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Wish List


Just a wishlist of mine that I know will never happen cause it would involve nerfs to Killers on a scale that they have done to survivors. And buffs to survivors which, lawl, like that would happen.

  1. For starters I would overturn the decision to nerf instaheals into uselessness and return them to their balanced and fair state. Were they a ***** to deal with as a killer, absolutley, but so are Ruin and every 1 hit down for killers (whom almost all of them have access to 1 hit downs). Insta heals were counters to Killer 1 hit downs.
  2. Ruin nerf. This is in pretty much every game and honestly I'm just tired of dealing with it. I'll own up to not being amazing on skill checks, but this perk is just a lil too much. Maybe not for red ranks, but for purple on down it is a complete game changer which almost (not does but almost) guarantee's the killer a 4k. I'd either remove the regression or the pause to this perk as both are too dumb. One or the other, I care not which.
  3. Some form of counter play for Hook Campers. If Killer is within X distance to hook for X time, they no longer obtain blood points for the rest of the game. It won't stop them from doing it in large part, but it will ensure they don't get rewarded for bad behavior.


  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899
    edited November 2019
    1. Instaheals shouldn't be compared to instadowns. They are not counters to 1 hit downs. When someone is downed by say, Myers, you don't run up to them to get them back up because then you both go down. They just screwed over killers without a 1 hit ko by resetting an entire chase.
    2. Ruin and a lot of other slowdown perks should imo be changed and the core time of the game rebalanced to be longer (Extending gen times is not the key as it is undoubtedly the most boring aspect of the game so the devs or community would need to come up with something more interactive).
    3. There are a few counters already. First, kindred got a big buff on the ptb where it now also gives the user aura information whenever their teammates are hooked. There is also camaraderie that stops hook progress so the killer has to waste even more time. Then there is something that never fails which is do generators. If the survivor who got hooked first can have at least a somewhat good chase, you would have completed the equivalent of at least 1-2 gens by the time they go down so it shouldn't be a problem to finish the rest before the survivor eventually is sacrificed. It is a shame though that the one hooked has to suffer.