Do you feel that if the Tar Bottle was basekit for trapper he wouldn't need any other buffs?

No not really, the main issue with Trapper plagues pretty much all M1 Killers at the moment... it mostly has to do with map design than anything.
Something similar to the badham pre-school map rework would be nice for all maps... especially maps that have fairly strong loops that're very hard to brute force. (Without wasting a fair bit of time of course.)
I wouldn't say he should get a MASSIVE buff, the same with all the other M1 Killers. They should just be set around a... moderate skill cap of sorts. It would give them more viability, especially at high ranks! If so, we could see a lot more variety in high ranks as a whole.
Would a base-kit change to his traps help him out? Well, it would actually be a significant buff when it comes to finding the traps... but should it be the tar bottle add-on that should be base-kit? Idk about that.
Maybe something like the add-on below that, I forgot what that add-on was so forgive me for that. Anyways, the traps should be slightly darker (maybe rusty to give a slightly darker tone) but otherwise I don't think they should be on the same level as tar bottle in base-kit. But that's just me...