Nurse - Cancel Power

I’ve always wanted this since I started this playing game. It would be a nice QOL if I can be able to cancel my power before even blinking.

There are plenty of times where I see a survivor coming my way but I’m force to blink. Every other killer has the option to cancel their power.

Now, that the nurse have to recover before using her power again I don’t see the harm in allowing her to cancel her blinks.


  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262

    Well yes. Survivors run back at you, that's the form of outplaying you (and there are not many of them against nurse). Takeing it away from survivors is kinda like asking for autoaim hatchets on huntress so they can't sidestep it. Please don't. Don't make nurse stronger than she already is.

    Also remember that you can aim down, to the ground, to blink way closer than what you charged, if you can master it you wont need canceling anyway.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Maybe they can make that when she is holding her power, she can do a main attack to cancel blink, and stun herself like when she does the blink even if she cancel it.