Suggestion: More Interesting KYF

Knots Member Posts: 49
edited December 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Many games support custom lobbies where players can set up games with more variation than a standard match. In fact, many new game types have spawned from this ability to control gameplay variables in customs. Think of all the crazy gametypes popularized for Halo over the years as an example: Zombies, MLG, griffball. This has been instrumental in that series maturing as both a casual and competitive game and all the devs had to do was give players the tools to mess with game conditions.

Imagine if a KYF group could set a higher than usual survivor or killer count, change the number of gens... but even deeper than that, what if you gave us the ability to set cooldowns, player speed, the severity of certain effects, uncap or change the limit of perks players are allowed to bring in, or even mess with the variables of the map generator so that more or less pallets spawn, or a certain tile spawns with more or less frequency, etc.

I think DBD players would have a field day with controls like this for KYF and you might be surprised what kinds of cool and fun conditions we come up with. Players are constantly asking for new and different game modes and perhaps this might scratch that itch for them.