Survivors Need to Chill.

(I'm new to this website so forgive me if i post this in the wrong place, also I want everyone to know I'm not trying to attack or be rude, I'm just a gamer trying to express whats bothering me about this problem.) I never say anything usually about this kinda thing because I keep calm but I'm getting very ######### tired of this problem. I play as a killer, almost never a survivor. I have honed my skills in this game through playing until I got good. Like everybody should! But let me say this: I am the "Killer", i'm not going to go easy on any player or let them get a chance to escape, and i'm going to play the way I want because it makes me happy and allows me to have a good time. But i'm way passed my boiling point with abuse from random players playing the survivors. They have a term for every ######### move we're able to make. It needs to stop. I never mean any player harm: infact sometimes I wish them good luck and I'm nice to them after the game even after they've cursed me out for winning. I made this account just so I can finally say it's enough now. It's a game, and what are the goals of games? To have fun and also try to WIN. One player survived me and cursed me out anyway and then said I was the toxic one after I wished him good luck in his next ######### game. I like the Legion, The Pig and Ghost face. I will play as them and use everything they have and play how I'm gonna and these types of players who think it's okay to curse me for playing the way that makes me happy need to get over themselves. If you want to survive me, play me with everything you got because I'm certainly going to throw every tactic I've got into the game. Simple as that, and I would like to play without getting verbally abused for feeling that way.



  • Yeah but he isn't being an ######### in post game chat win or lose; they are.

    That is the difference there.

    Though to be fair if he is camping like there is no tomorrow then well- not much else can be expected I would be salty too.

  • Thank you guys for understanding! I didn’t mean to come off so angry, trust me. But maybe I could keep this in mind.

  • Thank you for understanding. I didn’t mean to come off so angry, i really like being a chill player: I just wanted to get this off of my chest. ( perhaps I could’ve done it without so much cursing, it was a heat of the moment rant. )

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That's fine, it's understandable. Everyone gets frustrated, and sometimes you just need to vent and get it all out before you can move on.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Play how you want to play, no matter how it angers someone. Survivors send messages to everyone. So hide your wives, hides your kids and hides yout husbands cuz they sending hate to everybody! Really though play how you play and try to have fun. :)

  • People make a term for just about anything that prevents them from getting max bp's per trial. You hear terms like genrush, tunnel, and proxycamp and they are rarely used correctly and just a justification for the player to curse the other player(s) out for doing their job. Is it really bad when you hook someone and see scratch marks that are fresh so you patrol the area to prevent a quick unhook? Is it bad to do generators at a quicker rate to maximize your own survival chances? Is chasing someone who you've hooked bad when doing so would apply some pressure on the team now that they let their teammate go unhealed and didn't try and draw aggro? People seem to get mad at this game for everything. When I was a new killer I didn't understand these terms or what the reason was for the hatemail to a fresh player in rank 20. People (at least on playstation) like to attribute anything against them to luck, especially when it was something preventable. My first killer game I hit someone over a pallet and got called a lucky for it when he vaulted too late. Another time recently I got called lucky and a trash (expletive) killer because I hit someone who failed to hit r1 until I was almost directly behind him. People just don't want to accept any mistakes they make and try and make the other player feel bad for playing the game.

  • Thank you :) I really didn’t mean to rant so angrily, it just kinda popped.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    It's perfectly fine. :) This game or any online game can bring the worst out of people. Just try to have fun and play what makes you happy. And if you feel tired of the constant annoyance, take a break. Play something else, have a snack, come to the forums and look around, take a nap. Whatever!

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I also play both sides and do both side's challenges and dailies and do games where I do not act normally or do what is expected. Thing is here 1) if someone is put out of the game 10 minutes before the next one they are going to be angry, 2) if someone is prevented from doing something needed for an objective, they will be upset. 3) if you are killer and follow the one just unhooked you will be yelled at for tunneling, 4) if you follow a person too long you will be yelled at for tunneling. 5) if you are a survivor you will be yelled at for having a flashlight even if you don't use it, 6) if you are a survivor and you quickly crouch after a pallet you will be yelled at for tbagging.

    all of these things are rough on someone and like what you received and just posted here, you might be seeing the same thing, someone boiling over. I was like this last night and i blew up about it when i was tunneled out of existence in a match, and then made fun of because of my rant in that i only made 8K but hey when the killer came back and took me down right after unhooking time 1 and then again unhooking time 2 saying they never tunnel. funny thing is if he just said yea, sorry about the inadvertent tunnel it'd have defused me completely.

    you have three or four options depending on what you want to do: 1) ignore it and leave, 2) respond and escalate it, 3) respond and try to escalate it, 4) just not say a word. So you are vilified in any of these things but #1 you don't see it.

    But please realize that it may be a bad night and they don't want to stop on a down match.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    I miss when there was no post game chat.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Don't read the chat. Boom, problem solved.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    What do you mean when you say: I'm going to throw every tactic I've got into the game?

    Give specific examples please.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    When playing killer, make sure you go HAM...every match🤘

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    ...hide the endgame chat. There's an icon next to the chat that you can click to hide it. It's really that simple. Or just don't look at the chat if those mean words are getting to you.

  • DemonHunter5836
    DemonHunter5836 Member Posts: 31

    That challenge doesn't require you to heal from 0% to 100%. Just did it today, all you have to do is top the heal off using the medkit as long as Botany is equipped. Same concept goes for the Dark Senses challenge. Good luck homie.

  • Walker
    Walker Member Posts: 16

    Honestly, as 2k hours survivor main, I absolutely and completely agree with this post and also empathize with your anger about it. While it's obviously not true of everyone, since I usually play solo queue I have to say that a relevant amount of the survivors I get matched with turn out to be... well, as you put it, people who just need to chill.

    People who want to impose (inexistent) rules on others, who complain whenever they lose – accusing the killer for a variety of their own mistakes, who DC if they get caught first, who blame the killer for not playing "nice" after someone DCs (it's cool if they do, but they don't have to and you shouldn't be entitlted and expect them to), who call a killer toxic for camping during the match (not realizing it usually works out in the survivors favor), who call a killer toxic for camping someone after the gens have been done, etc.

    However, I do fear that this is unavoidable. I think most of them are just immature people who would act up anyway, instead of learning to just take the L and move on to the next match.

    Do what you must and what you want to do to try kill us, I welcome the challenge. I wish other survivors did as well.

    I also agree with some of the sentiments being put out in this thread. Don't engage with these people. They are not worth your time. Just say something to the effect of "gg" in the post-game chat and move on.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Play how you want, and block any or all communication channels (profile comments, private messages, anything else) if you don't want to deal with it.

    It's perfectly understandable for people to get annoyed if they go through something they find unfun or they consider unfair, but obviously there's a difference between that and going out of their way to talk trash because someone plays in a way they dislike. It's just scrub behavior at that point, trying to discredit their own loss by claiming someone else didn't "win properly".

    As long as you're not a hypocrite that gets mad when your opponent(s) play in ways you might find unfun while you play in ways they might find unfun, there's nothing wrong with playing however you want.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
    edited November 2019

    People get annoyed when someone does something they don't want them to do. It's how people work.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Looks like someone was camping and tunneling. Thats not the way the game is supposed to be played.

  • Walker
    Walker Member Posts: 16

    And here we have an example of an immature survivor main who wants to impose (inexistent) rules on others, as I was saying.

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    Sometimes it helps to put yourself in others shoe, you said you were a killer main, reckon what it would be like of the same thing happen to you if you're a survivor? Not to fault you or anything, i agree that most survivors felt entitled to get their way every time, hard to explain this, certain stuff you try to avoid doing as a killer which can only be understood if you play survivor and always remember it's not always about winning, sometimes it's okay to get a 3k instead of 4

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    The only ones who are immature (what a lousy way of offending others lol) are those whom purposely play to ruin the fun of others, and thats exactly whats happening by tunneling and camping.

  • Walker
    Walker Member Posts: 16
    edited November 2019

    I wasn't trying to offend in any way. It's immature because expecting your opponent to play in a way that you are more comfortable with and complaining if he doesn't and you die is simply not knowing how to be OK with losing a match. And that's immaturity in a nutshell. Learn how to lose without getting salty.

    Camping and tunneling are very legitimate and even necessary strategies under a series of circumstances, and not only done as a way to ruin someone else's fun. Learn to regonize those situations and deal with them, you'll be a better survivor and player for it, and much more valuable to your team overall than ignorantly complaining in the post-game chat.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    I was a little confused about the challenge to be sure. Part of it was that I had four matches in a row where I wasnt able to heal anyone (mainly due to the killer being very quick to kill everyone). So from what you say, it is similar to the Dark Senses challenge, so long as I meet the requirements at the time the other survivor recahes a fully healed health state it should count.

  • TeddyR
    TeddyR Member Posts: 46

    Probably not the response you wanna hear but just ignore them, as someone who gets easily frustrated with bullshit its easy to curse out a survivor especially on console since its just 1 person, but im not going to curse out survivors because they have each other, just understand that if you play those killers you will get cursed out (personally i like legion but cant stand fighting against them,) in the end unless they face camped me or tunneled me i will grit my teeth and say GG no matter what, yes survivors are toxic, but thats probably because the killer has a lot of different tactics whereas survivors are limited to perks they HAVE TO buy and not powers within a lvl 1 killer but idk i play both

  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    Unless you play like a complete scum bag then ignore the hate, its just whiney players, if you do play like a scum bag, then just stop being a scum bag, easy

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    I mean you main killer and only killer and it's your word against everyone else's. I find it hard to believe that you aren't toxic at all, as a killer main, like not even a little bit...

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830

    Just ignore the toxicity, they'll get tired of being annoying and leave

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    The problem is, when you throw every tactic at it, you need to realize 3 specific tactics just aren't fun for the survivor, tunneling, camping and slugging. Add to that, they're point killers for the survivor as well. In detail;

    Tunneling - it's one thing to stay on a person too long, but that works to the players advantage as the other 3 are getting gens done. However true tunneling is when you chase hook, and as soon as they're unhooked, chase again. This is just disgusting behavior. No chance to heal, work a gen, catch a breath. And since you decided to do this, survivor loses out on objective pts, altruism pts and probably survival pts, less they get out. After the match, you hear about it and killers just go "well get better." Better at what? They ran you for 3 to 5 minutes total, but the game is designed to let the killer catch you, so you will eventually win that chase.

    Camping - some call patrolling gens camping, it's not. Camping the hook right after you hook someone is though. You hooked the person early and make sure he can't be rescued, you just screwed him out of points as well as yourself and his/her teammates. No heal, or rescue, so no altruism pts. After the game you will be called on it and common response "Well you shouldn't work together, let him die." That's as stupid as saying "Well you shouldn't hit survivors, kick gens, use your ability.."

    Slugging - knocking down one then another who's right there, not slugging. However when you go searching for others right after knocking one, or camping the downed survivor waiting for someone to go heal, that is. Who finds it fun to just lie on the ground bleeding out? Again no pts being earned, not able to do anything but recover crawl and bleed out earns you a whopping 0 pts. You will get called out, and again the the most common response, that's how the Killer / perks work. That's just pure bull, that's just how you decided to play.

    Everyone knows there are plenty of ways to play, and yes, the killer is meant to kill the survivor, but this game is designed for both sides to entertain each other. But is your out to just entertain yourself, and use these playstyles, then expect to be called all kinds of expletives. You've taken a game meant to be fun for 5, and made it all about you.

    I have issues with toxic survivors as well, but for this, I'm keeping focused on the killer.

    KingHEADBUSTER Member Posts: 75

    Sounds like the poster is a camper, big time.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    In some of these cases, lucky is appropriate, not because you aren't good, but because game mechanics are bad. Jumping out a second floor window, and half way down you hit the survivor through the window, or running to a pallet, making just to the opposite side, pull it down and bounced back to your side, or throw a hatchet that obviously misses yet you still hit, in cases like this you got lucky because game mechanics are bugged.

  • Not so much mechanics but hit detection is very hit or miss

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    Funny thing is you'll find some bad apples in other communities. The deadline daylight community on the other hand is a bad apple always has been it's the nature of the game.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I don't know about that. People are people wherever you go. You'll find a lot of great ones around here if you look for them.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    This game is more of you'll find some good apples but most are bad. The toxicity in this game is widely known in the gaming community.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The same is true of Fortnite, Overwatch, and League. But they don't breed toxic communities, it's just that their communities are so large. Some people are toxic, so more people equals more toxicity. It's possible that DBD, like any game with separate, opposing roles, breeds hostility within the community for that reason, but I'd still take with a grain of salt anything that's "widely known" among gamers. Most people aren't critical thinkers and just parrot anything they hear because it's what everyone else thinks. In that way, it's very easy for something to get a reputation that is hugely exaggerated or simply untrue.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    We will have to agree to disagree. My experience as well as others have shown dbd to have the worst community in gaming currently. The games that you listed do have some level of toxicity but dbd is another level.

  • StevePerryPsychOut
    StevePerryPsychOut Member Posts: 190

    Spoken like someone who has never played OW or league. The toxicity in those games make the toxicity in this game look like a drop in the bucket. If you're really getting more crap talked to you than those games generally engender you might actually be playing a bit unsporting.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    Well surely you seen survivors doing really crazy stuff in matches and acting completely against normal rules? Ever think why? That they may need that final generator or such and then dont care if you kill them?

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Even if they do play like a "scum bag" they should ignore them.

    No one can dictate to you how you play the game as long as you're not in violation of TOS you can do what you gotta do to have fun/win/get the e-peen boost/whatever it is you play this game for. Not like survivors aren't going to do what ever it takes to win.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    I play within the rules Behavior set. But my experience in those games were for less toxic there are many people that agree this game is extremely toxic your just one of the ones that does not feel that way.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260
  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    Well thats an acceptable way to remove the highly agitated survivor I suppose.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Paragraph breaks, man. You should try them.

    If you want me to comprehend what you're saying, I need to be able to look at your argument without getting a headache.