Time and Locations discussions

Did you guys ever wonder what time the trials take place??? like from what does the trial actually start? my guess would be like from 12am-6 am cus dead BY daylight and what countries do the maps reside in??? I know that myers' is in America so is Freddy's The hunteress' in Germany Spirit and Oni are from Japan Wraith is from Africa, Billy is somewhere in britain maybe? let me know what u think :D
I believe trials take place outside time and space, in the Entity's domain. The locations are not real, they're generated by the Entity. I also believe there's no time, as the Entity's realms are always foggy and dark and it doesn't seem to have a day/night cycle.
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Isn't Ormond a daylight map? 🤔 it looks daytime but i don't think i've ever actually checked the sky.
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Maybe it is just before daylight?
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Worth to mention, in Entity's world all maps and realms are created from memories of those, who reside there. So, trials aren't going in those places exactly. But, prototypes Entity used to create realms... they are different story.
I can say that Haddonfield is fictional town located (according to movie) in Illinois, USA. There is also a real town, which named the same, but it's not related to Halloween franchise.
Springwood is also fictional town from Ohio, USA.
Huntress is russian, btw, and mother's dwelling is somewhere in russian woods.
Crotus Prenn located also somewhere in USA.
Léry Memorial Institute is located somewhere in the woods three miles south of Michaelstown, Illinois. That's official.
Hawkins lab located in Hawkins, Indiana, USA.
Gideon meat plant is located by this adress: 11235 Blake Drive. Can't determine the city and state, tho.
Yamaoka Estate is somewhere in Kagawa, Japan.
Ormond is somewhere in Alberta, Canada.
Can't say much for the rest..
Post edited by Rattman on2 -
yea I would think so as it does seem like there a teeny tiny glint of light though very faint in an area of the map in the outside
also I think I just found a pretty neat Easter egg in Myers' house in Haddonfield, the painting along the stairs one of them has Satan's circle or star or whatever u may call it @Peanits
https://us.v-cdn.net/6030815/uploads/504/66WI37C5G5YM.jpgand also there's a picture of the barn from coldwind farm at the second floor
https://us.v-cdn.net/6030815/uploads/397/413AJG9K8YYG.jpg0 -
I'd assume the Hag and Wraith are African but it's just an assumption based on their skins and backstories
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And that lullaby is from Russian folklore. Mother's sing it to children to warn them not to sleep to close to the edge of the bed or a wolf will get them and take them away.
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Wraith most likely. Hag I don't think so. She looks that way because she's all rotted and stuff, not because of her ancestry.
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I thought Wraith was an African immigrant.
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OK so let's sum it up
Trapper: western
wraith : African
hag: God knows
Billy: American
Doctor: Canadian I think
Pig: Asian
Freddy :American
Bubba: idk tbh
clown: American
Demogorgon : unknown
ghost face: Canadian
plague : Babylonia
spirit :japanese
Myers : American
did I miss anyone else? idk
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Huh... never noticed that. Neat details
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A lot of these are flipped. GF and Pig are both Americans. Bubba is born in Texas's assuming off of the movies. Doctor is a African American. And Hag is just straight African also assuming her maps are located somewhere in Africa.
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Dude I'm never leaving a map again without looking at every single detail in the main building, I just noticed that there's a photograph of Rin Yamaoka, Her mom and her dad(half of him is burnt in the photograph) inside the house
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