Have the D/C Changes Went Live Yet?

Please tell me they have...
Was waiting on the basement bug fix before I started in on my Killer Tome Challenges that require the basement. Decided on an Insidious Bubba's Basement build to meme around and have fun while having to do it and there are folks D/C'ing left and right faster than a kid caught by his parents looking at pr0n, then hollering up a blue moon in chat afterwards. It's absolutely delicious.
Make my day and say the D/C changes have went live already, won't you? If not, I'll wait until they do before continuing this rampage and go back to Survivor challenges for the time being.
Not queen commented on my post and said it was not happening today. Thank God since there are currently several glitches that warrant a DC
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Appreciate the info. So I'm assuming the kicking gen, getting stuck bug is still hanging around. Well, back to survivor for a bit until they fix the killer side now. *sigh*
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Yes it is still hanging around. Just happened to me twice in a row.