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Nerf SWF and all will be happy

This would fix everything.

Survivors, let’s be honest here, SWF is the worst thing in the game for killers. You who will argue with me just try to play against it.

there is absolutely nothing to counter this. Yes killers have moris, but you have to actually unlock it in the bloodweb with blood points and find it! And it is rare.

SWF is for free and you can do it all day. How is it fair? Killer can’t do ######### against it. That’s not right.

there were few ideas on the forum - permanent ruin (it means destroyable outside of killer perks) which would be not that big since SWF’s can go through it easily. Or nerf gen speed, or some secondary objective like find wires first so you can open the gates.

SWF is just not fair play at all.


  • Malarkky
    Malarkky Member Posts: 16

    You can still play with friends. You will just not have easy time outplaying the killer like you do now.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Unfortunately, once they opened the floodgates for SWF, there's no way to turn back now. It'd cause a huge upset. The only thing that would improve things for killers would be balancing gameplay around SWF, since a well coordinated team has such a gross advantage over the killer.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Well thing is you can not punish people to play with their friends that is idiotic. Thus they have to adjust balance and treat survivor as a 4man swf. With this their is no reason to not play with your friends. So adding any kind of handicap or whatever just for playing as swf will lead to people going solo search and try to find each other just like when SWF wasn't a thing yet or people stopping to play cause it takes too long to find each other.

    So the only thing they can do is treat survivor as 4man swf.

  • Malarkky
    Malarkky Member Posts: 16

    I don’t need 4K every game. 2K would be ok.

    I'm glad that you are having fun with friends. Fun is a big word in these days. But killers deserve to have fun too. And there is nothing funny about getting looped while three gens are done in 80 seconds.

    Yes sometimes you find SWF that play casually, but it’s pretty rare. Most of the games, if I kill someone, I get salt like I’m the worst person in the world. Just because all his little friend escaped and he didn’t.

    casual is rare in this game. Survivors think that they win only if they escape. But actually it’s so easy ranking up as a survivor which can be considered as a win.

    As a killer, you need at least 3 kills to rank up.

    For me - 2 kills is a win.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Don't forget map design.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,708

    Depends entirely on what they nerf when it comes to SWF. This is more a party game and people love to just play with friends and if it becomes too much of a chore to do so, it could really hurt the game.

    I don't think swf needs nerfing anyway. I think solo's should be buffed slightly and some killers should be buffed more.

    Not many people like the try-hard 4 man squads for sure but it's hardly the norm to get depip squads of the god caliber anyway. People have bad games and assume swf bs when in reality it might have been bad luck, bad plays, or a bad map. The same game but with some little change and it could have been a 4k stomp in your favor. I've played against groups multiple times and sometimes I win hard, lose hard or it's pretty even depending on map and the killer I play as well as in the moment decisions. I've had maybe one or two games where I went, "Damn that swf group was strong" and even then, they were all good to the point I think I still would have lost even if they were solo.

    From my own experiences normal swf's tend to be overly altruistic and end up losing a lot because of that. Getting a group of solos but they all know what they're doing is arguably worse in some cases. There is no love lost between them and gens tend to fly while people are hooked. I have had multiple people complain to me saying we wouldn't have won the game if we weren't a swf when in reality it was a full solo que (assuming the others weren't lying).

    SWF can be strong no doubt but unless you're facing god level groups, not that much changes as it still depends on everyone's skill at the end of the day. The biggest change being who gets the hook rescue which if someone has kindred, doesn't matter anyway. Even in solo ques you can sometimes assume the rescuer. One on hook, two people injured and one full health. The full health guy gets the hook while the other two do gens. Did you notice if someone had borrowed? Chances are they'll go for a save again so you can stay on gens. Was there a super quick heal after that guy got rescued. Person probably has we'll make it and will be going for more rescues.

    There is a lot of little information you can pick up as a solo survivor that while not as good as swf info, can still be really helpful and strong to the point people may think you're swf.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    I'm sorry that it happens to you, that's why I hate toxic people... ruins the game. It's like "Okay, the killer killed you, move on and try better next time." or something.

    However, I do not wish to be punished for what others do in their SWF.

    But have some advice I got from an educational DbD Streamer: Know when to cycle off and find someone else. Don't stick on the same person if you cannot catch them. Get one, maybe two pallets out of them first.

    I know SWFs usually split up though so even if you find someone else, it might not help much still but it'd be better to scare them off of gens and try for the weaker links first. If solo ques were smart they'd split up too so it's not always SWF that is the problem (and usually they do in my few killer games).

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    ummh, if someone simply plays with their friends doesn't mean they are toxic tryhards who make sure you don't get kills. you can still get them. it doesn't immediately mean they are godlike and beat you 5-0. Probably 1 out of 10 swf squads can be like that. You can have hard time with solo players, and you can have a healthy or easy game with swf. being solo or swf doesn't necessarily define how the game is gonna be

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    Obviously it needs to be nerfed but honestly there’s no way to do it without upsetting survivors, and god forbid we do that.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,044

    I kinda seem to miss those 100% highly optimal Squads, because every SWF is like that. At least when I read the Forums.

    Most of the SWFs are indeed only friends playing together. They are not super optimal, they dont go into the game with the goal to bully a Killer or anything.

    4 Potatoes in a team using Discord does not make them 4 godlike Players.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,133

    There's no real way to nerf SWF. And you can't punish people for playing with their friends. They need to buff solo survivors, give them more information so solo and SWF are on even ground, and then buff killers accordingly. Attempting to balance killers around solo when SWF is in the game is making both killers and solo survivors miserable.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    I also think nerfing swf is not beneficial. Bringing all survs up to swf level and then buffing killers to compete with that sounds more of a solution.

    You dont need to be an "optimal" swf group or play competitive to ruin the killers life. Even the advantage of a two man squad is noticable. Just by saying im in chase, its that killer, pop the gen now, my gen is almost done finish it, give me body block etc you get so much advantage.

    Im a solo player but also like swf sometimes. and you feel the difference. Even more if you play killer. The most solo survs are shredded easily and if you up against a squad you will know for sure.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Solo queue for killers...

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Lmao you can stop with your argument about most people, most people sucked at playing nurse too. You can simply put that behind you, you wanted nurse nerfed due to some god players now deal with it when adressing all other aspects of the game. Survivor needs to be adjusted around the best players, meaning 4man swf, top lvl, playing only efficient and nothing else.

  • DerFan
    DerFan Member Posts: 42

    the right thing to do is buffing solo que. like give solo que survivors a free kindred and so on.

    nerfing swf is impossible so the buff on solo que and a buff on killer play, like gen time incrase or another objective would be the right thing to do.

  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262

    Imo the best way to "nerf swf" is to actually start with buffing survivors, so solo survivors would have all the information that SFW have (kindred in basekit? chase indicators to know who is in chase?) so there is almost no difference between solo players and SWF.

    Once that's done all killers should get the buff (longer gens fixing times? stronger perks? dunno what, but something for sure)

    That would be ultimate solution, if it wouldn't matter for the killer if he is against 4 solo survivors or SWF group.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,276

    Just git gud and all will be happy.

    Survive with friends is beatable. You just need to practice.

  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 81

    It's hard to generalize from your own experience to the whole player base. I mean, duh, right? I just mention this because I play with friends almost every match and I would guess that we all die about 30% of the time and we all live only about 10% of the time. In other words, the idea that SWF puts the killer at a significant disadvantage just isn't consistent with my experience. Now, here's the composition of my group of friends: One guy has been playing for a while, so he's at rank 8 or 9, I believe. The rest of us are much lower, around 13 or 14. That seems to have the effect that we get killers who are around rank 8 or 9, so maybe the fact that one friend is higher rank than the rest of us explains why we get killers who are much better than the rest of my friends, me included. But my point is simply that I would never have thought that killers feel they are at a disadvantage. Running more or less the same perks 90% of the time - Ruin, No Escape from Death, Barbeque, and then either Haunted Ground or Discordance (more variation on the fourth perk) - seems to put the killer at a very strong advantage. I can see how this would be different for more experienced and more skilled players who can more easily counter these perks, but since most players haven't unlocked many survivor perks yet, it's a struggle.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,307

    If you insist on mechanical nerfs applied to SWF parties I guess you'll never be happy then, as it will never happen.

    There's all sorts of other ways with non-zero probabilities of ever happening. General survivor/killer changes, map changes, objective changes for survivors and general attempts to make matches last a bit longer.

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    SWF is not a problem, there are plenty of people who play SWF and aren't good at the game and get trounced easily. I watch streamers who aren't good at the game playing with others who aren't good quite often. The problem is that when you get players who know what they are doing they tend to be hard to catch. Get several together and you have a real hard time, but that is not a SWF issue because every so often good randos get matched up and you don't need comms to communicate in this game if you understand the signals that survivors use to communicate with each other. Instead of complaining about going against people that are better than you try learning what they did and come up with ideas on how to deal with it.