My idea for Wraith rework

I have recently seen the devstream from this week, where it was revealed some future ideas for buffing the Wraith. I can't complain about the addons rework, since they add a wide variety of unique effects to the wraith kit. The problem is find is with the base mechanic of the bell, which feels clunky and forces you to be stuck in a X seconds animation every time you want to get benefits from it.

The first part of the rework is to make the Wraith invisibility a passive skill, similar to the Ripper character from Identity V game. A lot of people are talking about this mechanic to replace the current Wraith bell, and I find it apropriate, since you can become invisible without being slowed down in the middle of a chase and being able to hit people from the invisible state, at the cost of taking more time to become cloaked and losing it with each offensive action. This change will perfectly fit with the current mechanic of breaking gens/pallets and opening lockers while invisible, so the majority of newly reworked addons won't have to be changed. In regards to the disappearing time and the speed boost, instead of being a set amount of time and boost, I think it should be shorter when the Wraith is not hunting (in a chase or having survivors in line of sight), let's say 3 seconds and moving at the current cloacked speed, and longer when the hunt starts, around 6 seconds and the speed bonus of being inivisible reduced to the same speed as bloodlust 1. This way he can still get the movement speed to move around the map without having to wait a long time each time he interacts with a gen, pallet or locker,and a bit of a bonus while chasing. The woosh effect will replace the bell sound at 24m radius, and the new ultra-rare addon will mute the woosh sound instead of the bell's.

The second part of the rework is creating a new active skill. I've thought of adding the Wraith the capability of locating survivors from far away, as well as awareness of the progress of generators (like his new ultra-rare adon). This is achieved by the new skill Spirit Whispers, which can only be used while he is in the Spirit World (invisible), and functions similarily to Michael Myers stalk. By maintaining M2 pressed, the Wraith will be slowed down and his vision will be slightly blurred in the corners of the screen (same as Michael). While in this state, when the Wraith looks in a certain direction, every sound made within a 40º degree cone will be hearable by him at any distance. To compensate for this, they will sound distorted and at the same volume, so he can't pin-point the location and the depth of the sound, just that it is inside that cone. This ability allows the Wraith to keep an eye on the generators progress, look for injured survivors, hear if someone is repairing/looting/opening the doors, or even find the hatch at any distance, which may sound very strong, but being a cone-shaped ability, the further you are, the wider the cone gets so more sounds will be in range, confusing you.

This is my idea for the Wraith rework, it doesn't change the basics of the killer, just makes his gameplay more fluid and offers an improved tracing skill over its current built-in Bloodhound. I hope it doesn't sound too ridiculous, everyone who reads this feel free to give your opinion or make any suggestion, I'll gladly read it. :)