Would you be upset if pips & rank moved behind the scenes?


I have lately developed the opinion that removing pips and rank from player's view would greatly improve the health of this game. I think the concepts should be kept for the matchmaking algorithm but why do we need to see them? Personally I would be happy just seeing how many bloodpoints I earned at the end if the match.

In my experience, seeing rank before a match can alter how players interact with the rest of the survivor team. And yes, many will claim that they aren't a team but I think people would work together better if they didn't know the difference in their ranks.

Also, red ranks seems to be an incredibly contentious place to be. I have a theory why. When you are low rank and get destroyed by a killer, you don't feel as bad if they are several ranks higher. It's easier to just let it go. But I imagine this is difficult when you're vying for a top spot.

What do other people think? Would making pips and rank a purely unseen matchmaking component be better for the game and community?
