Do you guys think that dbd should go back to what it was?

IMO, i feel bdb is just not the same. I feel as though having a time limit on escaping has taken away some of the games fun, but furthermore, has also taken away the chance of escaping when youre the last person left. Its like im legit stuck at a rank 16. I got to 15 for about 2 seconds before some bull that was completely out of my hands happened and i went back to a 16 real quick. Anyone feel this way? Or have any feedback?


  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830

    Honestly, the last person should have a 0% chance of escaping. Any reasonably good killer (read: fast movement) can track you down before a door gets open. The EGC is merely a convinience to stop salty survivors from making the game last literally 40 minutes by hiding in lockers/basement/etc.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I can understand the frustration, but the Endgame Collapse exists for a very good reason. The time limit was meant to add more pressure to the endgame for survivors, and prevent situations in which survivors could hold the game hostage by refusing to leave. The EGC hasn't removed the survivors' chance of escaping as the last one left alive, it's simply reduced it, but it's also eradicated hatch standoffs which is a good thing.

    You seem like a fairly new player. If you would like any tips on how to improve your gameplay and move up the ranks, feel free to ask, because it's true that the game is a lot more difficult at yellow and grey ranks, particularly for survivors. If you can persevere enough to improve your skills to green rank level, you'll probably have a much better time.

  • kierstynmp
    kierstynmp Member Posts: 22

    Well not exactly. If im the last survivor i shouldn't automatically be succumbed to death. That logic doesnt really make sense. If you dont have any chance of escaping like you used to id say thats rigged. Especially if i played well through the game, so well that i ended up being the last one, i should have a chance to escape. Thats literally the point of the game as a survivor.

  • kierstynmp
    kierstynmp Member Posts: 22

    Actually im not new. But what im saying is the killer can just camp the hatch and then the exi afterwords.

  • kierstynmp
    kierstynmp Member Posts: 22

    I just came back a few months ago after a long hiatus

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I don't think DBD should go back to how it used to be.

    Watch this video and you'll see what I mean:

  • kierstynmp
    kierstynmp Member Posts: 22

    I understand your pov i do but i feel there could be a little more equal ground for the very last survivor idk

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I see. I just got that impression from the fact that you said you were having trouble progressing beyond grey ranks. The offer still stands, though - if you'd like some tips to help, feel free to ask.

    Depending on how long your hiatus was, it's possible that part of the problem you're having is a lack of understanding of the emblem system. Knowing how it works and how to get points in it is a huge help when trying to rank up.

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    EGC is the best thing ever, it stops the toxic end game that was about, also you get tons of time to loop the map and back to the gate before it closes (some you can do almost twice) if you fail to pass the killer with it then you deserve to die, plain and simple, I'm yet to die to EGC and I've been the other end of the map for lols for it and still made it with a fair chunk of time left, as a survivor it just means you can't hold the game hostage and abuse the killer for no reason other than being a toxic moron, as a killer it also adds pressure as killers don't get points for it and knows everyone is dashing to the gate or opening the other and it's almost impossible to win on without luck or stupid survivors of EGC ever gets removed, the game will be 10X more toxic and I bet almost ever killer will leave cause it just won't be worth it, and if you are at rank 15 failing this then this isn't the game for you for winning but I do hope you at least enjoy the gameplay

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333
    edited December 2019

    You have a strong chance of escaping if you approach the endgame properly. If you're the last one left alive and you don't know where the hatch is don't bother looking for it. Get to a door and hide. When the killer closes the hatch you start working on a door. Use your stealth and take your time. You have plenty. You've got 2mins. Getting the door almost always your best bet unless you have seen the hatch prior to being last.

    If you're having trouble moving up as survivor then I would also suggest taking perks that help you move faster and give you advanced warning of when the killer is coming. Spine Chill helped a ton in lower ranks. Also playing in a swf would give you an edge as it can be hard to trust randos. Also you could bring maps or keys. People will give you a hard time for keying out of a game, but as long as it is in the game use it.

    edited for time correction

  • kierstynmp
    kierstynmp Member Posts: 22

    @vossler25 Just because of my rank doesnt mean its not a game for me lol.

    And yeah @Fibijean id def take some tips been practicing like crazy. Im better than i used to be ill say that.

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416
    edited December 2019

    Guess you didn't read what I said, if your are failing this at rank 15 you need a new game not you're rank 15 this isn't the game for you, huge difference the EGC isn't any form of issue to any survivor if it is then it isn't the game for them as you get so much time

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Anyways I'd honestly run the perk Left Behind until you can get out of the lower ranks. It makes it way easier to find the hatch and thus can let you escape that way much more often.

    From there once you get into higher ranks you can swap out the perk for something better now that you are dealing with Survivors that are better on gens.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Is that recent change? Because the timer for egc is supposed to slowed down when a survivor is injured.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    No. It never worked like that and I have no idea why you think it does.

    The EGC only slows down when someone is hooked or in the dying state. This was true since the trailer that announced it.

  • kierstynmp
    kierstynmp Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2019

    @ReikoMori thanks for the explanation bro! Also i do have urban evasion tier 3 and iron will tier 3

    @vossler25 Dude its called practice. I aint telling you what you shouldnt be playing.🤦‍♀️

  • kierstynmp
    kierstynmp Member Posts: 22

    Just making a point lol

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I thought it worked like that by design because apparently it stayed slowed down if someone crawled out due to a bug it seems.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    If you are crawling then you are in the Dying state.

    Dying state != Injured state.

  • kierstynmp
    kierstynmp Member Posts: 22

    @ReikoMori i feel like the timer runs out fast. So being injured doesnt affect it?

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Yes, I know doesn't doesn't equal injured, but I didn't always see someone crawling out. I would just notice that either I or someone else was injured and the time was slowed.

  • kierstynmp
    kierstynmp Member Posts: 22

    @NuclearBurrito i used to use left behind before my hiatus. Thanks for the suggestion!!!

  • kierstynmp
    kierstynmp Member Posts: 22

    @ReikoMori i have escaped before after after the ecg but i feel like its getting harder too. Sometimes i get lucky. But im gonna take all this advice and use it. Thanks yall

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    It's been reworked so it's better for this sort of thing now

  • ladymac32
    ladymac32 Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2019

    EDIT: As soon as I complained like a baby, the DBD gods smiled upon me and I got the end game unhook finally. Disregard this cry session lol.

    I don't know about going back to where it was at the beginning, but I can say this. As a suvivor main who almost exclusively solo queues, the game in it's state today is actively driving me away. I cue up for maybe 5 or 6 games before I am so frustrated that I go do something else. As a solo queue survivor, a few of the rift challenges simply require more time and luck than I'm willing to farm to complete. Those few rift challenges staying incomplete keep me from progressing in the rift. It may also be that I'm too casual of a player to continue to keep up with all the new and fun stuff that is coming out. I do love this game and will keep trying, but the amount of time I am motivated to spend on it is decreasing rapidly lately.

    Post edited by ladymac32 on
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Sorry for the delay - it was quite late at night where I live and I had to sleep!

    Sounds like you've got the right attitude, which suggests to me that this is the game for you 😁

    As I mentioned earlier, the best way to rank up is to understand how the emblem system works and what's going to get you points there. There are four categories, and to rank up from rank 17 you need a minimum of 1 bronze and 3 gold, 2 silver and 2 gold, 2 bronze and 2 iridescent, or 3 silver and 1 iridescent emblem.

    You will receive more emblem points for doing actions solo, so it's best to avoid cooperative heals or repairs where possible.

    The easiest category to do well in is Benevolence. Unhooking two survivors safely and healing at least one of them will grant you an Iridescent emblem in Benevolence, as long as no one dies without being rescued (which will lose you Benevolence points). Borrowed Time and We'll Make It are excellent perks to use here.

    Unbroken is an easy category to get a Gold or Silver in. For a Gold Unbroken emblem, you simply need to survive the trial. You will be awarded a Silver Unbroken emblem if you are killed or sacrificed having survived for longer than 9 minutes.

    The Evader emblem is the hardest to do well in, but you will usually get at least a Bronze in this category in a typical trial, as long as you are able to avoid the killer generally and do not get downed immediately when he finds you. You also get significant progress in this category if you manage to stun the killer with a pallet - three pallet stuns should guarantee you at least a Bronze in this category.

    I would advise you to generally aim for a Gold in the Lightbringer category. This can be achieved by repairing two full generators, or by repairing one full generator and cleansing all the totems, or by repairing a generator and a half and cleansing two dull totems. Opening an Exit Gate will also give you points in this category. However, as long as you survive the trial and achieve Gold Unbroken, a Silver Lightbringer emblem is also acceptable, and for that you only need to repair one full generator solo.

    If you can achieve Iridescent Benevolent, Silver/Gold Unbroken, Silver/Gold Lightbringer and Bronze Evader in at least some of your games, you should be able to gradually rank up to green ranks. Even if you don't do that well all the time, in order to safety pip, you will need a Silver in at least two and probably three categories, which shouldn't be too difficult to achieve.

    You can find more information about the emblem system and how it works on the official wiki here:

    As for more general tips, without watching you play there's not much I can tell you specifically, but YouTube or Twitch is your thing, watching gameplay videos by good survivors will definitely be helpful in learning how to improve your own skills - what to prioritise, when is a good time to perform certain actions, how to outrun the killer, etc.

    I'll also give you a link to my own guide here on the forums. It was written with brand new players in mind, which I know you're not, but there still may be one or two pieces of information in there that will prove useful.