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Ghostface is overperforming



  • Member Posts: 745

    hard to tell due to how the medal system works with different killers, like for plague, you get crap chaser since no one cleanses, so you need a 4k to pip with her nearly every game. first I would re-design the killer rank up system before anymore talk of "overperforming killers" plus killers balance should be measured up to 4 man STRONG red rank survivors. just shy of 4 man red rank SWF. that way SWF is still a challenge but it is not a mountain climbing like challenge that is near impossible for most killers.

  • Member Posts: 109

    Give it time for the meta to change, there's going to be a ton of Ghost faces more cause hes a bit overpowered, so I'm interested to see if spine chill will be used alot more in high ranks

  • Member Posts: 79
    edited November 2019

    I think that a killer should 4k/3k until they hit a rank at which in which they average 2k while not having to resort to face camping to achieve. meaning that they can achieve 2k while kicking gens and chasing survivors. Also I'd say every killer at rank one should average 2k against opponents while being active in a match (kicking gens/ kicking pallets/ chasing survivors/ setting traps).

    I think that is what more killer mains are complaining about, only a few killers can achieve a victory(or a draw for that matter). at red ranks with out resorting to tactics that will give a black pip or a depip. that's the difference, killers with mobility or for ghost face a built in reveal and beast of prey ending chases much faster. Legion would be high tier again if not for the 4 second fatigue, thats like a free sprint burst to chased survivors when they dont have a downside while being chased and cant be downed during frenzy.

    The can be so many ideas to encourage play styles, like give bubba a gas gauge that replenishes when he is in a chase if the gauge is full he can insta saw if he only has 25 % the gauge he will have to charge 75% of the chargetime. Once gas is full bubba get a minor speed boost, make stuns loose gas. it gives depth to mindless play and creates insta-saw bubba and racecar bubba.

    I'd nerf huntress addons aslong as we get a Nurse's "plaid flannel" addon that add a crosshair for beginners I mean its kinda redundant at this point but with all the streamers and mods saying if its not detectable the cant do much about *wink, wink*.

    clown probably needs a gimmick like broken status for x amount of seconds maybe a plague like cough and broken status to help the chases go faster. not infection just a cough to counter iron will/calm spirit.

    I have no clue for doctor or trapper honestly, I love trapper so much too maybe being able to pick up one extra trap but start with one.

    Tldr: What i think is more important than 4k/2k argument is how they achieved a 2k/4k and at what rank. was it a basement slog or a face camp the first survivor. A "viable killer" should be averaging 2k while kicking gens/pallets/chasing survivors @ red ranks. are the over preforming killers slugging first chase or face camping first hook? this is super important.

  • Member Posts: 317

    If Ghostface gets nerfed, then devs are clueless. He's perfectly fine the way he is.

    He was underpowered when he first came out. Now that people know how to play him, now he's OP? No. Seriously, he's perfectly fine the way he is. If he gets nerfed, then I think I'm done with DBD.

    They really just wanna nerf whoever they can.

  • Dev Posts: 7,555
    edited November 2019

    Let's completely take emblems out of this, since as you've mentioned, it varies from killer to killer.

    I would hesitate to say that killers should only be balanced around four really good survivors, though. Unless you're comparing average to average, it's a little unfair to expect an average side (whichever that happens to be) to still win against a person/people who are really good. That, to me, would say that there's a huge balance problem if someone who's okay at the game can beat someone who's great at it. It would be like giving me a fair shot at beating someone who's top 500 in Overwatch- I shouldn't, I'm nowhere near as good as them. They should be compared to other top 500 people.

  • Member Posts: 2,047
    edited November 2019
  • Member Posts: 461

    I mean, how can we take emblems out of the equation when they're about the only thing that actually tells us how we did in the game? This game has a ranking system, people wanna rank up, therefore the consideration of character performance has to be balanced around what people need to do to rank up. Right now the game on average requires a 3K equivalent (9 hooks) in an average length game to give a Killer a pip, so that should be considered normal performance. If a killer is consistently giving 2 pip 4K games, then it should be looked at.

  • Member Posts: 227

    Hey can you tell me who you're gonna complain about after he's nerfed? Im thinking Freddy, knock his ass back to trash tier

  • Member Posts: 318

    What the actual ######### are you guys talking about.. sorry. But this triggers me so bad. Why does he need a nerf? Cause he's fun and effective? Cause he can't be run over by a swf as easily??

    Why is he so good? Cause he's a stealth killer? That's it? Give me a real reason. His power sucks so bad after his nerf and now that people are used to it. People can break you out all while being 100% hidden behind cover.

    So we play him as a stealth killer and don't stalk. So not stalking makes him op?

    Spirit and nurse needed a tweak, sure. But you wanna know how to counter ghost? Use your eyes. If you can't do that as a survivor, you deserve the depip. You deserve the down or the grab. Git gud and quit crying about nerfing everything.

  • Member Posts: 482

    this is annoying now. You killers are just asking for nerfs now.

  • Member Posts: 318

    How we gonna nerf him? Make him no longer a stealth killer? Make his power erase his tr and light but makes his cloak noise span the whole map?

    Take away his knife, actually. Give him a wiffle ball bat. Make it take 3 hits to down.

    There we go. Neuter him.

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    It doesn't matter what we think.

    I'd really be interested in actually seeing the data that led to the spirit change though.

    As always, I have a lot of questions about how the numbers are found.

  • Member Posts: 318

    Boyo this thread may be. But everytime I play gf, I get flamed. I've seen so many threads about nerfing ghost. Tru3 is saying gf is gonna get the nerf bat. Instagram pages are talking about ghost getting a nerf. If enough people talk about it, it'll happen.

    Its gonna happen. Trust.

  • Member Posts: 461

    Probably, but joke threads won't change that, so you might as well have a laugh in the mean time.

  • Member Posts: 42

    How about instead of nerfing we fix weak killers

  • Member Posts: 415

    Since when was GF OP? I mean hes not bad or anything but in all instances Ive played with and against him he,s performed, well, average. His power is controlled by survivors, what more do you guys want?

  • Member Posts: 536

    You must be new here. We'll get ANOTHER doctor cube in about a year that won't help at all.

  • Member Posts: 65

    he already got nerfed like three times u guys trying get him nerfed again

  • Member Posts: 65

    yea but ppl will take it srsly there’s already ppl at bhvr inside the thread maybe they don’t know it’s a joke

  • Member Posts: 13

    Why base it on average kills? Any killer can face camp and average 1 kill. I'd have to do the math but I think it might even be possible to average 2 kills per game just by face camping. Especially if the survivor suicides out of frustration and in that situation it would actually make more sense for a solo que survivor to suicide and jump in another match than stay and take the bp hit.

    Score per category might be a better metric to evaluate performance. Since it more accurately shows performance.

    From there I'd base over performance on the hunter and sacrifice categories specifically. Because that determines the success rate of that killer doing its primary objective.

    Now to say what should be the average... now that is rough. I guess counter play is key because in the end of the day all the numbers give you an idea but don't really tell the whole story. Evaluate each power and add-on. Define the counter to it. Through streamers/gameplay videos see if the counter works as intended or even if they (we) figure it out. And in the end of the day this game has to have a bit of over performance based on the type of game it is. 1v4. I agree with TRUtalent the steamer. The killer HAS to eventually be able to down the survivor the question is how long does it take the killer to do that. There are a lot of variables in this question so it is hard to have a definitive answer but as an example the recent spirit change where they took away collision. That for me was a great change because collision imo took away counter play to the spirits power.

    So in conclusion.... IDK 🤣 As long as there is counter play I guess it doesn't matter how many kills a killer is averaging. Use kills and score to see if the counter play is working as intended.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Gosh we talking op already?

  • Member Posts: 38

    I don t think the killer is op, i think you are a really good killer and they made mistakes. In a ghostface game, as a survivor, you can learn his patterns and just make him mistake a lot. If he has night shroud active, looping him on a palet or something will get u marked. Just take a risk and fake one pallet, then run in the open to another one which is preferably close, to camcel his night shroud and have him loop there again. Overall he is just an m1 killer if u take his power away from him. Just be careful, when u run from a pallet to another, not to get injured, this cancels the purpose of moving from one to another, if he can get u downed in one hit afterwards. He has amazing perks, indeed, but it s not that bad to deal with.

  • Member Posts: 745

    since you chose overwatch as an example, I have seen videos where a single top 500 is vs a full 6 man but the solo top500 is buffed but vs say, 6 silvers or 6 golds. if it was 1 buffed up top 500 vs a full top 500 team, the full top 500 team should win as long as the 1 top 500 isn't just one shotting ofc. im only using Overwatch as an example since you used it. the game should be balanced to where even if it is a 4man SWF on comms squad, the killer should have better than a sliver of a chance to win other than using a mori and just 1 hook then kill, and end up not pipping because of it, or try to play with hooking and killing, but gens go to fast and all escape and you still de pip

    it's a lose-lose situation

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Idk Joe seems to be overperforming more that ghost face

  • Member Posts: 500

    @Peanits I don’t think Ghostface needs a nerf, he just needs to be easier to take out of his shroud. Playing against him is very unfun due to how hard it is to break his stealth. I feel cheated whenever I get marked by Ghostface, because I couldn’t quite angle my camera to the exact spot it needs to be in order to break his shroud.

    Ironically I find him very fun to play as however, so he is in this weird spot where a simple expanded area to break his shroud or whatever makes him so hard to reveal, could possibly make him much less fun to play as. So I guess I am kinda asking for a nerf afterall huh? :/

  • Member Posts: 120

    yeah, devs should rework ghostface because players don't allow you to stalk them and you decide to hit them. sure. so.. what rank do you have?

  • Member Posts: 2

    Threads like this are gunna be the end of DbD. These are not constructive but more to just insult the devs for changes you may not like. If you keep "jokingly" make these threads soon they are gunna seem like its the narative people are pushing, people like to jump on the bandwagon a lot and blindly follow others, this is why streamers have a such a big infulence on the game.

    Tru3 is very bad for not realising how much of an influense he has not that he is the only one but he is brought up the most, by "jokingly" saying it on stream people are gunna keep filling the forums with these threads that are more harmful then good and possibly new players are gunna start to believe these if not even old players as well.

    The more something is complained about substantiated or not the more it becomes the centre of talking points and this leads to changes for the element of the game in topic.

    This can be a good thing but in this case is a bad thing, ghostface is not a killer that needs to be nerfed but can possibly use some tweaks to his power, being able to pull him out of it from around a corner is bad same as being in his face and not being able to pull him out of it.

    Just becareful with what you are spreading on these forums jokes or not is all I am saying.

  • Member Posts: 254

    So from what im taken from this post is every killer will get nerf if there doing to well ?

    If that the case wow.

  • Member Posts: 982

    You know, I'd like to see all these people who are apparently complaining about Ghostface, because I hardly see any threads complaining about him on these forums, and I hardly have any serious trouble against him. I have more trouble against Myers than Ghostface.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    That's because Myers has a much better power and Ghostface is just a stealthy Legion. Get's a three hit and gets looped because he has nothing to help him in chase.

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    The only thing I can even think of that would be a nice change for Ghostface would be making the reveal more consistent.

    Sure it means he'll actually be revealed when people stare directly at him but there's a single atom in the way or something, but this also includes the times when he's revealed through time and space (and from his perspective, walls even) as well 😄.

    I'm aware a lot of people don't really stalk in the first place but everything else about him is honestly fine if you ask me, including that playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 13,036


  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Kills shouldn't be used at all because there are way too many factors unaccounted for that are artificially making those numbers look higher than they actually are for determining balance.

  • Member Posts: 146

    Can y'all just stop with this bull. At some points noone's gonna enjoy playing killer anymore because y'all made every single one a collossal whimp.

    If this keeps going on the game is going to die faster than those people dcing. Just sayin.

  • Member Posts: 2,336
    edited November 2019

    The thing is if a killer is getting 4 kills consistently it doesn't mean the killer or the killer player is over performing. The survivors could also be playing badly.

    I don't believe there's anything wrong with a good killer player getting 3-4 kills on average it just depends on how hard they are working for them. If they're going against the best of the best of survivors then sure the killer is probably a bit strong. Although if they can do that with let's say the worst killers in the game it's likely a player issue.

    Also I really feel as though balancing a killer on 2 kills average is bad but that's just me. Obviously you don't want a killer getting 4k kills consistently without any effort but aiming for 2 kills likely means you're going to weaken a killer just for this weird consistency of balance that has gimped many killers already.


    Regarding Ghostface in my opinion his basekit is absolutely fine. His lean could use adjustments to be more reliable on certain objects like hedges though. Specifically the hedges on Haddonfield and Badham Preschool. Also he could have the reveal mechanics tweaked on a bit to be more consistent and less buggy. Sometimes you can reveal him through a wall and sometimes he can stalk you through a wall even before dedicated servers. That's just something that needs a fine tuning overall.

    Aside from that the only thing I'd adjust are his addons if anything. I never play Ghostface with addons because even the uncommon ones feel a bit strong. Especially the ones that recharge his power faster. Again though I would not touch his basekit at all I would just adjust addons. He's one of the few M1 killers I believe is in a good spot at the moment.

    If we're talking red ranks I'd need to see stats to be convinced Ghostface is over performing. Even so I only care about stats or gameplay for killers without addons. Personally I don't consider killers viable if they need addons just to perform at a higher level. That's why I love the Freddy rework so much. He's playable without addons.

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