Has anyone tested out the Spirit No Collision change on the PTB?

So if the Spirit Phases directly inside a survivor, does she plop out?, go on top of em? Does she stay inside em and they are stuck until she downs em or she phases? What happens? XD
Best Answer
I tested it with a friend just recently. What happens is the same as after a survivor gets hit and has no collision for a few seconds. Their models just overlap, but both of them are free to move away, and once they do they regain collision.
Behold Fing!
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Ah alright lol, looks cool either way lol.
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"Feng and Rin Fused together... I guess that would make me Fing!"
"I'm neither Rin nor Feng... i'm Ren! It's over Survivor, I've come for YOU!"
Couldn't help myself... (sorry.)
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Now I'm wondering...
Since Spirit is so powerful, does that mean the fusion wouldn't last the full 30 minutes?
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Probably, if they do the Potara fusion than it'll be fine...
If this is pre-super they'll be fused forever.
Regardless, idk if this is where we should talk about that ha ha. You can continue it on my wall if you'd like. (If you have anything else to continue that is.)