Releasing Unique Cosmetics

So they released the cosmetics that weren't available on other consoles and could only be gotten through things like Twitch Con and so fourth right? Okay, that's fair.

What about Legacy?

Legacy wasn't able to be gotten on the other consoles so wouldn't it be fair if they released it to them in an event or limited time thing? They could make the blood web as hard as it used to be back then and work their way with that.

Just asking what your thoughts are on it--I don't really care but just don't see the fair point in that aspect. :P


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    I personally wish they made a prestige 4 and it can be a bloody version of any cosmetic that comes with the character sigh I can dream

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    Wait, will console ever get something that PC does not then?

  • rch614
    rch614 Member Posts: 551

    Unless they get copyrights to something console exclusive, I don't see the reason for consoles to get something PC wouldn't.

    Console players keep arguing to get legacy or other event cosmetics but they need to just accept that these, especially legacy, were time sensitive events when DBD was in its infancy. It started as a PC game.

    These things came before console. That's why they're PC exclusive, other than Bill (which is Valve). Some of the console players want exclusives just for the sake of having exclusives, which is silly.

    Do I think console should get more skins that PC has? Absolutely. I'm glad they got what they did with this patch. But no one is ever getting legacy again and everyone needs to bury that.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    I am fine with not getting legacy, I bloody hate that skin

  • Cookiescrumble
    Cookiescrumble Member Posts: 39

    But that's not too fair for the other consoles--unless you release something only they can get. I was just bringing it up because it seems a bit off.

  • maaadinsomniac
    maaadinsomniac Member Posts: 447

    Legacy is only one real unique outfit for players who grind the bloodwebs in early 2016. It was really hard, trust me. I'm totally fine with that and glad they don't want to bring it back anymore.

    Only one way how to obtain these cosmetics is by hacking the game, don't do this.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    Why are console players demanding PC exclusives? PC players EARNED their exclusives, especially Legacy. It's like little brothers demanding their parents give them money from their big brother's allowance. The older brother earned their allowance. It would make no sense to take away the bigger brother's allowance and give it to the little brother.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I don't get where all the entitlement comes from. You've just been given exclusives, now a few days later you're hounding the Devs for more.

    It's called legacy for a reason. It's exclusive for a reason. It was released in 2016 for a reason. It was for the players who were REALLY dedicated to the game from the start, where it not only took hundreds if not thousands of hours to prestige but it was at a very different time. I remember the day before legacy I had my trapper at lvl 50 but I still didn't prestige. The grind was that atrocious, I couldn't bear to lvl him up again after prestiging other characters.

    The player base wasn't as big. There was very little killers compared to today. There was basically no double BP ANYTHING. No double BP offerings, add-ons, perks, events. Except for a 2 day double BP event before the deadline.

    During those times you had to ready up every 5 seconds if in a SWF lobby until you finally found a game. SWF was still a very new feature. REAL Infinites were a thing. Hooks did not return. Gens could not be regressed. No bloodlust. Pallet havens. People lost ALL their progress... and cosmetics (cough cough).

    Old jungle gyms had 2 vacuum windows, 2 vacuum pallets. Medium fault didn't exist, you could fast vault from any angle. Totems didn't exist. Exhaustion didn't exist. Vast majority of the content we have today didn't exist.

    So when you say just to put the bloodweb as hard as it used to be, it isn't as simple as that. Legacy was given to dedicated players at the start of the games life...and believe me we really had to grind for it. Releasing it again would just completely disregard the old players who helped form this community and actually stuck with this game despite all of its faults.