Hex Totem Idea's

Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208
edited July 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

This must have been mentioned before but how about if you cleanse a hexed totem you only remove the curse from yourself not your teammates?

Or another idea - 4 totems are lit at the start. Only cleansing the totem that relates to your character will lift the curse. Sort of similar to the SAW traps. Cleansing an unrelated totem does nothing.

Might make the totems last a bit longer....


  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    Not knocking your idea, but that would mean they would have to add a ton of new totems.  What if someone were running 2 or 3 totem perks.  3 for argument times 4 survivors would mean as many as 12 lit to start the match with another 4 for NOED.  In that scenario you would need 16 totems in the game at the start.
  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    That is a very fair point that pretty much blows my second idea out of the water!

  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    bah.  it is a good idea.  If you read my posts I end up playing devil's advocate a lot.  Not to discourage people but to get ideas fleshed out a bit.  Keep working on it.  you may be on the right path
  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    How about this?
    Hex totems cannot be destroyed only extinguished. If you cleanse the totem you remove the curse from yourself only and it lights elsewhere.

  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    I think you are on the right track.  Now my question is at lower tiers hex perks may not affect everyone.  Let's say we are in a game as survivors and I am affected by a hex and you are not.  The catch is you run across it.  Can you cleanse it and have the effect randomly come off one of the affected players?  Personally my choice would be first priority comes to me removing curse from myself, but if I see a second one lit up let me cleanse it and randomly remove said curse from teammate.  

    The only other real downside to not ever destroying a totem would be that would almost give NOED a guaranteed chance to go into effect.  
  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Yep that would have to be considered.
    They would have to change the perks. Tiers 1,2 and 3 of ruin for example could affect the frequency of the skill checks rather than the number of survivors affected.

    NOED could be solved by not being a Hex! (killer main)

  • Russ76
    Russ76 Member Posts: 306
    Survivor main here.  I personally like NOED being a totem as that one scares me more than any other perk killers have.  So much so that I will get off a generator to destroy a inactibated totem rather than chance you running NOED.  That said I run it on my Myers char.  

    That said I told others here I would get start my journey to Rank 1 killer after the rank reset.
  • Chaemeleon
    Chaemeleon Member Posts: 24

    What if totems were like hooks or something? Broken for 30 seconds and then a new totem pops up somewhere else on the map. Then even if it's destroyed within the first 10 seconds of the match, no fear cause it'll come back 30 seconds later. This way, maybe half to 3/4 of one gen would get done then we'd have to go find it again, devour hope could either retain it's stacks or would have to start over (i'm sure most would prefer to retain stacks though), third seal i've seen used like 5 times in over a year, and NOED...

    I know someones gonna fight me about NOED but technically with this idea there would always be a totem for it to go to unless at least one person was always wasting time running around looking for a new totem spot every thirty seconds but hey that's one person not doing gen's I guess. From the survivors perspective, I'm more interested in finding the gates and leaving ASAP especially if I see NOED pop up on my screen. I know other survivors will go out of their way to find and cleanse it but that in of itself is a hiccup cause then the killer can find them easy and knock them down for being greedy. I'm spitballing here but I'll take the criticisms.