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Idea for a Legion Rework

I'm not a legion main, but I played him regularly when he dropped and still use him every once in a while. I'm of the camp that believes that Legion cannot be fixed as he currently is by buffing or nerfing his existing kit, as it just doesn't work in any useful way.

I think it can be fixed without a lot of fuss though and in doing so would help make this killer even more thematic. The idea mostly stems from me sitting around and thinking about the killer's apparent theme and their name.

First, let me say that I would either not mess with the FF ability Legion has or, if I had to, I would simply remove deep wound from FF entirely and have it be a basic attack but otherwise unchanged, stun effect on a miss and all.

Starting with the killer's theme, it would seem to me that it revolves around utilizing mechanics that are otherwise survivor exclusive, i.e., vaulting pallets and fast vaulting windows. I would propose being able to add entering and hiding in empty lockers to his arsenal. Now, this sounds horribly situational at best, but I believe it could be a powerful tool in his kit with one other, large, change.

This next idea stems from their name. The Legion. As of now, this name is completely cosmetic and has no tie in with how they play. I would propose having all four members of the legion in the game at once, with the player being able to switch between members with a long cooldown on switching.

The player would spawn in as normal with one killer, and there would be three other Legions scattered around the map and hidden in lockers, highlighted in the killer's vision. They could switch killers by going into a locker and selecting which one they want to take control of. Switching killers would initiate the switching cooldown. Meanwhile, if a survivor attempts to enter a Legion locker, the Legion member will deny them entry and hit them with an attack, laughing cruelly for added effect. The Deep Wound effect would be given to survivors when they are already injured so that they won't just get put down. That would strike me as slightly unfair and abuseable in a chase.

I don't claim to have any credentials as a game designer and I'm sure there would need to be changes to his abilities that would need to be inplimented to make them fair, but I feel this would be an excellent place to start making Legion a more unique and threatening killer that doesn't rely on cheesing mechanics.
