What is it like to play Dead By Daylight on Console you may ask?

OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

Frame rate drops during gameplay, lag spikes, random booting, getting force DC'd, getting blue screened, getting hit miles away from the Killer, miles away from the window, frame rate drops while turning, vaulting causes instant lag, hit boxes (as in I get hit whilst being behind the Killer, nowhere near of their cone of hitbox) 75% of every skill check is lagged which makes Ruin super strong due to game optimization, maps never change and stay the same 2 to 3 games in a row, booted from lobbies I load into cause of "network error" (nothing I do fixes it), lobby simulator, the game freezes if the Killer leaves the after game lobby and pauses for more than 10 seconds, anything else?

Oh! You want me to state some good things about playing on console? I play on PS4, you would love to know how it's like, wouldn't you?

I think I can play the game sometimes?

Yeah, that's about it.

EDIT: It's not my internet, it's not just a me problem as multiple people have been having it, I've checked my router, everything, I live in the cities so my reception is pretty good.

Post edited by OMagic_ManO on


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    extremely framey also bad connection almost all the time we xbox players have a literal potato for wifi

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    that's why I gen tap ruin sometimes the skillchecks are just laggy to the point it's not possible to hit greats

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360
    edited December 2019

    The frame-rate drop since the last patch is something that the devs have acknowledged so hopefully Yui and the Oni will be bringing a patch with them for that.

    Lag issues such as getting hit through Windows will not be helped if you are in the US and play SWF with British people, because you might find you are getting matched with killers from their area rather than yours.

  • Jholla31
    Jholla31 Member Posts: 253

    I have had a lot of killer games lately where it becomes impossible for me to see a survivor when they're basically in a dead zone. The frame drops and lag spike causes my screen to just look like a giant blur and I end up swinging at air.

  • Viracocha72
    Viracocha72 Member Posts: 207

    I was about to say the same thing, yeah the frame rate drops sometimes when I use the blight skins but all I have to do is reset the game and I'm good. All the other ones rarely affect me. Definitely not as bad as people like to make it out.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    I can't play killer on console anymore. I play on ps4 and It's very survivor sided. Seems everyone automatically goes into party chat when playing now. I've even had them send me invites by accident and I'm the killer. Nothing but tryhards that genrush and relay every move the killer makes, and once you do get them, they DC. Frame rate is just horrible during chases, and it seems like the killer is a lil slower then on PC. They really need to get a separate team to focus specifically on console so they get the same experience PC gets, and find a way to buff around swf's or com's so it's a lil more fair for the killer.

  • Darth_Cader
    Darth_Cader Member Posts: 128

    The only plus I find in playing on PS4 as opposed to PC is that it’s easier to look behind you while running with a remote than it is using a mouse and keyboard.

    But yeah everything else you said pretty much sums it up.

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    Must have some really bad luck or something. I plan on Xbox, though, so I haven't experienced any of this. Well maybe the hit boxes but I only play Killer so I don't care about that one.

  • Darth_Cader
    Darth_Cader Member Posts: 128

    Long ago, I had Killers party invite me and all of the other survivors and we just do what’s basically a Kill Your Friends except with complete strangers.

    Good times.

    Also I can guarantee that PS4 players rarely jump into party chats with each other since I’ve had it happen to me literally only 4 times.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Then you got to spend SO MUCH longer just cause the game can't manage.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,276

    You're one of the lucky ones. Sometimes I can't even turn my camera too fast or else my entire PS4 will go into overdrive trying to process the bad coding while the game runs at 6 frames for the rest of the game.

    I'm on good Ethernet, by the way.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    I wouldn't complain if it didn't happen every day, every time I played, either I get "internet connection error", lag on any actions I do, get screwed over by hitboxes or blue screened constantly, it's my favorite game and I can't go a match without having an issue, I'm not one to exaggerate or stretch things out to sound worse than it is but console stability is really piss poor.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Huh. I thought it was just me having issues with skill checks.

    My frame rates usually aren't too bad. Except with the Doctor. I'm always lagging into things when I play against him.

  • NoOneEscapesNancy
    NoOneEscapesNancy Member Posts: 204

    Or maybe you just have a bad ps4? The only part I really agree with is that the map stays the same and getting kicked out of lobby’s with “network error”

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    On Xbox the major issues is frame rate. It's not at all consistent and when an notification pops up you get crazy hard frame drops. I've literally been hit by a killer with Sloppy and had my camera do a complete 180 forcing me to run back to the killer, all while not even pressing a direction on the right stick.

    As far as skill checks go, if you get a frame drop during them yea it sucks. But skill checks are client side AFAIK so are not affected by latency. If you are getting laggy skill checks it's the frame rate.

  • DrVeloxcity
    DrVeloxcity Member Posts: 301

    I was playing Ghostface 2 days ago on PS4 and everything was laggy! The lobby and blood web were laggy, chases were laggy, entering bloodlust was laggy, breaking objects and interacting with entities was laggy, etc. It made playing killer so frustrating and made it extremely easy to get juked or 360d because it was so laggy.

    But other times are just fine with no lag at all. I played Demogorgon the next day and probably didnt have a single lag spike.

    This game is strangely inconsistent on consoles.

    I cant image what the Nintendo Switch version is like.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    An alternative version of hell

  • CloakedDagger1
    CloakedDagger1 Member Posts: 181

    Same like I think it might be there internet not the console

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Same, I've never had like 75% of these issues. Though I will say they really need to fix the "network error" and the the freeze in the after trial screen.

  • DeadVision
    DeadVision Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2019

    Xbox player here! Can usually deal with the frames a majority of the time (either that or I don't really notice anything too drastic?). My gripe with the DBD console experience are the encounters with the endless loading screen when returning to the lobby, the occasional "Host Unreachable (something something check NAT type)" which my NAT type is open and I can usually get a game after that happens, and loading into a game that was green or yellow ping (which are decent nine times out of ten) and everyone is rubberbanding all over the place- though that could be that the host just has bad internet but still.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Host unreachable, Nat error, no network connection, Framerate drops, Laggy Hits/misses and kicked out of lobbies for no reason or stuck in the end screen. The game ran better in my opinion before the curtain call release June/July 2018.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    I really hate the extreme FPS drops when opening the blood web, getting hit, clicking on something too. I also am annoyed at how outdated KYF is since I tend to play it after a few survivor matches. And the random errors that occur when you exit a lobby.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    It would not be the result of a "bad ps4", everyone in this thread is saying they have the same issue, on Xbox and PS4.

    Not internet as I check it and it's running optimally, multiple people say they have this issue.

    Lucky you, it happens 24/7.

  • FreakPrince
    FreakPrince Member Posts: 526

    The devs DO NOT care about console players AT ALL. Period.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    Sitting in a lobby for 30 minutes now.


  • NoOneEscapesNancy
    NoOneEscapesNancy Member Posts: 204

    I guess I must just be lucky to not get much bugs or problems

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    All I can say is, close the game and try to restart it, i'm sorry that you gotta go through that.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Oh yeah the game also makes my PS4 Pro fan go crazy. No other game does that and yes I clean and dust mine.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    It's been worse.

    Also what do you mean by being blue screened?

  • LOA
    LOA Member Posts: 235

    Me too! The worst I get is a little bit of lag and a random freeze if the killer quits while the match is loading up, but that's pretty rare.

  • justaSpirit_phase
    justaSpirit_phase Member Posts: 142

    Same like ######### is up with everyone else’s lmao

  • InNOut
    InNOut Member Posts: 20

    I have an easier time wiggleing out on console compared to pc

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    The game will all the sudden close and your screen goes into the blue screen saying "There was an error in the following application", hence the name, kicks you out and closes your game, I can sit there for minutes at times.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    Frames frames frames frames frames frames frames frames frames Frames frames frames frames frames frames frames frames frames Frames frames frames frames frames frames frames frames frames Frames frames frames frames frames frames frames frames frames Frames frames frames frames frames frames frames frames frames

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited December 2019

    That's what I thought you meant.

    Hasn't happened to me, when playing DBD, for a while now.

  • VLight
    VLight Member Posts: 126
    edited December 2019

    I play on PS4, and I have had nearly none of these issues. Frame rates for Survivor are better than it has ever been, but Killer has significantly lower FPS. As Killer, Hawkins has terrible FPS, making it nearly unplayable, which is the only big issue with console DbD. Other than that, playing DbD on console isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. This is just my personal experience though, and there is definitely still a lot of room for improvement for the optimization of DbD on console. Lobbies as Killer are instant, and Survivor lobbies only take around 4-6 minutes, which isn't too long, for me.

  • CloakedDagger1
    CloakedDagger1 Member Posts: 181

    Internet can run optimally but with video games we had to have a set specifically for me to play games on and nothing else run on it so we have like two different set ups for the internet one for gaming and one for the rest of the stuff on internet or else everything is as you quoted it’s been like that on other games for me till we got this set up and playing any game on it is fine (it is not the console) and people who quote it as the console only give reason for pc people to feel more entitled about oh we are so much better then console yadda yadda

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    You know, you can plug remotes into PCs too. Alot of ppl playing on PC using a remote.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943
    edited December 2019

    Crap frame rate after i've played for a bit, I'll have to restart the console if i want it to be atleast okay, not even consistent anyway though. The sensitivity needs to be higher or they should support mouse and key board for console.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I only get bad connection sometimes and frame drops as the killer not to the point where frames are a problem tho. I play on Xbox btw maybe ps4 is just worse when it comes to dbd for some reason.

  • OGBatDad69
    OGBatDad69 Member Posts: 32

    I play on ps4 daily and live stream frequently and hardly ever have these problems must be your internet provider. I would say game state on ps4 is good!