my 5k experience in dbd and what needs to be done, please watch!!, you won't regret it.

1- The game nerfing good killers is totally understandable but only against green ranks and above but against red ranks it only made things worst, so my idea is to nerf gen rush and that way you only affect red ranks that are good at the game and not green ranks+ as they can't gen rush.

as some games only takes 3.5 minutes to finish vs red ranks with ruin on I swear to god and with out tool boxes ( I can show you some videos of that happening many times ) and with toolboxes then it could easily be 3 minutes.

so now let's see imagine ( As an example ) if all survivors kept working on gens and the killer kept catching them off generators every time with out a chase, it takes 15 seconds to go and find survivors and 3-5 seconds for the carrying animation and 10 seconds or so to put them to the hook and for the hook animation to end, so about 30 seconds for each hook when the survivor is doing nothing other than gen rushing, multiply that with 7 and that's 3.5 minutes and the game is over, the killer probably needs to get the 9th hook to get his first kill with out tunneling, So even if survivors did not get chased and were caught of generators they would still win the game if they gen rush and that's with out toolboxes.

and that's how strong red ranks or basically gen rush can be, and a chase between a good killer vs a good survivor at least takes a minute I mean common I have 5k hours and I know that this is the least of what a chase normally * should * take and the reason is because a good survivor in this game has much more room for improvement than the killer, it's just how the game works, but like 1 min chases when the killer can't spare even a single second that's why killers are the ones that are afraid and not survivors every time they hop into a game so the feel of the game is the opposite of what it should be, this is a scary game for the killer and not the survivors, I don't feel scared what so ever when I play as a survivor, and all my friends feel the same.

I played many good games as a killer with minimal chase times of 15-20 seconds every time and got lucky but I got gen rushed in less than 4 minutes and I didn't even get bronze with the emblem that's related to gens and it happened many times even when am doing extremely good and yet I don't even get bronze in that emblem like I mean that's insane.... that's gen rushing, That I think it would be the death of this game some day and also that emblem would play a part of it too.

you nerfed good killers and I think it's time to nerf * Good * survivors which are red ranks and their gen rush as it wouldn't affect green ranks and that's why it's an epic epic idea, I didn't search for a solution of how to nerf gen rush, for example if you forced survivors to stay alive for 6-7 minutes in a trial, that wouldn't be a good idea because they would simply do all gens and play ninja afterwords, so def not the best idea, I also thought that maybe if a generator reaches a certain percentage that it ends up being closed by the entity for some time and that way you slow gen rush but it's also not the best idea as it affects green ranks in a bad way, hmm let's see what if every time a generator is completed that a zone comes out that blocks survivors from being there unless they are in a chase so that they could loop there or if some one is hooked so that they could save him and that way you make it much harder for them to play ninja once all generators are done and they have to wait 6-7 minutes before leaving, I know that it sounds crazy I really do but it really works and does the job, give it a thought.