What's wrong with new Instaheals?

I've had 2 times today where pink instaheals do literally nothing. They just consume the medkit but don't actually heal whatsoever. Usually there is an indicator of the progress before you get fully healed, but that doesn't even show.
Well, there aren't "instaheals" no more. They were changed since the last update. Didn't u know or what do you mean? The purple addon gives u borrowed time and the pink one gives u a heal in a delay for some seconds.
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Are you getting hit? The Syringe now heals you after 16 seconds and fails if you take a hit in that time.
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No, I know what it does. It just literally doesn't heal me at times whatsoever. I popped an instaheal during a chase yesterday and the chase lasted at least 30 seconds after I popped it and the instaheal still didn't do anything.