Killer and Survivor Data
From what I know Survivor and killer data isn't released to people. With recent changes to killers and perks like Spirit, Legion, Nurse, Beast of Prey, the new perk Nemesis + Legion, The new killer Oni, a wave of complaints has come saying stuff like Nerf this and Buff that. I think it would be very productive and helpful if Data (mostly killer data) on stuff like how many kills average do they get a trial, How many players pick him, How many DC's occur for a certain killer. This would help the community be able to see what needs to change along with letting us give feedback. It will also reduce people just blindly saying to nerf or buff something based on just their personal experiences with the problem
I'd love to see something like that in the future and make it a regular thing. We would need to figure out what type of data you guys want to see, though. If we do it regularly, we couldn't give a ton of different stats each time (that would take way too much of the data team's time). It'd also be nice to narrow it down to a few categories that would appear every time so you can compare one month to the last.
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Pickrates for particular killers/add-ons/survivors/perks/items/offerings would be plenty already, Im a data maniac and I'd be super happy to see some official data !
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I don't know if we'd be able to go into details like add-ons, perks, items, offerings on each killer. That would be a ton of data to try to squeeze into a graph (each of the 17 killers have ~20 offerings alone). We'd probably stay away from survivor usage as well since they're purely cosmetic. Perk usage across the board might be nice, though.
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Kills and hooks per game for each killer, average escape rate for survivors and if it was gate or hatch; those are the big ones above all else, anything after that just becomes more details, ie perk selections, addons, how many death threats you get in the post game lobby chat that go unpunished, you know the usual lol.
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Pickrate and winrate of the top 5 perks on each side
Killrates of each killer at rank 1 (PC and console separated)
Maybe some outliers that you guys have found in the statistics, that are interesting.
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It would be enough to show us the data concerning the pick rate and the win & lose rate of each killer.
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Yeah, maybe not all of them, that'd be a bit much, nontheless I feel like seeing something like which map offering is used the most would be fun!
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Escape rates based on hours played, and whether or not a swf is involved.
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Do you ever think we will get stats in game? For example a page that displays your total escapes/killers and other personal data of that nature.
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I think you should create a section for the most-used Survivor perks, the most-used Killer perks, the most-used Killers, and the most successful Killers by rank (e.g. How many kills does Nurse get on average in Red Ranks? How many in Purple Ranks, Green Ranks, Yellow Ranks, Brown Ranks?)
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God forbid they let us see that SWF are over performing lol
Jokes aside, Solo/swf escape rate per rank and killers average kills per rank would be a good start.
There's no need for perk data.
The standard build for survivors has been the same for over an year.
BT, DS, DH, Adre.
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I don't know to much about collecting data or how hard it is but I think it should:
Firstly be divided between Console (PS4 + Xbox One), PC, and Switch, maybe mobile once it kicks off.
Then maybe show the data for ranks 1-8 (red and purple)(or it can be divided by each color rank. Once again I don't know how hard it would be to do this.)
Then maybe on a graph, show the usage of each Killer. You can also put the average kills they get a match.
And as extra somewhere it can state any other things that might be fun or useful to know like Top preforming killer/survivor perk as well as lowest preforming killer/survivor perks. (Although these might be obvious). Although the amount of DC's one killer gets would be nice info to know as it can help us understand what killers are more frustrating to deal with, it isn't necessary.
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Killer pick rate per rank category (brown, green, purple, red)
Killer kill rate per rank category
Killer perks used (not by rank, maybe even just top 15 and bottom 10)
Survivor perks used (not by rank, maybe even just top 15 and bottom 10)
That shouldn't be too much to ask for the data team while still giving us a lot to go on.
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@Peanits Maybe you need to pin a thread on the forum and tell everybody what data they want to know and vote up for others. Top 10 people with the most voteup within a month will be chosen with what they want to see.
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The thing about we as a community is that you could give out the raw data and there would be someone out there who could sift out the information as needed.
They could also teach the rest of the community how to sift through the data to find anything they wanted to find in particular.
This would show a great deal of goodwill and trust towards the community and take very little of the data team's time.
I know I'd be all over the task of digging through it to find stats and corrolations etc.
Would it be possible for the community to be given a data dump every big patch?
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Game duration broken down by rank groups and killer. I'd like to see the average, the min and the max.
Then I'd like to see the data of survival rate based on game duration groups, by rank group. So forexample, if the game last 3 to 5 mins what is the % of 1,2,3,4 survivals at rank 20 to 16, 15-10, 9 to 5 and 4 to 1. If the game last 5 to 8 mins, 9 to 12 mins, 12 mins+.
I'd like to see the data of BP average by game duration (survivors vs killers). Avg survivor and killer bp for games 3 to 5, 5 to 8, 9 to 12, 12+. Group break down would be interesting to of course.
I'd like to the seem the emblem rates by game duration(survivors and killers). Same game break downs as previously used.
average/min/max completion time for 1st gen vs average/min/max 1st down time.
average/min/max # of complete gens at time of avg/min/max 1st hook
IMO, the above data points would be farm more interesting and valuable then general survival rates.
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To be fair, there are no numbers on that chart and the requirements to find the data points wasn't shared.
I can make a bar graph too about how many people dislike decisions, but without sharing the numbers and process it won't actually mean anything.
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I kind of would like to know before rank reset the % of active members in each ranking category.
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Can we have information that is up to date?
Average per rank would be nice as well.
We all know a group of potatoes are as good as a solo player, talking from experience (potato In a potato group ,😂)
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What addons are mostly used, most common perks, most played killers, All killer kill rates, top 5 played survivors for the month, what map offerings are mostly used. That cool stuff
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That would actually be a nice idea
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How about a breakdown of that by rank?
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How many times survivors have collectively crouched.
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I think that is more of a funny meme statistic rather than an important one
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Perk winrate and pickrate please... this has been requested before but it’s like the devs wanna hide which perks are bad (:
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I'd like to see Kill statistics per killer per rank group, as well as perk use rate vs win rate for both sides
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SWF problems are not really a statistic one. You probably have the 4 man groups of people trollin' around with meme builds and it's fine equaling out only because of the actual try hard 4 mans that curb stomp everything.
I feel like there is far more to this than that one stat; because my matches tend to me getting wrecked by SWF and then getting a partial or non SWF and it's one sided in my favor most of the time. So I believe that number as a whole, but in practice there is definitely a whole lot more going on, and a lot of underlying factors to the issue.
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Did you guys see that BIG BAD ~7% extra survival rate for 4-player SWF? So in 100 4-P SWF games, 7% of your escapes are because you were in SWF instead of solo.
SWF is not as OP as everyone thinks it is. :)
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rip lol
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Noob Killers: SWFS OP
Survivor: It's not bro
Developers: Its really not
In all seriousness you just opened a can of worms because the Noobs are gonna whine that its impossible that the escape rate is 7%
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Im curious to see the pickrates of all the killers now that spirits getting fixed (interested to see legions actual pickrate rn).
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Add-ons are important tho. The way you guys currently balance killers is centered around taking specific add-ons or being a walk in the park for survivors if they don't.
Most of the complaints around nurse were because of add-ons and you nerfed her because of the "lack of fun" that these add-ons caused.
Even now survivors still say the nerf was justified and start talking about her old add-ons, forgetting you butchered her base kit too.
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I'd like to see all kill rates from every killer. 😁🤗
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Does that number include actual "rank 20 SWF", though? I'm genuinely interested how much of a difference SWF makes statistically per rank-color. Obviously SWF makes little to no difference at rank 20 as they have no clue how the game works haha.
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I would say killer kill-rate, pick rate and most common perks are cool statistics to see.
For survivor, I think Map escape rate, most common perks used on survivor and Highest escape rate perks would be interesting. I wish there was a better way to measure survivor pip rate and Average duration survivor survives a trial vs X killer, but survivor win condition is really vague.
There are other statistics to look at like how often survivors restore health states per game, Average time Elapse per generator completion, Average Time elapse between X killer getting hits, Average Killer hook speed, Killer first kill-rate speed, though these type of statistics are more micro-oriented to see how well one side performs at a certain task at given rank. Statistics are a bit too difficult to make for DBD because there are too many variable so it is difficult to find any meaning from them.
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The most important stuff is always going to be anything related to kill/escape rate. I’m very curious as to the impact of EGC vs the last set of stats. My guess is kills have gone up minimum 10% across the board at all ranks, but very interested to see. Overall kill rate by rank and the rate per killer at each rank are the key ones I think. I would also say if possible, the escape rate of a solo group vs a SWF party expanded a bit to show rank, as opposed to just an all in one number. I have no idea what’s possible, but the more in depth the better! Stuff like perk choices is fun I guess, but the real meat and potatoes is always going to be kills/escapes. Balance is what everyone is always arguing about.
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If I remember correctly, the developers also said that the Nurse's killrate was not exceptionally high before her rework.
Nurse wasn't as OP as everyone thought :)
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That was likely referring to overall rate though, which would be dragged down immensely by all the lousy Nurses at lower rank. It was probably far exceeding what it should be in mid to high rank.
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Same logic applies to SWF.
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Honestly, "Survival Rates for Solo, 2 SWF, 3 SWF, 4 SWF" is meaningless without seeing the ranks involved. This ought to be in five charts, one for each colour rank. The attempt to consolidate by conflating the displayed information is a detriment to understanding the results.
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Same goes for the survival rate of 4man SWF. It gets dragged down my meme-teams, and overaltruistic low rank teams. It is far exceeding in the high ranks.
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Possibly, but Nurse in particular is the one killer where being bad vs decent is night and day. You can be a new or just bad Trapper and still get kills. If you are a bad Nurse however, you are probably getting steamrolled. I don’t think it’s the same thing as SWF, but I do want to see that solo up to 4 man SWF escape rate broken down by rank. We have seen as a whole though, that between rank 10-1, overall escape rate was between 50-60%. However, this was before EGC, which has no doubt decreased that significantly due to hatch closing. The amount of 4Ks has obviously drastically gone up due to that. But with that being said I’m definitely all for a statistical breakdown of party size escape rate per rank. We do need to see a comparison of red rank killer vs 4 man SWF vs low rank killer against the same. It shouldn’t be grouped up as one stat.
There’s so much depth to the kill/escape stats that I hope they stick more to this than just the “fun” stuff like perk selections or what killer is used the most. Sure it’s nice to know, but I’m all about the real #########!
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The Huntress is also a killer night and day. Being good and bad can affect multiple things in the game not just Nurse. This is why we don't need data of the overall playerbase but instead divided by ranks.
Devs probably already have this information (or can access to it pretty easily) and don't want to share it for some reason.
They also are being less communicative in every aspect: data gets asked; the post gets ignored. And when they DO respond is with this biased information.
I also don't believe they are (pardon my language) idiotic enough to share information of all ranks because it takes a 3 second thought to realize rank 20 and 1 are worlds appart.
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Actually @Peanits replied to this post and there wasn't anything biased. He actually was supportive of the idea of data on stuff like top picked killers, kills per match, etc.
They do listen just maybe not as much as the community may like
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His response was hypothetical, he never said they were going to do it. Not trying to be nitpicky here, but I've seen a lot of his responses on threads (mines included) where he is "we would love to..." "we would have to..." etc. Never actually giving a proper solution.
They apparently have a data team and the only data im seeing since the past months are 1) spirit is overperforming, were they never gave any tangible data like ranks or if they filtered out DCs/Hook suicides and 2) SWF only perfoms 7% better than solos, and again with the same problem as 1.
On top of that they're also ignoring Legion and Nurse threads, they never gave any information on why X change(s) took place. For example, after they nerfed the Nurse they went dead silent on her threads (even in the ones during the PTB, which is a build dedicated to try changes and get feedback).
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I'd love to see these.
Also while were at it I'd love to see stats per killer. How many time killer X gets x-kills and how long average game against certain killers lasts ( as I have a funny feeling we will get some blatant issues from that stat).
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So this season so far we've been running a 75%-90% escape rate.
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You guys are outstanding. Love the fact that you even acknowledge this as a good idea
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Actually I think it would be useful to put in an in-game section to show our own data. For example
For the reset period (13th Oct 2019 to 12th Nov 2019), your statistics are:
You survived 33% of your trials.
Of the trials you survived, an average of 1.3 other survivors also survived with you.
Of the trials you died in, an average of 2.4 other survivors also died with you.
You killed an average of 3.1 survivors in each trial.
You killed all four survivors in 38.6% of your trials.
In trials when you killed all four survivors, an average of 3.2 generators were completed before they were all dead.