • prayer beads - just if just changing the rarity to "ultra-rare" and simply listening to loud stomps wasn't enough? Global phasing is the worst change that they could come up with. Just... use your goddamn ears survivors! I have never been yoinked by Spirit with prayer beads because I listen to the game and not Katy Perry during games
    • Even with all the add-on changes people will still complain "I don't know if she's phasing! How am I supposed to counter that?"
  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    The addon changes I like. I'm all for reduced emphasis on the power from consumables.

    While I don't LIKE her basekit changes, I can live with them. So at least I don't have to morn her like people are with Nurse.


  • Lucama
    Lucama Member Posts: 461

    Ruin: RNG, you can go an entire game without a skill check on gens.

    Thana: Needs at least 3 stacks to really do anything

    DL: Needs at least 3 stacks to really do anything

    PGTW: Needs you to hook a surv and then have a unfinished gen in range, also delays possible chase.

    Discordance: More tracking than delay

    Corrupt: It's fine, does its job, but is then a dead perk slot.

    Surv: Again, more tracking

    Thrilling: Doesn't last long enough.