Sprint Burst

My feedback is I really dislike that we have to wait while running from the killer to be able to use it again. I hate this mod, can we please have the old Sprint Burst back.


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200


  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2018
    My feedback is I really dislike that we have to actually time pallets while running from the killer.  I hate this mod, can we have the vacuum back?  Or just have pallets automatically fall on a killer and stun them when they are chasing me?
  • QuicKFisH
    QuicKFisH Member Posts: 9

    Can i let a bot play the game automatically for me? Old sprintburst is broken. Period.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    rObLoCo said:

    My feedback is I really dislike that we have to wait while running from the killer to be able to use it again. I hate this mod, can we please have the old Sprint Burst back.

    Nice b8 m8.
    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    Are you kidding me? Its actually the best thing ever!!
    I can now control sprint burst, call me crazy but for me the Dev's have actually buffed sprint burst.
    And just wait by a pallet and while crouching during a chase pallet stun run, crouch, and juke and you can get it back pretty easily.
    True I do miss the ability to use it during a chase, but I kinda like it this way. I'm sorry buddy.