Are the DC penalties out yet?

because I literally had a 3 man SWF DC because I slugged the person off the hook since I was freddy, they couldn't use BT, and no one had DS (red ranks btw). after I slugged her 2 DC's IMEDIATLY and she Dced after I hooked her. I killed the 4th after kicking the hatch and I still de pipped. because 3 people are cry babies
do you know how long the punishments are/scale up to?
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I'm gonna just steal this entire comment @Fibijean made and just say I made it (Obviously joking).
Here's fibijeans quote on this exact answer
Currently, if a player disconnects from a certain proportion of the matches they play (I'm not sure of the exact number but I think it's something pretty high, like 75%), they receive an escalating ban penalty. This is the case for all platforms. The penalty starts at a one week ban, and will escalate to two weeks, then 4 weeks, then permanent, with repeat offences.
However, this system is about to be overthrown in favour of a new system. The new system is PC-only, as it is reliant on the dedicated servers to work. As far as I'm aware, we haven't been given any specific numbers for the DC penalties under the new system. This is all the information we've really been given officially (from the June/July Dev Update):
"This new system will feature a growing “lock-out” timer for each time a player disconnects from a match, preventing them from re-queuing until their timer expires. Survive With Friends groups including a player who is currently locked-out will be unable to queue until the lock-out timers for all Survivors in the lobby have expired. The length of the timer gradually decreases so long as the player does not disconnect from additional matches."
The system is planned to go live later today, so hopefully we will receive more information about exactly how it works when that happens.
@Fibijean Made this, not me. 100% of the credit goes to her, It's just easier if I use this to answer your question... since it's already written up and I would just be saying the same things but a bit different.
As for "how long is each DC PENALTY"
I can't give you a 100% accurate depiction of how much time is added to each DC... unless I were to test it myself and... I'm not gonna do that lmao.
Unless someone from BHVR gives an exact amount on each new DC... than we don't know. They most likely won't do that so people will not abuse how long they can DC for and see what's "acceptable" to get away with or something.
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Apparently they haven't been released yet. Last I heard, they were due to go out December 5 but have been delayed due to bug fixes.
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I guess I missed that part in the patchnotes.
Big oof on my part, thank you for the clarification.
@SteelDragon Nevermind about that part Steel, it isn't released YET! But the rest of the stuff I said still stands...
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Holy crap. Those are some harsh punishments. I expected a 30 min lockout if you DC, like most games. Not a week ban or permanent bans. That seems a little excessive.
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he said if they have about a 75% DC rate, that is pretty extreme, if they DC that much they deserve it
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Or don't slug and just try and win without cheap tricks......the slug in dbd is like winning in Mortal Kombat with the same move over and over.
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it was red ranks SWF, my ruin was dead in under 30 seconds, coldwind Thompson house map
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I hope they are on console because I'm tired of losing on BP and challenge credit because killers DC as soon as we power the last gen.
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Delayed due to bugs? Oooh nooo!
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Not bugs with the penalty system itself, but they wanted to prioritise fixing the patch bugs before rolling out a significant change like that.
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Stop with this nonsense.
Just because you don't want to take a perk to deal with slugging doesn't mean it's a "cheap trick".
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Not yet. We'll be enabling them sometime after the hotfix is out on all platforms that'll be using the new system (Steam, Windows Store, Switch). We wouldn't want to start the test if people are still falling through the world, since they could be left with no option but to disconnect.
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What about the bug of killers getting stuck in generators? It wasn't mentioned in the hotfix and leaves killers with no option but to DC.
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So take the L or the safety pip....don't ruin the game. If you ruin the game the survivors are going to DC. Devotion 10- boomer -all p3 killers
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The perk works you only slug one time in a game? Slugging is for the weak minded. If you take the game so seriously you need a 4 k everygame ..maybe go play something else
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so instead of DOING what I can to WIN, on a map that is SURVIVOR SIDED, in a scenario that is HEAVILY SURVIVOR SIDED, I should just play like a nice guy instead of trying to win? tell that to the survivors when my ruin is dead in under 30 seconds. "ooo you got bad luck? well now lets not do gens to be super nice!" until survivors start doing that then NO
seriously this is the most entitled survivor main comment I have ever seen
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Why do you guys keel delaying it?
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There has been "gamebreaking, legitimate reason to disconnect" bug in every major release and most of the minor ones.
Are you going to improve your hotfix response time, do more strenuous testing of major releases (IMO, best option) or suspend the DC penalty at every future release? The only other option I can see is that your customer service department get's wrecked with tickets.
Why have you never made public how you test releases internally? How many people are involved. How long is testing done for?
Development and testing are 2 different parts of a project for a reason. A game that has been out this long, should be SOOOO far past alpha level bugs like you guys put out, every, single, release.
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Im actually a devotion 10 red rank both sides killer main.....I am rank 1 survivor currently and everyseason...and a rank two killer yesterday until I tried for the onis adept which deranked me to 12 ...but I'll get back up... And I never need to slug....I get merciless games with one escaping and I just don't care to play like a jerk...I don't need to.....oh and all p3 killers ;)
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having all p3 killers means nothing other than you have played a lot and wasted a lot of BP because prestieging means nothing, im red rank on both sides to, if they Dced because they couldn't win that game they where a bunch of cry babies
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Says the crybaby on a message p3 means I'm devoted......perhaps you should not be such an angry person....maybe go play something else for a bit.
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Ruin its crap totem based skill, its a luck skill, you depend of luck they fiind it or not, if you cant play withouth ruin, you should use tanatophobia instead, you should not play in a toxic way just because someone its trying to survive and had to do your ruin in order to do his engines, some ppl dont know how to lose with dignity, you can facecamp and slugging but they cant do your ruin ?? are they supossed just walk to you and give you the kill or what ?? Freddy its yet a OP/p2w killer you can literally teleport to any place of the map, why dont you relax and do your match instead of slugging and ruin the match for everyone? you dont notice by rushing to kill, camping and slugging you are shutting down the match for everyone and doing less points yourself plus forcing downrank and bad points on survS ?? you are inmortal, you dont lose anything for playing, just play your match and do some points, even if you kill 4 survs thats only 1 of your emblems, try fill your other emblems. farm points, be fair, make the match be worth to be played by you and survs, dont be toxic just to scrap some sacrifice points, this is only 1 of your objetives, ppl its gonna do your ruin hundred of times, try get over it and dont rage on it like a ******, SWF dosnt mean anything i m always on a swf when i dont play as killer, we all are very bad, our red rank dosnt even infinite loop, we dont use tools to rush engines, most of swf are just party of friends and belive me they are more weak than 4 red rank survs selected just by matchmaking. The killer its the Director of the match, do not act desperate, think if you are sufering cuz the ruin, maybe that surv its also sufering because his gf its on the hook and you slugged him so cant rescue her, he dont even have the silly chance of do a suicide rescue to save her, because you raged on them for do a totem that its meant to be done, think survs are not NPCs there so you can gind, they are also ppl likes you, with feelings and all.