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Does anyone have any tips for playing Demogorgon?

Machy619 Member Posts: 23
edited November 2019 in Ask the Community

So I've had this game for quite a while now and I've gotten pretty used to being a killer main. I've mained Michael, Wraith, Pig and Pre-rework Freddy. I'm currently maining Legion and found all of these killers to be easy to pick up and play but I just can't get a proper hold of Demogorgon. I try to apply pressure by putting portals near gens and hooked survivors but just can't figure it out. Does anyone have any advice on playing them?

Best Answers

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416
    Answer ✓

    Shred the instant you can down hallways especially, it goes further than standard but at the cost of turning (console) and place portals nearby gens (not used massively but this has worked rank 5/6) if they pop near one, swag on over and find your victim quickly before they go, I still need more games but this is the best I got thus far