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Key rework suggestion - from a jaded bored player

Konnor24 Member Posts: 184
edited November 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I like to keep a track on what games i play, what killers i play, what maps they were etc. Im a bit addicted to stats i guess.

As a killer:

Today i played 13 games. In 11 of those, a surv brought a key.

Yesterday i played 5 games. In 3 of those games, a survivor brought along a key

2 days ago, i played 19 games, in 13 of those games, a survivor brought a key.

As a survivor:

Today i played 4 games, in 2 of those, another survivor brought a key.

Yesterday i played 11 games, in 6 of those, another survivor brought a key.

2 days ago i played 2 games, in 2 of those, another survivor brought a key.

In most of those games, at least 2 survivors got out, resulting in an absolutely boring game whether im their killer or on their team. Its gotten to a point lately where its become so bloody boring. I want to play the game, be scared, try and survive and get out fairly. Keys are just stupid since the end game collapse but i havent seen as many as ive seen lately. Its becoming a joke. Half my killer games are people with keys and if i dont run franklins or tunnel them, then they are getting out along with 1 or 2 others.

Its not the surviving that bothers me, its the early ending of a match. Usually games last 10-15 minutes, when some games are lasting 5 its just stupid and painfully dull. After today its made me not want to play killer anymore. Playing so well in certain games where there was a survivor hooked constantly only for the last one to die while another is unhooked with 2 gens left to go try chase them down only for both to get out is just...whats the point. I didnt have fun, they didnt have fun, its baffling as to why this is in the game in its current state.

Someone earlier posted in the general discussion section about a rework which is to make the keys take 6 seconds to open a hatch. I would go further to suggest further changes.

Skeleton key (Red - Ultra Rare) - Takes 10 seconds to open a hatch, hatch stays open until the killer closes it.

Master Key (Purple - Very Rare) - Takes 10 seconds to open the hatch, allows ONE survivor through.

Dull Key (Green - Rare) - Takes 20 seconds to open the hatch, allows ONE survivor through.

Broken Key (Yellow - Uncommon) - Same as what it does now, just changed colour to yellow/uncommon.

I have no ideas for new addons so they could stay the same. Some could decrease the opening time

Overall though i think this would make the key more balanced. It would also make it harder for the killer at the end game if theres just one survivor left, he would have to worry about patrolling both gates and the hatch rather than just the two gates which often spawn near each other.

Something just has to be done about the keys though. Its ruining games for me and other killers, and while its great for survivors, it just ruins my game when im playing survivor. I want to get out properly, doing all gens, unhooking as many as i can. I dont want to feel like the game copped me out of enjoyment.


  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Even if it only took 5 seconds to open the hatch, that'd be a huge improvement from what we have now because it'd remove those "gonna open this in your face lol eat ######### baby killer ez" moments that seem to happen whenever someone intentionally brings in a key.

  • Konnor24
    Konnor24 Member Posts: 184

    Id say half the time it took to open an exit gate was fair tbh. But yes even 5 seconds helps. My frustration though comes from when theres 1-2 gens left and while killers are patrolling gens, survs arent doing anything but look for a hatch.

    Killers currently have no incentive to search for the hatch as well as patrol, because theres nothing they can do if the hatch is found