Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

DbD again proves to take a dump on killer mains or players who want the game to be fair

They have done it again.

They bullshitted us so many fking times, I can't even count the times, we (killer mains and survivor players wanting a fair match).

Shadow Nerfs, Nerfs to killers sold as buffs, negative changes to popular killers, because of survivor tears, silent survivor buffs, buffs for survivors which are sold as nerfs.

Why is gen rushing and games in the length of 3 minutes still a thing? (Marths experiment showed it to us and gen rushing now is even stronger, so why is it still a thing? Shouldn't it be high priority to make the game balanced for every role?)

Where are the map reworks for the way too big or way too small maps?

Why are there still BS loops in the game, which are extremely easy for the devs to just change?

Why do survivors keep their items, addons after game, but killers don't, while with the latest changes, survivors can earn as much BP as killers do? (No, killers don't like using BBQ just for fking BP)

Why are there still SWF bully claud troops out there bullying killers with no counter play, because every killer is nerfed to a level, where counter play is not a thing anymore?

Why did you guys nerf healing, just to buff it the last update and practically letting people heal within under 8 seconds?

Why can't killers block basement stairs anymore? Survivors just go through the killer. (How about changing the geometry of the stairs? No, just let's make survivors go through killers...)

Why can't killers hit survivors while they get unhooked? (Make them hit the unhooker to not rob the killer a hit? No just give the survivor a speed boost and let them not take damage at all)

Why can survivors fast vault, when you guys said, you adapted fast vaulting so the survivor needs to run atleast 2,5(?) seconds in a straight line? (Spoiler: They don't, they need like 0,5 seconds in a straight line and still get a fast vault, even with some extremely wanky movement you can abuse fast vaults STILL)

Why is Deep Wound never going down, if the killer is in terror radius? (Borrowed Time should be renamed to Infinite Time tbh)

Why was Legion "reworked", just because the chase mechanic is bullshit? (Just fix the chase mechanic instead of nerfing a once good killer)

Why is End Game triggered after the exit gates are opened and not when the last gen is powered? (You told us, you were fighting bullying of killers, but now. They just wait at a 99% exit gate, so what now?)

Why do killers need HEX: Ruin every game, even with the ######### totem spawns you guys provide? (Already fix your game)

Why is every action a survivor does INSTANT, but killer actions are not? (Hold m1 on a gen and without the animation of the survivor going on the gen is even completed, the gen timer goes up, why is this BS there?)

Why do killers AND SURVIVORS have to struggle with dedicated servers, when they clearly aren't ready? (They kick people randomly out of games, fake hits etc.)

Why can't you grab people properly anymore? Why is grabbing based on the survivors connection? Why can people dead hard different ranges and some unrealisticly wide? (Spoiler: Latency)

Why are there still fake hits for killers? (When you hit a survivor, but you just get robbed)

Why is hitting through windows so inconsistent? (Who ######### that up?)

Why were you guys telling us, Enduring got buffed, when it got nerfed? (You guys work with NUMBERS, how can you ######### up telling us the right numbers?)

Why isn't the game fun anymore?

Why does everyone just have to take the fun of others?

Why does noone of the devs care about this stuff?

Why is no bug fixed and only new DLCs released?

Why is the shop like 40% only premium currency stuff, when you told us "most" of the things are going to be free? (The new archives are making it worse)

Why does nearly every map use the same assets or reused assets? How lazy can someone be? (No map is in any real way special)

There is a reason, killers camp. Just not making them able to do so, frustrates even more.

This list of things are not half of the bullshit the devs put us through over the time.

Btw. I am not a killer main, I play both roles and yes, survivor is far more enjoyable IN A GROUP.

While killer is always a pain in the ass. It feels unfair for the survivors, if they go down within minutes and it feels unfair to loose, when you can't even do #########, are robbed off hits etc.

No round feels fair or fun nowadays.

I'm gonna step back from this game finally now, the spirit nerf is the end for me.

I never though she was OP, I never even played her often, but when I played her, I finally felt powerful, which is the thing killers should feel all the time, not the opposite.

Nerfing her 1 addon would have been enough, entirely. (Also healing time nerf sucked, it really just made the game even more boring than it is now. You could have just reverted it, instead of ######### up the med kits)

Oh and for the survivors:

There are no major issues for survivors actually.

I can say for my survivor soul:

  • Rank system is #########, always getting idiot teammates with no skill or whatsoever.
  • Small maps vs doctor suck ass.
  • Not fearing any of the killers and just having to hold m1 is super annoying. I wanna be frightened, I wanna enjoy this game really, but I can't.

For me the only fun I have here is to dominate people, because the game forces me to play like this.

I won't be around anymore. I won't really play anymore and when I do, forgive me god for sinning.

I'm sorry community, we couldn't ever change this game for the better.

But if the devs don't listen, there is nothing anyone could potentially do to make this game ""work"".

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  • Member Posts: 367

    Is it possible to play a game where as part of a team of four survivors we can work on gens and do stuff which will allow me to pip up occasionally or get a black pip,and at the same time the killer can get stuff down that helps with their points... without having all the gens done in three minutes or exterminating everyone with a mori in the same time period.

  • Member Posts: 2,731
    edited November 2019

    They dont need to run in a straight line for 2.5 seconds. They need to run for 2.5 meters in a relatively sharp angle towards the window.

    a 4 m/s move speed that is .625 seconds minimum but realistically slightly higher unless your a god since you cant touch the window. So more like .7-1 second depending on how much of a vault god you are

  • Member Posts: 262

    I agree with 99% gates, that's stupid.

    Maybe we could make gates regress slowly if not being touchd by default

  • Member Posts: 2,789 nerfing OPness, one patch after getting rid of something OP that survivors had. K.

    We also don't know what other balance changes will come nor what power the next killer will have along with their perks, so this post makes o sense lmao.

  • This is a pretty funny post, most probably by a guy who is too scared to play as a survivor and wanting to nerf sruvivors who i would guess have a 95% loss rate if DBD staff posted stats. I have played BOTH survivor and killer extensively and can easily say without being bias that killers are FAR op. If anything they need movement speed taken back a notch, the attacking over ledges and crates are a bit silly. I have attacked and seen survivors attack when they are not even close to the weapon. I have never lost as a killer and I am bad but as survivor, i've had a fair share of .. why even bother moments and before anyone says "get good" or some other needless comment on how "but i do it, me always r winz" think about something constructive.

  • Member Posts: 764
    edited November 2019

    Honest simple personal opinion. The game is wonderful but difficult to balance, also because of the different experience in diffetent ranks. Devs are doing great job, nerfing too strong killers, and they have to buff bad killers now, especially they have to work to old killers. The problem at low rank are unefficient/new on the game egoistic survivor that starting learnig how to play and the same for new killer players that camping. But when you rank up problem resolve. At high rank I think gen rush can be a problem, an that's clear. With skilled survor that also are good at looping and difficult maps. Hope devs continue balancing to make the game more fun and balance, reworking fast last broken remainimg stuff like keys and mori, and put cross platform/play servers.

  • !00% this person plays killer and nothing else. Probably enjoys his level 50 killers vs 1-30 survivors too.

  • Member Posts: 671

    Ha. Some of the hit boxes ive seen have been absolutely insane. I cannot play the game seriously right now. Every game is just for memes until they at the very least fix dedicated servers or go back to p2p.

  • Member Posts: 156

    This is a joke right? constant nerf's to killers? Vaulting an issue? that's ridiculous. they've taken out insta-heals because killers didn't like it. Healing takes more charges now (16 charges on a brown med kit now and it uses them all on 1 heal). They changed the huntress axe to hit in a sphere shape, now you can hit people you can't even see behind low walls with it. and more. There are plenty of advantages that killers have that piss off survivors.

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