Suggestion: Change Wiggle Input (PS4)


I feel that the input for wiggling on PS4 (and probably XBone and Switch) should be changed to a button mash instead of rotating/jerking/"shaking"/slamming the analog stick. Or at least make it an option. More than anything I'd like to be able to change some of the key bindings like is, sort of(?), available on PC.

I just feel that doing this with the analog stick, at such a rate as is needed to even get close to wiggling free, can damage your controller and just feels overly rough.

I know it "fits" because you are "wiggling" the stick to wiggle free but mashing a button would feel easier and I wouldn't feel like I'm getting close to damaging the controller when I'm close to getting free just before a hook. (not that I ever really get free anyway. lol)

Having some way to change the mapping of our controls would be nice, and being able to change how we wiggle as part of this would be even better.

Its giving me Mario Party 1 PTSD! 😫

Just a suggestion and I honestly doubt this will change anything but thanks anyway!