Dat360NoScope Member Posts: 6
edited July 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Let me start by saying I currently have 1,126 hours into DBD and I play both roles evenly. These are perk buffs and nerfs I came up with before and after this latest patch.

                                                                         -SURVIVOR PERKS-


OLD: Unlocks the ability to heal yourself without a Med-Kit at 50 % the normal healing speed. Increases the efficiency of Med-Kit self-heal by 10/15/20 %.

NEW: Unlocks the ability to heal yourself without a Med-Kit at 40/50/55 % the normal healing speed. Increases the efficiency of Med-Kit self-heal by 15/20/25 %. When you stop a heal unfinished your progress will regress at 20/15/10% of your healing speed. Regression only applies to healing done with self care.

Note: An extremely go to and powerful perk for survivors. This nerf was needed.

OLD: You look over your friends even in dire situations. You and your allies within 8 metres of range recover from Exhausted, Hemorrhage, Mangled, Hindered and Blindness Status Effects 10/15/20 % faster.

NEW: You look over your friends even in dire situations. You and your allies within 8 metres of range recover from Hemorrhage, Mangled, Hindered and Blindness Status Effects 10/15/20 % faster. If you are running while exhausted the exhaustion status effect will cooldown at 40/50/60% of it's normal speed for you and your allies within 8 metres

Note: With this buff survivors that are exhausted with perks like sprint burst will still have there exhaustion cooldown but it will take slightly less than or double the time while running depending on the tier. (90/80/70 seconds.)

OLD: Once per match, when the Killer's Obsession, succeed a Skill Check to automatically escape the Killer's grasp and stun them for 3/3½/4 seconds.

When not the Killer's Obsession, when the wiggle meter is at 45/40/35 % succeed a Skill Check to escape the grasp.

Increases your chance to be the Killer's Obsession.

NEW: You grab at anything you can to escape the killer

When the Killer's Obsession, you wiggle out of the killers grasp 12/20/30% faster

When not the Killer's Obsession, you wiggle out of the killers grasp 10/15/20% faster

Increases your chance to be the Killer's Obsession.

NEW 2nd VERSION: Once per match, when the Killer's Obsession, wiggle and succeed a Skill Check to automatically escape the Killer's grasp and stun them for 2½/3/3½ seconds.

When the Killer's Obsession, when the wiggle meter is at 60/50/40 % succeed a Skill Check to escape the grasp.

When not the Killer's Obsession, when the wiggle meter is at 80/70/60 % succeed a Skill Check to escape the grasp.

Increases your chance to be the Killer's Obsession.

Note: With these nerfs the survivors will still have to put in work to escape while still giving the killer a fair chance to get to a nearby hook


OLD: Unlocks the ability to sabotage without a Toolbox at 30/40/50 % the normal sabotage speed. Skill Checks triggered in this situation have success zones reduced by 20/10/0 %. Increases efficiency of Toolbox sabotage by 50/75/100 %.

NEW: Unlocks the ability to sabotage without a Toolbox at 40/50/60 % the normal sabotage speed. Skill Checks triggered in this situation have success zones reduced by 40/30/20 %. Increases efficiency of Toolbox sabotage by 50/60/70 %. Hooks completely sabotaged by hand take 40/50/60 seconds longer to regenerate.

Note: Since the hook regeneration I stopped running this perk and it almost seems pointless to use in my opinion. With this buff I could see it being part of my build again. I added some small nerfs to the skillchecks to try and balance it out a bit.

                                                                      - KILLER PERKS-


OLD: You recuperate faster from any attack made with your main weapon. The cooldown of missed attacks is reduced by 20/25/30 %

NEW: You recuperate faster from any attack made with your main weapon.
The cooldown of missed attacks is reduced by 20/25/30 %
The cooldown of successful attacks is reduced by 6/8/10%
Your red stain when in a chase is 10/10/15% shorter

Note: A buff was needed to this perk since patch 1.4.0 made is almost useless in my opinion.


OLD: You become obsessed with one Survivor. Your Obsession's altruistic action speed is increased by 38/44/50 %. Once the Obsession is killed or sacrificed, every other Survivor gets a penalty of 19/22/25 % to repair, healing and sabotage speed.

NEW: You become obsessed with one Survivor. Your Obsession's altruistic action speed is increased by 40/50/60 %. Once the Obsession is killed or sacrificed, every other Survivor gets a penalty of 20/24/27 % to repair, healing and sabotage speed.
At the start of the match you can see the dying lights aura for 5/5/6 seconds and your movement and action speed is increased by 4/4/5% for 5/7/10 seconds

Notes: A much needed buff to the perk since it requires a lot of work to get it working.


OLD: Your presence alone instils great fear. Survivors within your Terror Radius suffer from inefficiency. Affected Survivors Item consumption rates are increased by 80/90/100 %.

NEW: Your presence alone instils great fear. Survivors within your Terror Radius suffer from inefficiency. Affected Survivors Item consumption rates are increased by 90/100/110 %.
While in a chase the survivors vision is zoomed in by 7/10/12%

Note: I rarely encounter killers that use this perk so I just tweaked it a bit and added a new gameplay effect.


OLD: The Crows found in the world can communicate directly with you. 50/50/75 % of the time, cawing Crows give you a visual clue when you are within a 16/24/36 metres.

NEW: The Crows found in the world can communicate directly with you. 70/80/90 % of the time, cawing Crows give you a visual clue when you are within a 36/42/48 metres.

Note: I never use or see this perk being used. This is a much needed buff.


OLD: The trauma caused by your brutal attacks makes crying for help painfully difficult. Dying Survivors' are not revealed to other Survivors when they are standing outside of 32/24/16 metres of range.

NEW: The trauma caused by your brutal attacks makes crying for help painfully difficult. Dying Survivors' are not revealed to other Survivors when they are standing outside of 36/30/24 metres of range.

Note: Nobody likes slugs :p

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