These killers deserve a nerf after Spirit!?!



  • doctor
    doctor Member Posts: 2

    ok think about it this way for your second point of having your locatoin reveled think about the amount of perks/abiltys that already do this

    1 bbq and chile 2 the docter in genral with his whole map terror radius 3 myers with the stalk 4 runing hag traps 5 nurse's calling 6 bitter murmur 7discordince 8 hex trill of the hunt 9 im all ears 10 infectious fright 11 iron maden 12 rancore 13 territorail imperative

    stelth for survs was never an optson

    srry for grammar

    and there are more but i got lazy so now go though the aura reveling add ons have fun the are a ######### ton of them

  • RecklessApple
    RecklessApple Member Posts: 14

    Might as well bring every killer to the ground so that survivors can t-bag all the time.

  • Booman
    Booman Member Posts: 1

    This pissed me off so much that I made an account for the forums. Survivors are not supposed to be in control of the game, the killers are. That's why it's a 4v1, not a 1v1. Survivors are so entitled to winning that, as soon as a killer starts doing good, they cry nerf. It's always killers getting nerfed, maybe it's time for a survivor nerf, gen speed is way too quick.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    "He also has no down side when being broken out of his ability" He doesn't? His power has a cooldown once he gets revealed! The only problem with GF is the broken reveal mechanic. And yes, he is the best stealth killer, but this isn't a problem with him, it's a problem with the others that suck.

  • AceInTheKate
    AceInTheKate Member Posts: 100

    Hello I'm AceInTheKate I'm a rank 1 survivor and rank 1 killer. I dont really have a affinity towards either side. I see your having trouble with ghost face and freddy. I'll do my best to help you. At rank 1 I run Spine chill, Dead hard(unless i put a map offering for Hadenfeild), calm spirit, and adrenaline if I'm running a purple medkit or pharmacy if I'm running a flashlight. For killers I main Freddy, billy, bubba, and hag. Now that's out of the way let's get to how to counter freddy and ghost 101.


    I choose ghost face first because he's significantly easy to counter. Now let's talk about what makes him dangerous and how to counter.


    If watched for a (insert time here) you become exposed. Your survivor is stripped of all his/her clothes and can be 1 shot.

    Stalk counter guide

    A simple counter is duct taping your clothes so you dont get 1 hit KO. Joking aside a way to counter this is spine chill. Spinechill makes ghostface super weak. You see spine light up go to a loop and wait. You see him begin loop and your golden.

    Zero terror counter

    This is a tiny bit harder. With spinechill he is worthless and easy win. Without it stay healed. He can hit you once but now the element of surprise is gone and at rank 1 if you loop long enough he will move on.

    There yea go easy counter ghostface. Ghostface kinda sucks. He isnt that good and falls under the I can get the first hit but not get the second like legion and wraith. They are good at getting the first hit but not being able to get the hit that actually matters. Now if your stalked you now know were he is and if your not blind you can loop him and not get hit. I've done that multiple times and its kinda funny when they rage quit. Can we get a F in chat for that?


    Freddy is also very easy. He isnt even that strong but I'll help you out because I'm a very nice person.

    Dream pallets

    I'm starting with the weaker power of fredbear. This is easy to counter. Memory of pallets is a easy counter. There's also another. Stay awake. Run bond. Go to a clock or go to a friend and wake the ######### up. You can always fail self care or blow up a gen.

    Teleport to Jenny's.

    This power is NSFW. Fredbear be wrecking that Jenny. Okay I'll tell you. You see blood stop using gen and walk away and hide. That's it. Sometimes the gen will blow up and congrats your awake and easy looping 101. Freddy doesn't have a power that helps in a chase so he is easy.

    Dream snares.

    This is the most deadly power but also easy to counter. If your running calm spirit and not in a chase run into all snares you see. You won't scream and freddy wont know that you activated them unless he looks at his snare number and even if he knows he has 10 possible places it could be at. Odds aren't in his favor so your safe. Another thing is staying awake. A simple counter to freddy is stay awake. He is only strong if YOU ALLOW HIM TO BE.

    Freddy isnt really that strong. If you stay awake his power is useless and if your good at looping he wont even hit you. Now a question for you. What can a killer do that can't be countered? Another one is how can a killer counter infintes, swf gen rush, flashlight bandits, gen rushes. Survivors have the upper hand dont nerf every killer unless they need it and dont nerf survivors perks unless they need it.

  • predragon12
    predragon12 Member Posts: 11

    Here's a idea get better at the game if you want a killer nerfed then you should play the killer your self we all have to deal with it

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    Here we go X)

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    Again, even i can't tell if it's a joke, but I'm more on the side of it being a joke than serious. Also 4 exclamation points in the title!!!! But yeah, these killers obviously have counter play, and spirit did too, except for skins and prayer beads. With default skin, her hair stands up when she phases, but all of the skins remove that, which sucks. I played against a default spirit yesterday with prayer beads, and she was awful. She still won though, because someone instantly DCd, and she got a gen grab on another guy. I never even got downed, she chased one Jane for 5 minutes around 1 pallet, and as a single survivor i did 2 gens in that time. I hook saved Jane, she got tunneled, spirit slugged her HIT ME and still lost me. I healed, Jane got hooked, and then spirit found me and chased me across the entire map before i got hatch. Spirit got nerfed because garbage killers like that could get 3 kills just because they had prayer beads. No other killer does that except Huntress, but Iridescent head still requires the ability to hit a survivor. All killers have counterplay, and there is no point in nerfing them. This post is a joke because it suggests insane nerfs to B class, upper mid teir killers.

  • ToxicDeath
    ToxicDeath Member Posts: 14

    So weak killers that legit had to be buffed should get a nerf because some of you would rather make the game "Fun" or easy for survivors instead of actually making it challenging 🤔🤔🤔 instead of picking weak killers why don't I ever see actually strong killers on the chopping block...

  • Tythamir
    Tythamir Member Posts: 4

    This post has to be b8 because I struggle to believe that anyone with a functioning brain wants to return Freddy back to anything similar to his pre-buff state. Also, no notifications on a failed skillcheck? Might as well just inflict Freddy with blindness while you're at it at that point.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    It is a bait, and these comments are hilarious, people are tearing each other apart over something so stupid.

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830

    Poor, poor Freddy. It was fun while it lasted.

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    Hm yes. Nerf two killers who can easily be trumped by common sense and coordination. I still don't understand the almost at least one dc a match against Freddy, he's not as horrible as people make him out to be.

    Ghostface has been nerfed plenty and honestly other players incompetence seems more devastating than his tool kit could ever be.

  • LordReaper
    LordReaper Member Posts: 1

    My favorite part so far..... "all survivors wants balance" it's not balance if it's just your opinion. And the fact that people are giving valid ways to counter the killer yet people still say the killers are op is hilarious. This has to be some kind of bad joke.

  • kengee
    kengee Member Posts: 11

    Just make The Killer an A.I.

    Survivors vs Killers A.I. Oh make it 5 difficulties, For Idiots, Easy, Normal, Hard, and last one, Need Nerf

  • Hex_ToasterBath
    Hex_ToasterBath Member Posts: 38

    If this is serious I'm going to have to ask you to actually play killer before making empty assumptions.

  • Artorias_Alter
    Artorias_Alter Member Posts: 1

    You survivors can't win every game, get over it

  • DBdude55
    DBdude55 Member Posts: 26

    Your character/player models head has to look at him not just the camera

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @Peanits Hey could you move my post back to general discussions? I think it got moved for some reason. I edited it to make it more of as question btw.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Leatherface is not OP. He's one of the weaker killers.

    Killer can be easy in the low ranks against survivors who have no idea what they're doing. Coordination and map awareness is where survivors get much of their power. New survivors won't have that at all. But one survivor with experience and good map awareness can run a killer around for five gens.

    Camping and tunneling is easy; playing that way isn't fun for survivors and it usually isn't fun for me as a killer. I don't camp or tunnel. I try to spread the love, as it were, and juggle all the survivors without focusing on any one too much. Against survivors who have a clue what they're doing, it's not easy.

  • DemonHunter5836
    DemonHunter5836 Member Posts: 31

    These killers don't need nerfs. They're 2/5 of competent killers in high ranks. Only thing that needs changing is the reveal mechanic for Ghostface. Too inconsistent; you could be staring at him square in the face and it won't reveal, and other times you reveal him without even knowing where he is.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764
    edited November 2019

    I think maybe devs can remove the common add oh of fake pallets, and change it in something else. So freddy mains play more also snares (I also play often him, rarely using snares).

  • kengee
    kengee Member Posts: 11

    how about make it a single player mode instead? hm? like i said before, make The Killer an A.I., so all survivor will be happy, not getting "tunnel" when got chase, not getting "camp" when got hooked while the killers patrolling around the hook because all his/her friend around it hook.

    5 difficulties.

    We're Happy




    Please Nerf This Killer

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Can't take it seriously seems like bait especially saying ghostface has no counterplay.. Also gen teleporting has counter play you can walk away and hide, or run and get distance and try to hide and it has the cool down after he's used it and he can't use it till the whole gauge fills at the start..not to mention the ability is gone when all gens are done.

  • profaned
    profaned Member Posts: 55

    With the comment above, there is alot of wrong in it

    Killer in games? So amnesia and Outlast have to have killers that aren't strong?

    Play killer already and see how strong you can be, and Livestream it for proof

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @profaned I would totally be down to stream it and prove to you all how easy and broken these killers are to play. Give me a time and date buddy

  • GiveTheDevsIQ
    GiveTheDevsIQ Member Posts: 4

    Ill give you an easy solution. Get good at the game and understand the point of a survivor is ironically not to survive but to do gens and rank up. Stop crying because you are bad at the game because if you haven't noticed, the killer has it way harder both gameplay wise and in the ranking system because they get punished for a lot of things some out of their control like hatch spawns or DCs. So yeah killlers dont need nerfs, the devs just need to make the game more interesting for survivor and less stressful for killer.

  • GiveTheDevsIQ
    GiveTheDevsIQ Member Posts: 4

    How is saying you find it boring to play against a fact because that is clearly an opinion. A fact is saying that survivors are not meant to 1v1 killers or at least shouldnt be, guess we will see if the devs ruin the game or not. Lol this guy is either a really dumb or a really persistent troll

  • GiveTheDevsIQ
    GiveTheDevsIQ Member Posts: 4

    @DuckApproved is actually a troll. This is a serious comment. The guy has literally been given facts and disproven the guys own "facts" which include him saying "i dont have fun against those killers" you know the kind of facts your 2yr old niece says and then he continues to ignore it all and say to present him with MORE facts. This man is like a sai a 100% a troll or the definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    as much as it pains me, yeah freddy would probably need the nerf. he was strong even on the ptb and i think most people were surprised that he's avoided getting any nerfs since then, bloodlust is one of the powerful things he has right now as he doesn't lose it when he uses his power.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    So you want a decent killer to be trash (again)?

    Better learn how they work and adapt. That's way more fun than just make it easy by nerfing. I for myself with 2.1k hrs have still problems against a good Huntress or Nurse (oddly enough not Spirit). Do I complain? No. I learn to get better. And it worked with killers I had problems with long ago, like Clown and Hillbilly. No problem anymore. Why? Because I learned!

    So I suggest you do the same.

  • profaned
    profaned Member Posts: 55

    November 30th

    Send a link to your stream (preferably YouTube) as well as playing against ranks 5 - 1

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90
    edited November 2019

    With the new statistics I actually have even more facts to back up my statement now LOL.

    Freddy has the highest kill rate...

    And this could be because...

    and circle gets the square ;)

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @profaned Alright your on

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Freddy: Don't be asleep, he literally has 0 powers if you are awake, and even then running Small Game completely counters him and his abilities since it activates on Dream Pallets and Snares. He has counterplay, it just takes time too learn them.

    Ghostface: Run Spine Chill, and you're golden. I run Spine Chill on my normal build, and it saved me more times then I can count when fighting all stealth killers. It's very underrated and absolutely is worth the perk slot.

    These killers do have counterplay, it's just they are very high skill caps, and as such will have harder too counter abilities, but they do have counterplay.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198

    Geez so many baby survivors anytime I see statements like this I question anything they say about having 'played killer" like okay. Sure buddy no counter play to ghost face... Lmfao run you're loops like normal and have a survivor I'm the look out while doing gens there's your counter play right there. It literally only takes 80 seconds to do a gen with no tool box and no great skill checks.

    Freddy run your loops if he's running snares you can use the same strategy that's used on hag, just run everywhere and force him to keep putting them down. If he's running dream pallets then remember where you've been

  • Oshi
    Oshi Member Posts: 306
    edited November 2019

    This forum need a new category "Complains". Fun thing, devs actually listen to surv mains. If they nerf Ghostface and Freddy i will rid from this game. It becomes an "crybaby's joke"

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    IKR heaven forbid a killer is strong enough to kill a survivor.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    Only nurse and spirit were bad. Freddy, Ghostface, Billy, Hag and Demo are all fine and balanced. After the nerf, all bhvr has to do is balance the bad killers

  • profaned
    profaned Member Posts: 55

    Looking forward to tomorrow's stream

    Hope you can keep your side of the deal up, there's no shame in losing

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90
    edited November 2019

    @profaned alright, but when i win as these op killers imma expect every single one of you guys to tell the devs to ban

    Also gonna stream early since im gonna be kinda busy tomorrow

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @profaned alright the time has come. The stream will start at 1:30 pm pst