If you were affected by the Grade Reset Bloodpoints not being awarded properly, you will receive any missing Bloodpoints shortly. You may need to restart your game for the rewards to appear. Thank you for your patience!

Fixing Blood Points, Tunneling, Ranks, and More



These are not direct suggestions. The changes below are for the purpose of addressing aspects of DBD that could be improved upon: to spark new ideas, and as such feedback and discussion are ideal. However, please do read this in its entirety, as many of the points are reliant on each other to work optimally.


New Survivor Blood Point Events 

(There are multiple actions in Dead by Daylight that contribute survivors escaping, but are not rewarded. These changes intend to correct that.)

  • Recoup: Recover health while in the Dying State: 15 BP/s (Survival)
  • Advocate: Chased while a generator is being repaired: 10 BP/s (Objective)
  • Martyr: Hooked while a generator is being repaired: 15 BP/s per generator being repaired (Survival)


New Killer Blood Point Events

(Dead by Daylight has had many changes to things such as emblem requirements, that reward killers for playing in a way that actively interacts with all survivors and lengthens the game. These changes are in support of that.)

  • Locomote: After hitting a survivor, hit a different survivor: 400 BP (Hunter)
  • Forbearing: Hook a different survivor than your previous hook: 600 BP (Sacrifice)


Adjusted Blood Point Events

(Some Blood Point Events do not sufficiently reward the time invested into them, or are disproportionately rewarded. These changes intend to correct that.)

  • Struggle: 15 to 20 BP/s
  • Hook Rescue: 1000 to 500 BP
  • Safe Hook Rescue: 500 to 1000 BP



(Struggling is vital to giving teammates crucial time in the trial. However, the button mash to Struggle is unnecessary and provides players with a means to grief their team by choosing not to. Also, the last survivor is receives needless penalties for surviving the longest, and should thus be rectified.)

  • Struggling is automatic and can not be ended early by the player
  • The last survivor hooked will have 15 seconds to use their unhook attempts before entering struggle
  • The last survivor hooked/mori’d will receive Blood Points as if they struggled fully


Solo-SWF Communication Gap

(Given the considerable challenges involved in adjusting SWF coms properly. It is more sensible to improve solo coms in order to reduce player frustration, while also creating a better foundation to balance Dead by Daylight in the future.)

  • A survivor’s icon appears more damaged depending on their hook stage
  • A survivor’s icon glows red during a chase
  • Fully recovered Dying State survivors have their auras changes to yellow
  • The killer’s icon becomes visible to all survivors after someone has entered a chase with them



(Offerings only serve to make an artificial grind, create unnecessary gameplay variance, or in some cases, produce large power swings. Removing a large portion of them will assist in balancing gameplay and Blood Point gain by greatly improving consistency for both.)

  • Remove Hook, Mist, Shroud, Ward, Map, Luck, Chest, Splinter, Mori, and personal Blood Point offerings
  • Remaining offerings are Bound Envelope, Bloody Party Streamer, Gruesome Gateau, and Event offerings



(Due to the previous removal of Chest offerings, the total Chests on the map are being increased.)

  • Increase total chests from 3 to 6



(Due to a combination of balance changes in Dead by Daylight these last several patches by Behavior, Keys have risen in prominence. As such, certain issues surrounding them have become far more pronounced: such as common multi-survivor hatch escapes before the gates are powered, and the now indefensible End Game Collapse hatch escapes. These changes intend to correct those issues.)

  • Using Keys before End Game Collapse will take 20 seconds
  • During End Game Collapse, the killer may perform a Hatch Grab action



(Luck currently only serves as an inconsistent means to receive a self unhook. This is being reworked to improve its viability and useful across the entire game.)

  • For each 1% of Luck, Great Skill Check size increases by 2%



(Being removed from the Bloodweb via offerings, Moris are now integrated into a killer’s base kit. As such, there are now more demanding conditions to trigger them.)

  • You can Mori the last survivor if they have been hooked twice, and is in Dying State
  • During End Game Collapse, you can Mori any survivor that has been hooked twice, and is in Dying State



(Lower tier Add-ons will receive a much larger chance of appearing in the Bloodweb, as to not change how often things such as Bloody Party Streamers or items show up.)

  • Significantly increase likelihood of Common, Uncommon, and Rare Add-ons appearing in the Bloodweb


Quality of Life

(Character names should be provided at the end game scoreboard to assist players in reporting the correct teammate. Additionally, the Blood Point cap has been raised to fully level a character to 50.)

  • Character names appear on Scoreboard
  • Blood Point cap from 1 to 2 million


Ranks & Reset

(Presently, ranks only function as a means to identify a player’s place in matchmaking, with no actual incentive to rise through them. These changes will encourage both rising to a greater rank, as well as maintaining it.)

  • Yellow rank provides 5% more BP
  • Green rank provides 10% more BP
  • Purple rank provides 15% more BP
  • Iridescent rank provides 20% more BP
  • Yellow Reset: 200 Iridescent Shards
  • Green Reset: 400 Iridescent Shards
  • Purple Reset: 800 Iridescent Shards
  • Iridescent Reset: 1600 Iridescent Shards


Emblem XP

(The bonus experience from emblems caps at a paltry 18 XP for an Iridescent, regardless of how many other emblems a player achieves. These changes aim to provide a much more rewarding system for performing well in trials.)

  • Emblem XP bonus to 20 XP per Silver
  • Emblem XP bonus to 40 XP per Gold
  • Emblem XP bonus to 80 XP per Iridescent


  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    I will just add that recovering from dying state should also be automatic.

    Rank reset part about iridescent shards wont happen.

    Hatch Grab wont be coming back.

    Tho these changes mean nothing while games can end in 5 minutes through actions of either side.

  • ModernFable
    ModernFable Member Posts: 836


    Recovering from Dying State requires the survivor to be still (w/o Tenacity), which isn’t always the best move.

    Hatch Grab isn’t going to create stand offs anymore, as the game will end within a few minutes because of End Game Collapse.

    And while there are a lot of problems with DBD. The speed of each game is a complicated one with lots of variables and causes.

    So instead of tackling a really difficult issue right now, we could start by solving some really simple ones first.

  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    The reason why I mentioned recovering from dying state is because currently I cant be bothered to be slugged twice in row because killer wants to slow the game down.

    I disagree that making small changes is better than big ones. Because they still have to choose what and how to change it. Then implement it. Then put it in ptb, and then maybe some of it would be added to the game. It would take months regardless.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I like how well thought-out these changes are. Bravo. I agree with these changes.

  • ModernFable
    ModernFable Member Posts: 836


    I’m not saying small changes are better or worse. I’m saying it’s much easier to do small changes that are straight forward, rather than large changes that require lots of considerations.

    Of course there should be large changes alongside small ones, but those will take much more time and testing.


    I noticed you were discussing a change similar to one I had listed.

  • ModernFable
    ModernFable Member Posts: 836


    I want to have a discussion and conversation with community members, I’m not making suggestions for the devs to see directly.

    Would you please move this post back to General Discussions?

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,324

    This section is fine for this thread, you can have discussions in here as well.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    My only problem is the highlighting when fully recovered is kinda a shadow nerf to buckle up because its main appeal is seeing the progress aura of downed survivors

  • ModernFable
    ModernFable Member Posts: 836

    @MandyTalk @Peanits

    Excuse me, but I need help. My posts are repeatedly being moved to “Feedback and Suggestions” when I put them in “General Discussions.”

    I understand this is happening because my posts do contain suggestions, however the intentions of my posts are to create discussion and converse with the community. Not to directly suggest changes to the developers.

    Despite me explaining this and even placing a disclaimer at the start of this very post, a moderator moved it and won’t move it back. I would very much like to talk to someone else on this topic and move my post back to “General Discussion”.

    There’s simply not enough traffic here to have a discussion. In General Discussion, I had a reply every few minutes, here I haven’t got several hours while on the front page.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,307

    @ModernFable if a post contains suggestions or feedback that is moved to the correct part of our forum...people are still free to discuss things there, and there are often quite interesting discussions that come from that part of the forums.

  • ModernFable
    ModernFable Member Posts: 836


    Most posts contain things that could be defined as suggestions or feedback, but many stay in General Discussion anyway.

    Also, my previous talk with a moderator defined Suggestions and Feedback as a place for the devs to see the suggestions in a organized fashion. Mostly due to the fact that there’s so little traffic here, that the front page barely moves.

    I’m not intending for my posts to be directly seen by the developers. I want to share my ideas and engage with as many community members as possible. Which I cannot do when my posts are moved to such a barren part of the forums.

    I understand that it looks like just suggestions, but that’s to make it easier to read and understand. I could format like a rant, since that feedback seems to be allowed, but I’d really rather not. I want to have constructive conversations with forum members, not just start fights with them.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,307

    I'm sorry I really don't see the issue here, your post is purely a suggestion post and as such it has been moved to the correct sub category of our forum. People are free to discuss your suggestions here the same as they are on the General Discussions.

  • ModernFable
    ModernFable Member Posts: 836


    It is not purely a suggestion post, not in the sense of trying to suggest solutions to developers. As the previous mod told me this section of the forums was for.

    This post is mostly suggestions, yes. However, it is for the purpose of discussion, conversation, and sparking new ideas.

    The issue I am having, is that I can’t talk to nearly as many forum members because this part of the forums is hardly looked at.

    In General Discussions, there are people ready to talk every minute of the day. Here, there is nowhere near as many.

  • Chaoxide
    Chaoxide Member Posts: 69

    The rank BP bonus should 100% be implemented, for there is essentially 0 reason to discourage Deranking for players, as well as 0 real desire to rank up outside of "wanting better games". This change would be very welcomed, however i do not believe the shards will happen even how small it is in comparison to outfits, it still encourages not buying killers/survivors so this is unlikely to ever happen and can be understood as to why for its the devs main source of pay really.

    So instead of shards i suggest a set number bonus for bloodpoints instead

    -> Gray: 0 Bloodpoint bonus

    -> Yellow: 30,000 Bloodpoint Bonus

    -> Green: 60,000 Bloodpoint Bonus

    -> Purple: 90,000 Bloodpoint Bonus

    -> Red: 120,000 Bloodpoint Bonus

    -> ONE: 150,000 Bloodpoint Bonus

    Each rank is of that of a daily bonus x2 of the previous one outside of Gray to which is the beginner area and should be encouraged as much as possible to rank out of. I gave "ONE" its own rank for its the top level and at this rank you will get the equivalent of a shrine offering for shards but without actually getting any said shards thus not encouraging lack of spending for cosmetics or characters.

    You do of course still get the set % bonus while in the ranks as well.

    The Luck changes i also like very much however i doubt all offerings will be removed, i would hope for at best the bonus bloodpoint offerings outside of the unique ones like Cakes, Streamers, Envelopes etc to be always at minimum to be Green for a 100% bonus in a category.

    Struggle i also think should just be holding a button rather then automatic, I get the original idea of the devs to "struggle" for your life, however all it does is break keys or buttons.