An old Chinese player submits some suggestions for the upcoming update and the upcoming version.




  1. Every survivor can quickly use a deadly blow!
  2. Survivors pretend to rescue, the killer can no longer pull people
  3. We don't even need a survivor on the real rescue hook. Why not delete this rescue program?
  4. Now this version of the wood board has increased, and the killing will be weakened again.
  5. If you change the plan! The hook is pulled down to refresh the status!
    Just used up the reinforced iron bones, landing can be used immediately
    Now one can play killer five generators and live out, and also TMD to strengthen humans?
  6. If you change the plan! The survivors on the rescue hooks, it is easier to rescue them during the control phase.
    Control phase rescue will not be controlled by the killer
    After the survivor on the hook in the control phase, he immediately refreshed his skills.
    It’s going to be harder to kill a survivor quickly, and everyone will have a fatal blow.
  7. Especially team behavior, two people repair generators, one person card stage rescue
    Each person is assigned a pocket watch, and the person who has been hooked will refresh the skill.
    Immediately after being rescued, use the catapult
  8. Now the version killer is very difficult to play. If you modify it in the future, what kind of game experience will the killer have?
    I only need one person to come to the rescue. Everyone is hooked up in turn, so I don’t have to worry about being pulled down.
    If the killer can't quickly kill a survivor, they can repeat this rescue.
  9. Now it takes three generators to put a survivor on the hook.
    After the update, the killers still need a gaming experience?


  • missW
    missW Member Posts: 71

    From the original cheek to keep the corpse
    Now is the rescue stage patrol corpse
    Then will soon be changed, leatherface sawing the corpse??

    Why are so many killers unable to play and experience?
    Why not consider the problem from the generator time?
    Human beings are so powerful, why not start from their own technology? Must they be fully strengthened?

    In the Chinese region, the matching time is too long and often matches foreign players.PING is too high
    I have long ranked paragraph 1
    Others deliberately control the rankings and bully newcomers in the 10-15 rankings.
    And our honest players can only wait for players in ranking 1.
    We have waited several versions, and the producers have been concerned about the Chinese players do?

  • missW
    missW Member Posts: 71

    It takes 20 minutes to rematch a game, but the game only takes 8 minutes. I feel particularly helpless.

  • missW
    missW Member Posts: 71

    Can the production team pay attention to my difficulties? Or is it the voice of the Chinese region?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited July 2018

    I would appreciate if you didnt use google translate because that mess is not readable :wink:

    Oh and of course you will be ignored because the devs dont speak chinese, you will have to speak english with them

  • missW
    missW Member Posts: 71




    1. Every survivor can use decisive strike as soon as they get caught.
    2. Killer can no longer pull the survivors when they try to unhook their teamate, which means, fake resucing actions always work. Moverover, the hooked one stop bleeding while others are trying to unhook him, which ,will lead to a huge wage of time for the killer. Why not just CANCEL it?
    3. Once unhooked, all perk reset. It’s pretty much like a wild goose chase for the killer who run after someone with sprint burst, balanced landing, lithe, dead hard at the same time, isn’t it? Guess what, that’s the combination of perks im gonna bring in the coming version, just to pissed the killer off for fun.
    4. As is stated above, survivors can just take turns get hooked and escape at last. It’s barely impossible to kill 1 survivor , not to save kill 2 .
    5. As there are more pallets in the map in the recent version , the killing lust is supposed to be strengthend but not weakened. Or, it doesn’t seem fair.

    6. Last but not least, many Chinese suviviors de-rank themselves on purpose in order to make fool of newbie killers, they take pleasure in seeing low rank killers suffers and refuse to play with high ranker killers. It’s totally unfair cuz as a rank 1 killer ,i’ll have to for 20minutes to get into a match lasts for only 8 minutes. There’s hardly any fun for high rank Chinese killer-main players any more literately. And as for low rank Killer-main players? They never have to wait for that long cuz Chinese suvivors will always de-rank themselves so as to tease with low-rank killers. It’s ironic to see that it takes 3-generators-time to hook their 1st victim for the very 1st time, poor Killer-main players.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @missW said:




    1. Every survivor can use decisive strike as soon as they get caught.
    2. Killer can no longer pull the survivors when they try to unhook their teamate, which means, fake resucing actions always work. Moverover, the hooked one stop bleeding while others are trying to unhook him, which ,will lead to a huge wage of time for the killer. Why not just CANCEL it?
    3. Once unhooked, all perk reset. It’s pretty much like a wild goose chase for the killer who run after someone with sprint burst, balanced landing, lithe, dead hard at the same time, isn’t it? Guess what, that’s the combination of perks im gonna bring in the coming version, just to pissed the killer off for fun.
    4. As is stated above, survivors can just take turns get hooked and escape at last. It’s barely impossible to kill 1 survivor , not to save kill 2 .
    5. As there are more pallets in the map in the recent version , the killing lust is supposed to be strengthend but not weakened. Or, it doesn’t seem fair.

    6. Last but not least, many Chinese suviviors de-rank themselves on purpose in order to make fool of newbie killers, they take pleasure in seeing low rank killers suffers and refuse to play with high ranker killers. It’s totally unfair cuz as a rank 1 killer ,i’ll have to for 20minutes to get into a match lasts for only 8 minutes. There’s hardly any fun for high rank Chinese killer-main players any more literately. And as for low rank Killer-main players? They never have to wait for that long cuz Chinese suvivors will always de-rank themselves so as to tease with low-rank killers. It’s ironic to see that it takes 3-generators-time to hook their 1st victim for the very 1st time, poor Killer-main players.

    1 This was a thing right at the beginning of the halloween DLC. Even after the non-obsession DS got nerfed, DS is still OP and will be nerfed soon

    2 The way how the unhooking mechanic works will be changed soon, gotta wait for that. Not sure what you mean with the bleeding out thing

    3 I dont understand that either. One would believe that afetr a survivor has been hooked, they need to recover or sth instead of sprinting around like crazy

    4 Its possible if you play leatherface

    5 Pretty much yeah, but survivors dont like it being bloodlusted at a pallet.....

    6 deranking is a thing in the game because you are not rewarded for ranking up (seasonal rewards or sth like that) But not only that, you are even PUNISHED for ranking up (especially as killer) because the game is balanced around low ranks and non-optimal players.
    I have played a lot of competitive things and while smurfing was always a thing in them, it was never as common to bully low ranks as in DBD. And at the same time, I dont know any game where it is as easy in DBD to do so, you dont even need another account

    The whole ranking mechanic needs to be reworked, but they promised us leaderboards and seasonal rewards, so maybe there is sth coming along (probably not soon though)

  • missW
    missW Member Posts: 71

    @Master said:

    @missW said:

    1 This was a thing right at the beginning of the halloween DLC. Even after the non-obsession DS got nerfed, DS is still OP and will be nerfed soon

    2 The way how the unhooking mechanic works will be changed soon, gotta wait for that. Not sure what you mean with the bleeding out thing

    3 I dont understand that either. One would believe that afetr a survivor has been hooked, they need to recover or sth instead of sprinting around like crazy

    4 Its possible if you play leatherface

    5 Pretty much yeah, but survivors dont like it being bloodlusted at a pallet.....

    6 deranking is a thing in the game because you are not rewarded for ranking up (seasonal rewards or sth like that) But not only that, you are even PUNISHED for ranking up (especially as killer) because the game is balanced around low ranks and non-optimal players.
    I have played a lot of competitive things and while smurfing was always a thing in them, it was never as common to bully low ranks as in DBD. And at the same time, I dont know any game where it is as easy in DBD to do so, you dont even need another account

    The whole ranking mechanic needs to be reworked, but they promised us leaderboards and seasonal rewards, so maybe there is sth coming along (probably not soon though)

    I strongly suggest to nerf the bleed-on-hook mechanic back to the orginal version where it takes 90 seconds instead of 120 seconds to complete the scarifice and consume the one that is hooked. Wanna know why? The reasons are listed below:
    The game is less fun for the KL as all survivors know their hooked teammate has bought such a long period of time for the repairing they don’t even give a damn on the thought of hurrying to the resuce of their friend. Given that precious 120s, instead of take part in helping others, most survivors bend over backwards to do the generators.
    Time waits for no man, for both survivors and Kl. You can’t always think about survivors, can you? Kl needs time too
    Camping is definitly out of question or you lose all the generators.
    Not camping, however, is also not a good idea, cuz all survivor know how to unhook their friend at the very last second before he enter the next stage or consumed by the entity. They won’t leave their hands off the generators and unhook their friends just because Kl is already thousands miles away! Which means, it’s nearly impossible to come back and catch him once he is unhooked. Which means, you might have already changed a target to chase.
    Maybe you think 120 seconds force Kl not to camp, but you neglect the fact about how many generators will be lost at the meantime? Don’t you see there are fewer and fewer Kls in the lobby?

    I highly appreciate the changes you made on the trappers. But honestly, days are never easy for the trappers. There’s literately no time to set traps. Trapper is still comparatively useless than other Kls like the huntress , the hillbilly, the wraith etc. Is there any possiblity that you could make trap-setting as fast and convienent for the trapper as the hag does her magic? Another thing that worth to mention is that the long-existing bug for the trapper still exists as ever. You can never set a trap easily without stepping back a few steps and trying all angles possible, which looks pretty silly. I feel terrible for the trapper-main Kls, if they still not extinct. :-)