So I've seen a bit of the oni...who are you and where are our devs?

Lol it's been a minute since I've been super hyped for a killer..this guy has so much to him, design wise hes awesome. Power wise he actually looks good and fun, sounds, mori, I was expecting a smaller dude with a cheesy mask,. But this guy is actually terrifying..hes got everything he needs to have to be a killer. Hes got a solid foundation and I deeply applaude only his club tied to his weapon cosmetics ?? Lol
I am not big on him so far, love his appearance sounds and gameplay for the most part; but he feels too clunky....His animations are so broad I can't see what I am doing half the time and it's disorientating.
Still, I think it's mostly personal issues, as a whole he seems like a genuinely balanced and interesting one.
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Dude ikr, I'm so damn excited for the Oni. The devs outdid themselves this time, really truly!
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Yeah even my issues are just nitpicking, overall he looks, sounds, and plays great in terms of balance, just feels like there might be a few QoL things in there but otherwise they are perfect.
Just having the camera going up down up down up down all around, left right, so often is disorienting it was making me a little motion sick.
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The fact that he has to charge his self with blood makes him a very viable killer and I look forward to the task of keeping my blood to myself.
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Aw..was really hoping to get some cool clubs
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Lol itll be quite a ride
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Do you know if future skins may include reskins for the club as well? (maybe tied to the body?)
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I'm glad with the design. I'm happy they didn't go with a skinny ninja looking dude but actually a tanky looking samurai.
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Agreed for sure , wasnt sold on the mask till I saw this bruiser