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Game Fixing Rework without Nerfing Loops!?

incognitix Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
edited November 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

What do you suggest as an alternative to loops? What's another way can you sustain a chase without looping?

There isn't any.

Looping is the part of this game that makes it fun, as both survivor AND killer.

  • You can't honestly say that playing this game against Rank 20's who constantly run into walls and don't put up any sort of challenge in a chase is fun. Going against that constantly will make the game become stale and boring.

Running loops well on either side gives you the satisfaction that you outsmarted the killer or survivor.

  • Adding killers that circumvent the looping aspect of the game isn't the answer nor is nerfing pallets/loops directly (with exception to some god loops). That would just ruin the game at least from a survivor's standpoint.

What needs to be reworked is how the objective is completed.

  • I think the best solution for this game would be to prolong the amount of time it takes to complete the objective that isn't as boring as just adding more time to complete generators. Create another activity for survivors to perform.

IDEA (*This idea involves the creation of a new item):

  • Survivors can no longer work on generators immediately after spawning into the map. First, they need to find a repair guide (this is the new item).
  • There will now always be four chests that spawn on the map. These chests will always contain repair guides as well as an item.
  • Opening the chest will instantly put the repair guide in your inventory. Once in your inventory there would be a visual indication that it is in your possession.


  • xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx
    xEcoLog1cDuk3Xx Member Posts: 441

    Umm I like the way you think as this idea allows for more of an actual objective and team based focus aspect but let's be honest the devs will never take the time and effort to put such complex but simple aspects into the game unless it makes them that 'Green Paper 🤑'. Not to mention BHVR choose to go the casual route which has plagued this game from day 1.

    Here's some (possibly casual) gameplay mechanics that rewards the killer for doing their Job:

    • When the killer hooks a survivor, their will be a 50% debuff to repairing generators for 45 seconds.
    • Gain a 5% bonus to action speeds and a 1% increase in movement per survivor sacrificed.
    • When a survivor is injured they have a debuff of -10% to their interaction speed and -7% to movement speed. (Interaction speed debuff to Repair, Healing, Sabotaging, Cleanse, Searching a Chest & Opening the Exit Gates)
  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,090

    Adding a new forced primary objective i don't feel is a good fix, also does anyone really enjoy looping/being looped? A good secondary objective that is rewarding but takes longer than totems could help.

  • Malarkky
    Malarkky Member Posts: 16

    Have you ever played killer? There is no fun getting looped as a killer.... especially with SWF. Speak for yourself.

  • Viracocha72
    Viracocha72 Member Posts: 207

    I agree with you but I think I get where he's coming from. I play mostly killer and definitely dislike getting looped but I do enjoy out playing a Survivor at a dropped pallet and snatching them off of it.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,133

    Mind games are fun. Effectively using the power of whichever killer I've chosen is fun. Pulling off daring saves as a survivor is fun. Managing to break line of sight and lose the killer in a chase is fun. Stealthing when the killer is right there and managing not to be seen is fun.

    Looping isn't fun. If I'm being looped as killer, it's just repetitive and a waste of time and I'll ditch the survivor and go elsewhere. If I'm looping as a survivor, which is rare 'cause I suck at it, but if I am, well, it doesn't feel satisfying: it just feels like I'm running in circles. Which I am. I kinda feel like I'm abusing the killer at that point.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited November 2019

    The only time I don't like a chase when playing killer is when I can't manage to outplay the survivor doing the looping. That said, what do you want? Do you want survivors to just stand there and let you down them? Do you want them to just throw every pallet on the map where there're none left by the time you catch that one survivor and then all the other survivors are dead because there're no pallets left? The idea that loops need to be made easier to deal with as killer is so silly to me because doing that would make me never want to play killer. I don't like easily won victories where I don't win by my skill, but just because the game is made so that I'll win.

    What needs to happen in this game is all maps need to be the exact same size, and have the exact same amount of pallets with the same placement for the doors in every game. This would make it where killers could be balanced not based on their good maps and bad maps, but just balanced based on how weak or strong they are in general. Consistency is the only way to achieve balance. The maps don't have to have the same placement of pallets and whatnot, just the same door placement and same exact overall size, while having the exact same number of pallets.

  • Malarkky
    Malarkky Member Posts: 16

    I’m not saying they should get rid of loops. Chase should be around 40 second long. Not more. It’s fun when u mind game survivor at normal loop. God loops are the problem. And there’s many.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited November 2019

    One chase, 40 seconds long. So you should down a survivor at MAX half a gen? That'd mean optimal killers would down survivors in 10 or 20 seconds. That's 1/4th of a gen with no missed Ruin skillchecks. An optimal killer could get 12 hooks in 3 gens with that. That seems pretty biased to me. 40 seconds isn't a long time either. I'm sorry but a 40 second chase max sounds way too easy. Even if we were to go the 40 second route. That'd mean a killer would 100% of the time kill 3 survivors, because that's 6 gens worth of time.

  • Malarkky
    Malarkky Member Posts: 16

    Actually, I’m talking about chase only. Not that you have to find survivor first. Not that you have to pick up and hook them. Not that you have to find another survivor 🙂 that’s more 30 sec at the best.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    All you have to do to find a survivor is walk near a gen, if you hear it, one's nearby. You're most likely going to be in a chase within the first 10 seconds. After your first hook, finding survivors is like a piece of cake. VERY RARELY do survivors run an immersed build and hide from the killer.

  • Malarkky
    Malarkky Member Posts: 16

    10 second takes to reach first two gens. What about other 5? Have you ever played a killer? If you are lucky, u find first survivor in 30 sec. after hook, you have to move long way, at least 20 sec. if chase was 40 sec. that’s three gens done in SWF for sure.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited November 2019

    I've played killer plenty. Usually there's someone working on a gen within the first 10 seconds of my travel time. Most killers move 4.6 m/s. That's 46 meters in 10 seconds. I've been playing Spirit, without phasing until I hear a generator. Still find someone within 20 seconds max, and she moves 4.4 m/s.

    That said, again, once you find your first survivor, you pretty much find someone again after you hook them. So again, AT MAX, including your "30 second rule", that's 6.3 gens. You'd still kill 3 people EVERY TIME even if you were bad if the maximum time spent to down a survivor was 40 seconds.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    "Running loops well on either side gives you the satisfaction that you outsmarted the killer or survivor."

    Oh boy yeah, so much outsmarting goes into running in a circle around the piece of debris you know the killer can't catch up on 4 times. then repeating that 20 times.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    First step would be balancing the loops.

    Some maps are build almost entirely out of safe loops while others have one giant "infinite" aka. time wasters which are long enough that killer won't be able to catch up until window blocker appears.

  • SaintDenisSlasher
    SaintDenisSlasher Member Posts: 227

    "Looping is the part of this game that makes it fun, as both survivor AND killer."

    ######### speak yourself. I play stealth on both sides because i hate looping, but as you said i do it as survivor because what else am i supposed to do? Seriously doubt the killers im running around enjoy it tho. I know i don't

    i don't even got a solution tbh i just know looping sucks

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Most loops are far more intricate than just running around in a circle. Especially the BL ones.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Mmhmm. Up the stairs, out the window. Up the stairs, out the window. Up the stairs, just to mix it up, out the window. Oh but the killer's vault animation takes longer than me vaulting and non-staggering back to the stairs, and I can see WAY in advance if they don't vault the window. That's some real mastermind brainpower going into that.

  • wannabeuk
    wannabeuk Member Posts: 135

    I can handle most survivors on most loops (there are still those survivors that seem to be able to read minds and never fall for any mind game)

    But there are some loops that, especially as wraith, are more effort than they are worth giving a survivor either a 5 min chase or a free escape (as if they run that loop i usually just walk off)

    That said I don't think delaying the start of gens would solve the issue, it's the three gens being worked on at once each with a toolkit that is the issue, if you commit to a chase on one, two gens will be done by the time you down and hook the survivor.

    it needs to be something fun/rewarding for the survivors to do, not just some mindless task that is obviously designed to slow them down and nothing else. What that task is, I have no idea.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    You're literally only talking about one place. There are other places where there are many dropdowns and more than one window.

  • Yucchi
    Yucchi Member Posts: 250

    Those changes will make all survivors quit. No one WANTS to do gens. It's simply holding M1 with occasional skill check and you want that to take longer

    +increased MS for every hook? You realize people lose their ######### saying that 110 MS killers are too slow, not like the rest of killers with 115. Therefor your changes are as ridiculous as they can get

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764
    edited November 2019

    Devs have to fix all the semi/infinites loop, that is an urgent thing.And something else for gen rush (dont know if a secondary object is the good way).