Please give us the event cosmetics

I didnt get the game till after the hound huntress but I want it so bad, it's my favorite cosmetic for the huntress and the fact I cant get it ever again makes me sad, if you dont wanna give it for free make it a rift or a store item please, I would pay money for the hound huntress
I say put it in the store like the other event cosmetics maybe make them like 600 or 1000 auric cells.
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In the latest Dev Update, we announced our plan to unlock a large list of exclusive cosmetics to all players on PC and console. According to the feedback we received, we decided to review the unlocking process for the following cosmetics:
- Hound (The Huntress – Event Mask)
- Untamed Donkey Jacket (David King – Event Body)
- Pro-Pain Hammer (The Hillbilly – Event Weapon)
- Free Song Bird Slip Dress (Kate Denson – Event Body)
As it was mentioned by many players, these cosmetics were earned during events and were representative of the player's dedication to the game. The way these cosmetics were stored created an issue where a loss of progress was possible, we've since switched to a more secure method of storage for event cosmetics.
At the time of the announcement, last month, we had no way to isolate players who had earned these cosmetics. Since then, we have found a way to isolate the players that have played the event and will be able to restore these four cosmetics on a large scale, only to players that earned them during the events. Keep an eye on the news, this will happen Soon™"
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I think they understand where the decision came from, they're just lamenting the fact that it was made at all and asking for it to be reversed.
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Ooooh, yeah. Probably that. My understanding is sometimes off.
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No worries, it was kind of you to look it up to help them 😊
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I think @thatcarbonfox is aware of what you posted, he's just making a request based on that.
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Yes I do realize they reversed there decisions to give all players the event cosmetics due to updating the method of finding players who earned it, but for the people who never had the chance to earn it, like me, it sucks because I really like one of the cosmetics that I can never have due to me not knowing the game existed until after the event, this is the reason I want the devs to atleast add them to the store, because I never had the opportunity to grind for these cosmetics
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Yep, plus one here :)
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While it sucks for you unfortunately it would just as much suck for everyone who earned them in the events. If you got something you earned yourself and the Devs would randomly decide to give it to everyone you wouldn't feel good about it, I'm pretty sure.
Event exclusives are not meant to be available for everyone.
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I understand where you are coming from, but to put some light to the honest reasons behind the decision...
The hound mask was during a time before hangman's trick existed and to get the coins, you had to hook something like 80 different event hooks. It was a serious grind for those who played because you often ran into survivors who would run saboteur with serious toolbox add ons, and they would 99% your event hooks and then just sabo them in your face, so even with agitation and iron grasp, you couldn't get the hooks.
I know it's disappointing, but it honestly would be unfair for those who struggled during the events. I see your reasoning for being able to unlock it in the rift or buy with auric cells, but, like legacy, it shows the dedication that others had for this game when it was in a really rough state. It wouldn't be fair to those who have been around for a very long time and have been supporting this game for longer than you.
I'm not saying it's fair, but please try to understand their reasoning for it. I would love to have legacy on console, but I know the original blooded grind from watching old videos and damn, I know that would have been ridiculous, so I don't bother asking for legacy.
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Then give them out again as another event exclusive. You are saying that you should earn them right? Then why not put it up for another event? Put it in the Rift so the grind is also still there. Make it Tier 50/60/70.
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That would not make any sense. Everyone who already has those would be completely ripped off since you'd play an event to get cosmetics you already have.
They are called "exclusives" not "ex-we-might-put-them-in-again-in-a-grind-because-heck-those-who-already-have-them-clusives".
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I'm not particularly a fan of exclusives myself as an idea. In fact I am against it. Which is why I say people should have the chance to earn them again.
They should be available for everyone with exceptions to people who have done amazing work for the community. But even then they shouldn't literally be plastered no their backs.
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I mean it's fine if you don't like exclusives and don't mind everyone gets all the things handed you grinded for but the majority of people don't like that, which is why the devs reverted the previous plan to hand them out to everyone.
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I think it's more unfair that I dont even get the chance to grind for the items just because I couldn't play day 1, if you think it's unfair that people grinded and others wont then the shine of secrets is unfair, people grind BP to lvl killers but others just skip it to get the teachable, and I agree with someone else just put them in another event in the store tho, I feel like I'm getting shafted after being told I'm gonna get my favorite cosmetic only for it to be literally rip from me due to whining player that had to "grind" so hard for it, well I had to "grind" for my propain hammer but idc if people who were not able to play during the even get it for free or in store, but since it's such a big deal have the event come back and give me a chance to get it
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P.s I'm on console so even if there was a steam code for the thing I wouldnt be able to buy it