Feedback: Deep Wounds

I think the change to Deep Wounds was a well-thought-out solution. It prevents the killer from downing a survivor using Terror Radius shenanigans, but it still forces the survivor to Mend as soon as possible once the Killer has given up on chasing them.
If you honestly think that having a Deep Wound that should make you bleed out, not bleed as you sprint... I have no words for you. You have all the time in the world to mend, it's 12 seconds and I think you can even stop half way and pick it up later (I don't remember atm) and it doesn't even go down when you sprint now, which most survivors do anyway.
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It's clear that BHVR doesn't want Deep Wounds to actually kill you. It's meant to waste the survivor's time and nothing more. Survivors hated the old design of Deep Wounds (i.e. Legion when they were first released), which would often cause you to go down no matter what if the Killer played it right. It wasn't particularly powerful, but it was uncounterable for the Survivor, and thus very annoying to play against. They simply improved upon the existing design so that it always works as intended, taking away the Terror Radius exploits but still forcing you to mend before you can heal or do gens.
Now the devs can implement perks and abilities that grant Oblivious and Undetectable, without worrying about breaking Legion again. I see it as a good preemptive solution to a problem that would have elicited a huge amount of complaints if they hadn't changed anything from the PTB.
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While destroying a Killer that people enjoyed using and then, on top of all that, keeping the nerfs they had planned for Legion. Deep Wound is a flawed and broken mechanic and Legion has been through hell because of it. Remove Deep Wounds from Legion and then i might even agree with you. Till then, I refuse. Oh, and also, you didn't answer the whole "I can run and not bleed to dead." part.
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Deep Wounds was a flawed and broken mechanic. Now it's not. It serves its intended purpose of wasting the survivors' time. If you're sprinting all game so your deep wounds timer doesn't tick down, then you're not doing anything productive. You can't do gens, heal, unhook, open exit gates, or search chests until you've finished mending.
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I don't have anything else to say to you. You don't see it, and it's plain. "I'll just run allll the way over here... 12 seconds of mend after working on this gen for a while.... and back on the gen."
Yeah... balanced. Useful... It's totally not a free health state like literally everyone else sees it as, and certainly not making Legion's power even more of a punishment to use.
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Then how is it any different from injury? The timer doesn't go down when either:
In killer's TR, Running, and/or Mending.
Meaning there are little instances when the meter is actually ticking down. With the new mending times, you actually spend LESS time mending.
The map either has to be huge or the Legion has to run TR nullifying perks to even have the meter tick down, that is if the survivor(s) not running or mending outside of your 32 meter terror radius. And mind you, Sloppy no longer applies to frenzy huts, so heal times are still quick.
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You're incapable of seeing the bigger picture. I'm a killer main, and I support this change. If they hadn't made this change, these forums would be swarming with survivors complaining about Legion right now, and condemning BHVR's lack of foresight with their new perks. And the playercount would likely reflect that, too.
Time is not on your side as Killer. Legion's strength lies in his ability to slow objective completion and get first hits easily. For a Legion main, I'm surprised you don't understand that.
Deep Wounds doesn't interact with the Killer's terror radius at all anymore. Even if the Killer is standing right in your face with a Terror Radius that spans the entire map, the timer will tick down if you're not sprinting or mending.
Post edited by Mandy on0